
Sunday Service Follow-Up

October 24, 2021 

Thank you for joining us today! Below are questions for you to consider related to today's message, "Children of God" from 1 John 2:28-3:3. We'd love to hear your feedback about how our service is going!

  1. How does this text connect with what John has already said?
  2. What does it mean to have confidence and not shame at the appearing of Jesus? How is that possible?
  3. What is significant about being called a child of God? How is this possible? Why is it a higher privilege than justification? 
  4. Is this a truth you think about often? Why or why not?
  5. How does remembering your identity as a child of God encourage or help you to have hope now and for the future?
  6. How does it impact the way you view and live life? How you relate to God?
  7. How can we help one another remember and apply this truth in our daily lives?
  8. Who is someone you can encourage with something you learned from the text or sermon?
Highlights: Coming This Week: Songs from Sunday (Spotify Playlist):
Look and See - The Village Church
How Deep the Fathers Love for Us - Austin Stone Worship
Great Things - Phil Wickham
Wondrous Love - The Journey Collective
Grace Alone - The Modern Post

Next Sunday: Jesus' Mission, 1 John 3:4-10, Mark Mullery
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