Register now for Europe Biobank Week 2021 (8-10 November)
Europe Biobank Week is in two weeks from now!
#EBW21 is the unique opportunity to meet representatives in biobanking as well as other scientific experts from healthcare, academia, and industry!
Join us on 8-10 November 2021 and share knowledge with the global biobanking community.
Register here, get the full programme here and visit for more details.

Quality Management
BBMRI.QM Academy!
In October BBMRI.QM Academy presented 2 parts of a 3-part series of interactive, case-based, live-learning webinars accredited by EACCME ®. The series about "Pre-Analytical Phases of Biobanking", presented by key expert Łukasz Kozera, is very well received. Roughly 135 people joined each of the first two sessions, hailing from 21 countries including several outside of the BBMRI member and observer states.
Accreditation by the EACCME® with 2 European CME credits (ECMEC®s) for each of the 3 live educational webinars
We are pleased to confirm that all 3 parts of the webinar series have been accredited by the EACCME® with 2 European CME credits (ECMEC®s) each.
ECMEC®s are recognised not only in a majority of European countries (with which the EACCME® has signed agreements), but also in the USA and Canada. When an EACCME® certificate is handed in to the National Accreditation Authority, the credits will automatically be recognised and converted into national credits. Please consider the UEMS regulations for obtaining ECMEC®s.
Have a look at our e-learning of BBMRI.QM Academy and make sure to register for the last part of the series: Science behind the pre-analytical phase, quality assurance schemes in biobanking of pre-analytical phases of biobanking.
We hope to see you again for the last installment on Wednesday, October 27.
Contact and information: Ulrike Rohrer -
BBMRI-ERIC is looking forward to expand their offerings in the BBMRI Academy in the years to come.
EU-funded SPIDIA4P project wins CEN/CENELEC Standards + Innovation Award
The 2021 edition of the CEN and CENELEC Standards+Innovation Awards was presented on 5 October 2021 to celebrate and acknowledge the important contribution of research and innovation to standardization.
Nominations for these awards came from the CEN and CENELEC national members and represent success stories of combining innovation and standardization from all over Europe. This year, a total of 23 nominations from 13 different members were received: 9 in the Project category, 9 in the Individual Researcher category and 5 in the new Young Researcher category. The Project and Individual Researcher nominees were all assessed based on three criteria: link with standardization, impact for the sector in which they operate, impact on the society and environment. The Young Researcher nominees were all assessed on the following 4 criteria: weight of standardization in the overall project, originality of their project, impact of the related outcome and the potential for their research to serve as material to support members outreach to research organizations.
Read the reactions of Uwe Oelmueller, SPIDIA4P Project Coordinator, and Andrea Wutte, Head of BBMRI-ERIC Quality Management, here.

ELSI Services and Research
Webinar on "Gendered Innovations: The Importance of Gender in Biomedical Research"
Join BBMRI-ERIC ELSI for an exciting 2-hour webinar on gender in biomedical research, featuring two outstanding speakers. When? On Tuesday 30th November 2021, 17:00 CET.
Part 1) Gendered Innovations in Biomedicine
Speaker: Londa Schiebinger
John L. Hinds Professor of History of Science
Director, Gendered Innovations in Science, Health & Medicine, Engineering, and Environment
Stanford University
Part 2) Title TBA
Speaker: Sabine Oertelt-Prigione
Chair of gender in primary and transmural care at the Radboud University in Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Professor of sex- and gender-sensitive medicine at the University of Bielefeld, Germany
Read more and register...
Call for abstracts on “Ethical, legal and social issues of artificial intelligence in biobanking”
Artificial intelligence (AI) systems and big data analytics in biobanking are essential components to deliver improved individual care and contribute to the global disease burden reduction. They are also among central elements that contribute to the transformation of biobanking and data sharing practices, shed light on existing biobank research challenges, and highlight new tensions pertaining to individual and societal values, rights, and ethical principles, as well as established research governance practices and structures.
BBMRI-ERIC and the editors, Michaela Theresia Mayrhofer (PhD, BBMRI-ERIC), Signe Mežinska (Professor, University of Latvia) and Santa Slokenberga (LL.D., Uppsala University, Nordic Permed Law) welcome submissions on the ethical, legal, social, gender, and governance issues that artificial intelligence poses in biobanking, including but not limited to:
Transformation of biobanking and associated challenges, e.g. new and enhanced approaches of scientific research, data and sample flows and the role of scientists, and emerging tensions in the field;
Challenges and conflicts attributed to individual and societal values, rights, norms, and ethical principles, including questions relating to gender, race, and equality, vulnerability as well as participant recruitment and informed consent;
RRI, scientific quality, and ethical review;
Please email your abstract (500 words) by 16 November 2021 to
BBMRI-ERIC ELSI Representation at Europe Biobank Week 2021
The ELSI Services and Research Unit will be sharing their expertise on ethical, legal, and societal issues of biobanking at the Europe Biobank Week 2021.
