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'The body knows much more than we think it does. It is time to really listen to it.'

From the video interview with artist Narges Mohammadi

This newsletter is above all a true invitation. We invite you not only to participate in our workshops in Arnhem, Zwolle or Enschede, we also invite you, inspired by artist Narges Mohammadi, to listen to your own body, to your intuition. To really, really listen. Because the body knows.

Below you will find our invitations. We hope to meet you in the coming month.

Roadmap to Equality in the Arts | Workshop

The Future of the Art School

Wednesday 3 November 2021 | 18.00 - 20.00 | Arnhem

How might the art college of the future look, smell, sound, taste like? What values would you like to focus on, and how could you give expression to those values? What if you could dream, explore and make freely? During a workshop for students on November 3, we will explore possible new visions for higher art education while making. The workshop will be given by Els Cornelis.

Entrance is free, but please register via this registration form on our website

Wednesday 3 November 2021
18.00 - 20.00 hrs
ArtEZ Arnhem, Kraton Building, room k2.10
Host: Catelijne de Muijnck
English or Dutch spoken (depending on the preference of the attendees)
Jeanine van Berkel - A score for silence, 2021 (Foto: Anastasija Kiake)

Body & Power(lessness) | Workshop

Soft Histories – Embodied writing workshop by Jeanine van Berkel

Thursday 11 november 2021 | 16:30 to 19:30 | Enschede

What exists in between remembering, forgetting and imagination?

During the workshop we will explore how to listen to (generational) knowledge in our bodies and translate this into writing. In what way does writing from lived experience make new ways of making, living and theorising possible? We will look into how embodied writing – especially when it incorporates photographs, music, citations, stories, memories, or performances – provide an exercise in reading and listening differently.

Admission is free, please just register via our website. Max. 10 people.
Thursday 11 november 2021
16:30 to 19:30 hrs
AKI Enschede
Host: Rana Ghavami
English spoken

Hotel Modern & Arthur Sauer – ONS WERELDRIJK (Foto: Bas Czerwinski).

Lichaam en (on)Macht | Kitchen Table Conversations

Kitchen Table Conversations - Het Lichaam en (on)Macht

Dinsdag 23 november 2021 | 14.00 - 22.00 uur | Zwolle

Na lange tijd van lockdowns en afstand, ontmoeten lichamen elkaar weer in de academies en openbare ruimte. Wat draag je mee, hoe verhoud je je tot elkaar, wat belichaam je zoal?
In vijf workshops onderzoeken we de diepere lagen hiervan en het spanningsveld tussen het individuele en het collectieve, dat door de pandemie scherp naar voren is gekomen. 

’s Middags kun je kiezen uit een onderzoek naar collectieve vraagstukken via lichaam en spel met Giselle Vegter en een goed (socratisch) gesprek met Wouter Klein Velderman. Dan zijn er pizza’s, als je je hiervoor inschrijft (deadline 12 november). ’s Avonds zijn er workshops over verbeeldingen van het lichaam en embodied practices door Pauline Kalker van Hotel Modern, choreografe en activiste Paula Chaves Bonilla en Rabiaâ Benlahbib van Creative Court, een organisatie op het snijvlak van kunst en sociale rechtvaardigheid.

Bekijk het programma en schrijf je in via onze website.
De voorbereidingen zijn nog volop bezig en de komende weken verschijnt meer informatie bij de workshops. 

Dinsdag 23 november 2021
Sophiagebouw, Zwolle
14.00 - 22.00 uur
Host: Mirjam Zegers
Nederlands gesproken (Paula Chaves Bonilla: English)

Vanwege corona-protocollen is deze dag uitsluitend toegankelijk voor ArtEZ-studenten en -medewerkers.

Interview Narges Mohammadi: 'The body knows much more than we think it does.'

Body & Power(lessness) | video interview

Interview with artist Narges Mohammadi

Video made by Irene Constandse and Kees Veling

Artist Narges Mohammadi talks about her exhibition In Your Touch, I Remain and about her work. How specific energies, histories or stories can be transferred through the hands into the material. Her artistic practice stems from a position of in-betweenness – a space embedded within separated cultural histories.

This video interview is part of our project The Body and Power(lessness), on how we physically experience autonomy, power(lessness), (in)justice, care and collectivity. Please visit our website to see the whole interview.

Body & Power(lessness) | online exhibition

more_____, less_____

Short dance film by Daria Titova and Ekaterina Konovalova

Today we present, as part of our online exhibition Body and Power(lessness), a short dance film called more____, less___ by Daria Titova (4th year Dancer/Maker) and Ekaterina Konovalova (4th year Graphic Design). The film is an embodied exploration of the inner fight with the external expectations that each one of us is facing on a daily basis. Watch the film and read more about the project on our website.

Open call Online Exhibition Body and Power(lessness)

Have you created work or do you have something in development that connects to the theme Body and Power(lessness)? Let us know! We are making an online exhibition with student work around this theme and would love to hear from you. 

APRIA Redefining Oikos | Event

What does artistic research look like within ArtEZ?

Wednesday 10 November 2021 | 15 - 17 hrs | Arnhem

Are you interested in research in the arts?

ArtEZ studium generale organizes an event for ArtEZ BA and MA students who have an interest in research, for researchers of the ArtEZ professorships and for anyone else within ArtEZ interested in research by and in the arts. The event is organized around the selected contributions in response to the APRIA Open Call Where do we feel at home? Redefining Oikos. With short films and conversations on the presented research contributions and an open discussion about what research can look like within ArtEZ.

Please register via the registration form on our website

Wednesday 10 November 2021
15.00 - 17.00 hrs
collegezaal Kraton ArtEZ Arnhem: K4.04
Host: Catelijne de Muijnck
English spoken
APRIA launched a new Open Call: Ways of Knowing.

This year APRIA’s Open Call wants to investigate how knowledge is created, shared and used. We welcome creative research (academic, artistic, or process-based) that can be published as text, but also image essays, film and sound contributions.

Please find more details on our website

'These stories made me think of you'

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