
What's on this November

Georgia Project Lecture Series Part II

Addressing the beholder in Georgian and Byzantine wall paintings 
Barbara Schellewald
16 November 2021, 3:00pm

Viewers are addressed differently by changing the constellations of images, developing complex narrative strategies or alternative visual concepts. Painters modified their concepts during their working process, which underlines the diagnosis that they were composing their scenes according not only to the specific situation of a sacred space and the available wall and vault areas, but by considering the perception modes of the beholder. This lecture will focus on these phenomena, also by relating Georgian and Byzantine paintings to one another.

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Lecture Series Phenomenon 'Colour'

Direkt nach der Natur. Zur Verwendung des Autochroms als Bildmedium der Wissenschaften und Wissensvermittlung
Caroline Fuchs
30 November 2021, 5:00pm

Im Jahr 1907 wurde mit der Veröffentlichung des Autochroms der Brüder Lumière ein Farbfotografie-Verfahren verfügbar, das als das erfolgreichste Einplattenverfahren des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts gilt. In bestimmten Bereichen der Wissenschaft und Wissensvermittlung wurde das Autochrom als Bildmedium teilweise mit großem Erfolg genutzt. Der Vortrag stellt einzelne Beispiele einer solchen Verwendung vor und diskutiert, in welcher Weise das Autochrom hier eingesetzt wurde und wie die fotografische Farbaufzeichnung in dieser frühen Verwendung präsentiert und kommentiert wurde.

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The KHI Amerindian Lecture Series

Textiles/Art. An Essay on Aesthetic Categories in Twentieth-Century Peru 
Natalia Majluf
11 November 2021, 5:30pm

This lecture departs from the fact of the absence of nineteenth and twentieth century textiles from modern Peruvian collections, questioning specifically the ambivalent place of Aymara and Quechua weavings in the national imaginary. At once hyper visible and absent, an ever-present surface in the cultural sphere and a marginalized aesthetic practice, textiles allow a critical point of entry into crucial issues of the Peruvian twentieth century, forcing into view the aporias of dominant discourses of art, race, culture and nation.

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Representing the Incommensurable, Recreating the Inconceivable: The Case of Andean Artists and Their Contemporary Artwork
María Eugenia Ulfe
25 November 2021, 5:30pm

In this lecture, María Eugenia Ulfe argues that ‘quasi-events’ (in Povinelli’s terms) help artists to pick up what is relevant from common lives, what is immeasurable, sensible and inconceivable, and what makes these experiences concrete in visual narratives depicted on retablos and other artforms. Retablos have evolved and more recently these artworks incorporate the pain and sorrow left by COVID-19, as well as current political manifestations in Peru. From depicting memory and violence to recreating the pandemic, artists not only recreate memory but also contribute to construction of historical accounts in our contemporary lives.

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4A Lab Seminars

The Shadow of Trees: Photography and Visual Realism in Early Twentieth-Century China
Qiuzi Guo
22 November 2021, 4:00pm

Qiuzi Guo's presentation will discuss how Chinese photographers have negotiated the optical experience across Western and non-Western paradigms, and the impact this has had on their rhetoric of vision and perception of nature.

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Practices of Imagination 
Interdisciplinary workshop organised within the framework of the Research Group Ethico-Aesthetics of the Visual 
25-27 November 2021, 2-7pm

The workshop aims to explore the reciprocal relationship between excesses and disciplining exercises of the imagination. The focus will be on the epochal transition from the late Middle Ages to the early modern period, but there will also be a few outlooks into the 20th century. The purpose is not to arrive at an exhaustive historical reconstruction of theories of imagination and imaginary practices. Rather, we hope to tease out those ethical-aesthetic, artistic, and political dimensions that have been overlooked in previous historically oriented considerations of the concept. It is therefore more a matter of critically analysing how ruling societies have often misused the category of the imaginative in order to stigmatise and discipline unruly or intransigent “others”. Indeed, the demarcation between the legitimately imaginable and the unimaginable is not confined to private cognitive and meditative practice, but encompasses rituals, ways of speaking, ways of remembering, multiple ways of generating knowledge, artistic production and reception, configurations of public space or everyday objects.

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Neue Tendenzen der Italienforschung zu Mittelalter und Renaissance 
29.  30. November 2021
Bibliotheca Hertziana

Ziel des interdisziplinären Workshops ist es, jüngere Ansätze der Italienforschung kritisch zu würdigen, ein Forum intensiven Austausches zu schaffen und die Italienforschung in Deutschland insgesamt zu stärken. Fortgeschrittene Promovierende, Post-Docs und Habilitierende präsentieren Themen aus den Bereichen der Geschichte und Kunstgeschichte des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit (bis um 1600) sowie anschlussfähiger Nachbardisziplinen. Zur Diskussion stehen sowohl inhaltliche als auch theoretisch-methodische Fragen. Die Veranstaltung wird organisiert von der Bibliotheca Hertziana Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte, dem Deutschen Historischen Institut in Rom, dem Kunsthistorischen Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut sowie den Universitäten Erlangen-Nürnberg, Hamburg und Kassel. 

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Save the date

Doctoral and Early Career Researchers Conference
Against Identity? Discourses of Art History and Visual Culture in Italy

9–10 December 2021
Florence and online

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Online Exhibition
Art History with a Camera. The photography of Ralph Lieberman 

Beginning on 30 November 2021

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Transpacific Engagements: Trade, Translation, and Visual Culture of Entangled Empires (1565-1898)

Edited by Florina H. Capistrano-Baker and Meha Priyadarshini 

Transpacific Engagements: Trade, Translation, and Visual Culture of Entangled Empires (1565–1898) is a joint publication of the Ayala Foundation, the Getty Research Institute and the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut
Between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries, competing European empires, notably Spain, Portugal, Great Britain, the Netherlands, and France, amongst others, vied for commercial and political control of transoceanic networks, particularly the transpacific routes between Asia and the Americas. In its essays, the book addresses the resulting cultural and artistic exchanges with an emphasis on both the Spanish and American enterprises in the Asia-Pacific region.

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Work with us

Wissenschaftliche*r Bibliothekar*in (Teilzeit 50%)

Die Bibliothek des Kunsthistorischen Institutes in Florenz sucht zum 01.12.2021 eine*n Wissenschaftliche*n Bibliothekar*in (Teilzeit 50 %).

Bewerbungsschluss: 15.11.2021

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Library and Photo Library limited opening

To access the Library (Via Giusti 44), users are required to make an online reservation:
The Photo Library (and the Ya section of the Library) in Palazzo Grifoni is accessible on request by email:
Access to the Library and Photo Library is only possible on presentation of a European Green Pass (digital or printed).

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