
Generations & Gender Programme

Tuesday Ocotber 26th - The next GGP-Connect 

The GGP launched a new webinar series called GGP-Connect. The webinars will showcase the work of the national teams and provide insights into the new round of GGS data collection.
The next webinar of the GGP-Connect series will be held on the 26th of Ocotber at 13h00 (Amsterdam time). Tiina Tambaum will be talking about the organisation of the pilot survey and the specificities of the Estonian GGS. She will also introduce the incentive scheme that was used during the pilot survey and talk about the respective plans for the upcoming full survey. In addition, Martin Klesment will be presenting some preliminary findings, with a specific focus on the effectiveness of incentives. Finally, some insights will be provided on how the local survey agency managed reminders to respondents and whether this may have had an effect on response rate.

Registration is now open! Please use the following link to register as attendee: After registration, the link to access the webinar will be sent to your mail.
Please note that the webinar will be recorded. Any questions you ask during the Q&A may therefore be included in the recording and later posted on the GGP website.
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