
When you want to go outside...

Beacon's Open Space Index

Beacon's Conservation Advisory Committee is conducting a community survey to guide the protection of your favorite open and green spaces. (parks, gardens, playgrounds, wildlife areas, trails, etc.)

The survey asks,

  • When you want to be outside, where do you go? What do you like to do?
  • What are the barriers keeping you from visiting Beacon’s parks and open spaces?
  • What might make Beacon’s open space more accessible, inclusive, or equitable?

Take the survey by October 30.

The more people that give input, the stronger this Index will be. The CAC will then develop an actionable plan for protecting and preserving these spaces, and ensuring access to the activities you want to engage in there.

The survey is short, anonymous, and (attention map lovers!) there is an option to directly add your spots to an interactive map of Beacon.

Take the Survey
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