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ENews # 12 - Fall

Hi Rural Folks Across Canada!
This is our twelfth monthly eNews, which shares more information of rural ministry initiatives across Canada, mostly in the United Church of Canada.

Welcome to our new subscribers.

Past eNewsletters are archived at

Have a rural story you would like to share? You are welcome to submit your story to Connor at Please try to keep articles 300 to 500 words.

You may notice that articles in this edition of the ENews are a little shorter than usual. That's on purpose! In an effort to keep things shorter and to the point, we will now be sharing snippets of articles and stories in our newsletter but hosting the full versions on our website at Please let us know what you think of the change by emailing

Devotional from Joyce Sasse

Submitted by Catherine Christie
By Joyce Sasse

As the major United Nations summit on climate change takes place from 31 October to 12 November, 2021, let us consider these words from Joyce Sasse, and pray for healing of the world.
"For the majority of us, living through Covid-19-21 is like having a horrid nightmare. We can only wonder what the next daylight will reveal. 

It’s ridiculous to assume the time will come again “when things will get back to normal”. That is equivalent to touching a hot stove repeatedly to see if it will burn our hand again! Neither we nor our planet can survive more of the abuse we have already done to the environment and the whole of Creation. It is up to us, now, to do what we can to sustain the earth by assuring coming generations that whatever clean air and water and soil we can build on will be part of a legacy to be treasured. 

We can appreciate the ways Covid-19-21 has already changed us: the way we think, the adjustments and ways we are forced to do things differently. If we creatures believe ourselves to be touched by a caring and merciful Creator-Spirit, Covid-19-21 has given us a chance to right ourselves so we can experience the joy that comes with healing."

This is an excerpt from Joyce Sasse's downloadable e-book, Gleanings from a Prairie Pastor – downloadable from

Jumpstarting Your
Affirming Journey Online!

Submitted by Miranda Martini

Have your Affirming efforts stalled due to COVID-19? You can keep your momentum by starting or continuing the Affirming process online!

At this event on Tuesday October 26, 7:30pm MT, Affirming Connections Director Pam Rocker will share tips, tools, and stories to help you pursue your Affirming journey through online or hybrid gatherings and events. We'll also have a Q&A featuring guests from Affirming congregations that have undergone this process online, so be sure to bring your questions.

Everyone is welcome - invite people in your faith community to come so you can be inspired together and share your own learnings.

Registration is free and required. Please register here.

New Column: Ask the Experts!

Submitted by Eric Skillings

We've been getting some tech related questions from readers, so we feel like it is a great opportunity to start a column answering the questions for everyone!

We were asked:

"We have recently returned to in person services, and are looking to continue to record our services for uploading to fb. We were able to record from zoom and upload, but now we are looking for some technology help. There are two churches that alternate services monthly. The one church has internet and the smaller one does not. We would be able to live record through internet on the one for upload. My questions are: 1) Can we record on a phone and upload to fb without live streaming? 2) Is a phone too small a memory to do this?"

Martin Dawson of PEI answered:
Yes, you can record the video on a smartphone. The problem is the size of the file and the storage on the particular smartphone.  Older phones have only 8 to 16 GB of storage on the phone, of which most of it is needed just to run the operating system and a few apps. Newer phones vary from 32 to 128GB of onboard storage. Apple phones do not give you the option of using a micro-sd card to augment the storage space; however, many Android phones do. If you have such a phone (my Motorola does and so does my older LG brand phone), you can insert the micro-sd card into it (through a side drawer or by removing the back) and then go to settings  of camera to allow the recording to go directly to the micro-sd card instead of the phones own storage.
An hour of recording could take up 5-10 GB depending on whether it is high definition (1080p). 750p. is good enough to keep the file size lower. Here is a link to explain how to upload it to Facebook along with some of their requirements.
Also, be sure that the smartphone is near the speaker if you are only using the phone's internal microphone.

Stay tuned for the answer in our next newsletter! If you have a question you'd like answered, or you have an answer to one of the questions, please email

Live and Livestream Streaming Forums

Submitted by Eric Skillings

Streaming Forums

To be part of these forums, just send an email and you will be supplied the link in a reply email.
More "What's Next" Conversations: Check out for the link at

The “Live and Live Stream” discussion group at Edge:
The Live and Live Stream meeting times are set each week or two. If interested in participating, email: to be included in the following invitations.


    Want to do your own Online Workshop?

** You supply the topic and the leadership
** UCRMN will supply the logistics, such as; advertising in our monthly ENews, Registration, Zoom platform and all the administration needed for a successful workshop.

    Email Connor at to talk about possibilities.

        Why a cost for the workshops?

UCRMN has been granted $5,000 from United Church of Canada Foundation to set up the Network. One of the goals is to make UCRMN self sufficient. The token costs will help with accountability. We are not expecting the $10 cost to cover actual expenses.

We are open to any ideas how we can make UCRMN self sufficient: Please Email with suggestions.

So Long For Now!
We hope you enjoyed this "work in process".
Any suggestions are most welcomed. Email

Please forward this email to your Rural Ministry Colleagues and encourage them to subscribe from our webpage at

Who is UCRMN?
We are a Volunteer Network that is collecting and posting Rural Ministries initiatives in the United Church - across Canada - in one place;

If you have an interest in finding out more, or to volunteer as a Board Member or in some other way, please email us at

Blessings on your ministry!    
Catherine, Eric, Donna, Felicia and Shelley
Copyright © 2021 United Church Rural Ministry Network, All rights reserved.

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