Having a positive attitude to healthy eating and exercise undoubtedly benefits our general health and wellbeing. But how can we help ourselves to develop a positive mental attitude when we are beginning to feel the effects of ageing?
I remember the motivational guru, the late Richard Denny*, teaching me how to develop a positive mental attitude when I was at a crucial stage in my career. What I learned from him, changed my life.
I have adopted and adapted so many of his ideas over the years and taught them to others, particularly helping folks to lose weight and become fitter. Whilst we might have clocked up a few years since then, the facts still remain as valid today – in some cases, even more so.
Here, I have developed some of Richard’s tips to help us transform the way we think now:
- We all need a goal. Whatever our age, we all need something to aim for. Set yourself some weight- and fitness-goals to motivate you to succeed, and jot them down. We are much more likely to achieve our goals if we put it down in black and white.
- Be persistent. Failure cannot live with persistence. If we say I can do something… we almost certainly will. But if we say I can’t, we almost certainly will not! If we fall off the wagon with our healthy eating plan, don’t worry. Let’s pick ourselves up and start again tomorrow.
- Mix with positive people. As we age it is really important that we avoid the ‘negs’- a term used to describe those negative folks who moan about everything! We really don’t need them in our lives.
- Never give up! Remember, we don’t fail until we stop trying. Attempting to exercise is one of the most rewarding activities we can do as our body responds so positively, enabling us to progress more quickly than we ever might have expected. Practise your exercises and be amazed at how quickly your body develops stamina and strength. Try the progressive exercises featured in The 28-Day Immunity Plan Workout to see for yourself!
- Nobody’s good at everything. Realise our strengths and acknowledge our weaknesses and work around them. If jogging is out of the question, a strong walk is brilliant exercise and great for our fitness and fat burning.
- Success comes one step at a time. As we focus on our goals, we need to keep a note and measure our successes. Why not try the DIY Fitness Test and monitor your progress and check it again in a month? Try using a Magic Measure and see your inches disappearing each week.
- Keep a ‘Positive Notebook’. This is a notebook where we can jot down anything positive – a pound lost on the scales; an inch off our waist; a dress that now fits… plus kind remarks people say to us. Keeping positive notes about our day, and about how we feel, helps us feel better about ourselves.
- Stop making excuses. Try to stop finding reasons to put off doing those tasks we are resisting. Do the worst tasks first and then we will feel great about ourselves and achieve so much more!
- Every goal achieved is important. Success breeds success and when we achieve any goal, no matter how small, it helps us to grow in confidence, and self-confidence super-charges our positive mental attitude.
- Enjoy every day and keep smiling. A smile is infectious and people can’t help but smile back, and when they do, it brightens up our day too!
This video, where I chat to Neuro-physiotherapist JD Hylton, sums it up perfectly: Positive attitude, the key to success!
*The Richard Denny training organisation continues today at www.denny.co.uk.
Recipe of the Week
Thyme Roasted Root Vegetables (v)
It is the perfect time of the year to cook root vegetables so here is a delicious recipe of root vegetables that is low in fat but high in flavour. Try to cut the vegetables to the same sized pieces as this will help them to cook evenly. By adding fresh herbs, we transform the flavour of an ordinary dish into something special.

Serves 4
Per serving: 202 Kcal, 2.5g fat
Prep time: 20 mins
Cooking time: 55 mins
Rapeseed oil spray
2 large red onions, cut into wedges
8 medium carrots, roughly cut
8 medium parsnips, roughly cut
1 small celeriac, chopped
1 small swede, diced
1 small head celery, sliced
1 bulb fennel, sliced
2 garlic cloves, sliced
2 tablespoons light soy sauce
2 tablespoons chopped fresh thyme
1 tsp finely chopped lemongrass
- Preheat the oven to 200°C, 400°F, Gas Mark 6.
- After preparing all the vegetables, place in a large non-stick roasting tray and spray with rapeseed oil spray. Season well with black pepper and mix well. Scatter the garlic slices over and drizzle with soy sauce. Mix again, coating the vegetables with the soy sauce and spray again with the rapeseed oil spray.
- Place in the top of the oven for 35–40 minutes until soft, turning occasionally.
- Remove from the oven and add the thyme and lemongrass, mixing all the ingredients together. Return to the oven for a further 10–15 minutes.
Fun, Facts & Fitness from Mary Morris MSc.

Reading Rosemary's piece this week with a reminder of those wonderful words of Richard Denny prompted me to 'get back on track'. I know you may think that someone like me, whose work is centred around food and fitness, is surely not in need of those reminders! But as for all of us, life can get very hectic and the usual routines fall by the wayside. I discovered that my fitness level had dropped somewhat whilst out on a walk recently and some of my members went flying past me up a hill! So, let's all re-focus, as now is such a good time with the changing seasons and the festive period creeping up on us.
Using the DIY Fitness Test from The 28 Day Immunity Plan is a good starting point and then set a date for a re-test. Write down your goal for the next week, month or even 3 months (your choice) and commit to it!
Some useful Tips to help you succeed:
- Place your written commitment somewhere prominent so you see it regularly as a constant reminder.
- Keep your fitness gear in a place for easy access and a reminder of your intentions.
- Tell as many others as possible what your goals are and seek their support.
- With the darker nights you may need to change the timing of your daily walk. Set the new time and stick with it.
- On a scale of 1-10 ask yourself how motivated you are to reach your new goal.
- Then ask yourself on a scale of 1-10 how confident you are that you will succeed. Ideally that needs to be 8 or higher!
- Recognise how you talk to yourself. A ‘PMA’ (a Positive Mental Attitude) makes success much more likely. Think positive thoughts!
This Week's Fitness Challenge
- Do all the tests from the DIY Fitness Test and record your scores. Find a buddy to help you, if you can. Set a date for the re-test, ideally one month from now.
- Select one of the exercise programmes from The 28-Day Immunity Plan Workout by finding the right level to suit your current fitness and do it 3 times this week. Choose from Week 1 (elementary) to Week 4 (advanced). This progressive exercise programme offers a comprehensive whole-body strength programme.
- Choose a new route this week for a 30+ minute walk with some challenging inclines!
Attack this week with positivity!
And Finally...
Wishing you a great week ahead. Have fun and stay positive!
With love and best wishes,

Rosemary Conley CBE DL