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November 8, 2021  |  Vol. 3 No. 45


C2P - Weekly Parish Newsletter 

The theme for Advent this year is
“Draw Near to Christ.”

Visit the Advent webpage for Advent inspiration, weekly reflections,
and more for your parish communications. Additional graphics to come November 15th.

Parish Financial Service

Setting housing allowance amount

Before the end of every calendar year, finance councils should designate the parish priest(s) housing allowance for the coming year. Learn more



Stewardship and Development

Stewardship of Treasure: follow-up/ask 1

THIS WEEKEND: November 13-14
Click here to read this week's Tips for Success

Marriage and Family Life

Year of the Family bulletin insert #4

Share the Joy of Family Life  
Jesus's plan for family life is designed to be joyful, but it can be a struggle too. Share this new Year of the Family bulletin insert on finding joy in family life with your parish community. Bulletin Insert #4 in English and Spanish  |  Year of the Family webpage 

Marriage and Family Life: At Home with Faith

Connecting children to faith

through parents and grandparents
Family resources for your parish community 
This week's topic: Honor your elders. Our parents and grandparents have given us so much. The At Home with Faith webpage includes Scripture reflections and faith resources for the family. Updated every Thursday. Digital assets


Washington State Catholic Conference

You can help inform the 2022 legislative priorities

Please take a quick WSCC survey and share your Catholic advocacy priorities? Our survey encompasses life and justice issues, spanning all of Catholic social teaching. Learn more. Take the survey in English and Spanish

Washington State Catholic Conference

Important message regarding Catholic advocacy

Introducing a new model for Catholic advocacy that empowers parishes to advocate year-round, and the retirement of the Catholic Advocacy Day (CAD) model. Learn more


TODAY: Mass of Remembrance 

November 8 at 7pm, St. James Cathedral / livestream
People around the archdiocese are invited to submit the names of loved ones who have died of COVID-19, so they can be honored at Mass. 
Click here to submit a name. Read story on


National Vocation Awareness Week

THIS WEEK: Celebrated November 7-13
Help us promote National Vocation Awareness week at your parish.
NEW - Social media posts  |  Learn more  |  Digital assets

The Priesthood – Webinar

THIS WEEK: November 13 from 2-3pm
Men in the Archdiocese of Seattle age 13-40 are invited to join Father Justin Ryan online for a discussion about the priesthood, steps for discernment, seminary life and more! Learn more  |  Webinar link

Hispanic Ministry

Hispanic Ministry Vocations Week event

THIS WEEK: November 11 from 7-8pm via Zoom
Event link  |  Register  |  Digital asset

Ven y verás para familias y jóvenes

Este evento virtual iniciará con una dinámica conversación con las y los panelistas transmitida vía Facebook live. Luego, quienes se inscriban por Zoom al evento virtual, tendrán la oportunidad de conocer más y platicar individualmente con los panelistas. Inscríbete aquí y recibirás el enlace de Zoom para que pueda participar plenamente en este evento virtual. 

Hispanic Ministry

27th Anniversary of the Celebration to Our Lady of Guadalupe: Mother of the Americas

December 4
Everyone  is welcome to this great celebration to honor Our Lady of Guadalupe: Mother of the Americas. While most of the program is in Spanish, all are welcome!
• 8:30 am – Holy Hour at St. Mary´s
• 9:30 am – Rosary at St. Mary´s
• 10:15 am – Procession from St. Mary´s to St.James Cathedral
• 12:10 pm – Mass at St.James Cathedral
Bookmark this link to stay informed
Digital assets to promote this event will be available November 15.  

Hispanic Ministry

Pastoral Leadership Network for Hispanic Ministry

December 16 at 9:30am - Virtual

The PLNHM will be honored with the presence of Archbishop Paul D. Etienne at this last quarterly meeting of 2021. Please register/RSVP here (you will need to register to receive the call link)
Learn more


Young Adult Ministry: For ages 18-39

Join Pope Francis in the Celebration
of Youth and Young Adults

November 21: Christ the King Sunday
Feel free to use this prayer in the weeks leading up to and on Christ the King Sunday. Click here for the English and Spanish prayer. Digital Assets


Criminal Justice Ministry

How you can interrupt mass incarceration

An evening of stories and fundraising 
November 21 from 7-8pm via Zoom
Archdiocesan Criminal Justice Ministry invites you to a special evening of storytelling and fundraising for Underground Ministries, our partner organization in the effort to end mass incaceration via our One Parish One Prisoner initiative.  Please join us to learn how you can help! Click here to register  |  Read Lily's story


Pastoral Care and Outreach

Inclusion Ministry – Faith Friends open house

December 12 from 10am-12pm, St. James Cathedral
Archdiocesan Inclusion Ministry invites you to St. James Cathedral's open house for the Faith Friends Program, an inclusion model for faith formation and sacramental prep for children and teens with disabilities.  
Learn more  |  Bulletin Insert


Be Alert: Fake Invoices from QuickBooks

We are aware of a series of fake invoices that mimic QuickBooks are circulating.
Please delete these if you receive them.


Official Mass Attendance Counts

Thank you to everyone who turned in your Mass counts.
Please turn in any remaining data this week.

Click here for the Mass Count form.
Reminder Information
This information was presented in past C2Ps.

Archives & Records Management

Sacramental records training - virtual

NEXT WEEK: November 15 –  Click here to register
Workshop will include a summary of sacramental records policies, as well as some practical tips and a Q & A session. Please make sure all appropriate staff are aware of these! Training will be simultaneously translated into Spanish. Flyer to share in English and Spanish 

Faith Formation

Faith Formation November newsletter

Click here to read in English and/or Spanish

Hispanic Ministry

1. Hispanic religious practices during COVID-19 

Please review in-person and virtual guidelines and suggestions in English and Spanish for:
• Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe – December 3-11
• Our Lady of Guadalupe – December 12
• Posadas – December 16-24 

2. Choir workshop for Our Lady of Guadalupe

SATURDAY: November 13 from 9am-12pm - Virtual 
Learn more. Please stay tuned to the format of these events on our Facebook page @CatolicosNW.


Rite of Election 2022

Each parish is asked to complete the Parish Information Form and submit it to the Liturgy Office by January 31, 2022. Learn more

Young Adult Ministry: For ages 18-39

Theology on Tap: 3-Part series on sainthood 

TODAY: November 8: "What is it with Catholics and saints?" with Bishop Elizondo. Learn more. 
November 29: "Who were the saints?" with speaker panel
December 13: "Why is Mary a big deal?" with Father Art Gramaje
All session will be at Queen Anne Beerhall, 7-8:30pm. 
NEW – Parish Bulletin  |  Learn more about the series  |  Digital assets
Pope Francis' Synodal Process

Synodal Process resources

Letter to Parishes  |  Timeline  |  Liturgy Guide: English and Spanish

Nominate Synod coordinator volunteer

Send your nomination directly to For volunteer description and responsibilities, click here. Training sessions start in November - Stay tuned! 


Parish Resources

"For Parishes" Quick Links 

You can also find these on

Ongoing Campaigns 

Information and resources 
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