CHAOTOPIA Yuletide 2021

To all you subscribers out there!

Don't forget that Chaotopia School of Magic is still offering the free course Magical Self-Care, which might be just the job for you and your loved ones as we go into yet another phase of the pandemic. 


To celebrate the release of Anwen's Rune-Card set we're reducing the price of my Introduction to Rune Magic / Runic Sorcery on Chaotopia School of Magic. It's now only £35 for 10 videos plus handouts!

Coming early next year - Primordial Chaos: Writings Then and Now, by Dave Lee
Remember The Lamp of Thoth? Pagan News? Chaos International? Some older writings, some public magical workings, and some new reflections on those times from now, complete with bits of memoir. 
Publication will be with Universe Machine early 2022.

MWCB is developing an exciting new series of courses for 2022, plus an online meditation group, Exploring Meditation. This will run for six sessions, fortnightly, from 20th January. I'll be introducing some meditation basics but it's not a course - it's a drop-in, where you can come to as many sessions as you like, at £10 per session, or come anyway if you can't afford that. 



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