Melanie Goisauf will chair the session Ethics of Artificial Intelligence. This session will focus on the ethical and societal issues that we are facing with the increased presence of AI and ML in many aspects of our lives and of medical practices. A particular attention will be given to interventions focusing on the social contexts in which algorithms are designed and the ethical, legal, and societal implications of their application in biomedicine.
In this session, two other researchers from the ELSI Unit will present their papers: Ilaria Colussi will present "How to control risks of AI applications in health care and health research?” and Mónica Cano Abadía will talk about “Artificial intelligence and gender bias in biomedicine”.
Sara Casati will be co-presenting with Bridget Ellul “Biobanking with children: towards a shift in practice” during the session Paediatric Biobanking. Michaela Th. Mayrhofer will be giving a talk entitled “Where are we on the Code of Conduct for Health Research?” in the session Regulatory Implications. Additionally, she will be co-chairing the Ethics Café. The format of an Ethics Café provides an opportunity to share views on specific topics in an informal setting. A debate is kick-started by a provocative opening statement or an engaging talk. The audience is invited to participate, ask questions, provide new insights for an ultimately thought-provoking dialogue.
Kaya Akyüz will also chair a session, in the format of a workshop, that will tackle the ethical issues that can arise from incidental findings in biomedical research involving human subjects.
ELSI Services & Research is also thrilled to submit a poster on their newly revamped Knowledge Base (to be released soon!); Caitlin Ahern will be presenting the poster during this session. The ELSI Knowledge Base is an open-access resource platform containing information on ELSI-related matters relevant to biobanking. The biobanking community will find practical guidance on specific ELSI topics and common challenges. The new Knowledge Base will soon be launched, we will keep you posted.
Online Workshop Report: Participant engagement in longitudinal population studies/cohorts
The Online Workshop Participant engagement in longitudinal population studies/cohorts took place October 12th and 14th, 2021.
The organizers, Isabelle Budin Ljøsne (Biobank Norway) and Mónica Cano Abadía (BBMRI-ERIC) introduced the topic to a highly engaged audience. Retaining several generations of participants in longitudinal cohorts and ensuring that the participants continuously contribute with new data and support data sharing, is challenging. Participants gradually drop out, do not respond to data collection requests, or simply lose interest in the study. Young people, disadvantaged socio-economic groups, and ethnic minorities are particularly difficult to retain for a long period of time.
Participant engagement aims to maintain the interest of participants in the study and encourage their participation and commitment over its lifetime. European cohorts are gradually developing participant engagement strategies including innovative tools for recruitment and informed consent collection, data collection and ongoing communication with, and involvement of, participants.
At this digital workshop, the strategies of key European cohorts were presented and discussed, and experiences exchanged. The cohorts that participated in the workshop are ALSPAC, Born in Bradford, NINFEA (Nascita e INFanzia: gli Effetti dell'Ambiente), VIKING GENES, Geração 21, and Generation Scotland. To finish a very lively second session, Isabelle Budin Ljøsne presented the work she conducted mapping participant engagement strategies in European cohorts.
7th African Conference on One Health and Biosecurity 27th-29th of October (hybrid event)
The 7th African Conference on One Health and Biosecurity takes place on the 27th-29th of October 2021. The annual conference is one of the biggest biosecurity conferences in Africa, which attracts over 400 global experts from all the world's continents. The conference is organised by the Global Emerging Pathogens Treatment Consortium (GET), which was established in 2014 as a direct response to the 2014-16 Ebola virus disease outbreak in West Africa and ongoing outbreaks of Lassa Fever, Meningitis, Multidrug resistance (MDR) enteric fevers and Yellow Fever across the sub region. BBMRI has been part of GET conferences over the past years; a collaboration that started in the context of the B3Africa Project (2015-2018, GA 654404).
BBMRI-ERIC is represented by Dr. Michaela Th. Mayrhofer with a talk on “Rapid Responses: Biobanking in Pandemic Times” building on examples from within the Pan-European Research Infrastructure BBMRI-ERIC, its National Nodes and its global partners. Secondly, it will draw conclusions as regards to the practice of biobanking, data and sample quality, findability of resources and challenges for governance and the ethical, legal and societal implications.
ARQUS Dinner
Mónica Cano Abadía represented BBMRI-ERIC during the Career Dinner at the Arqus PhD Career Week that took place on October 14th, 2021, at Karl-Franzens the University of Graz. The Arqus European University Alliance brings together the universities of Bergen, Granada, Graz, Leipzig, Lyon, Padua, and Vilnius, seven longstanding comprehensive research universities with deep regional engagement in medium-sized cities. During the Career Dinner, around 60 participants (doctoral researchers, PhD graduates, and career development experts) from the seven universities of the Arqus Alliance met with local entrepreneurs and researchers to work together. BBMRI-ERIC was a participant in this dinner to network with PhD students and show them what it is like to work for a European Research Infrastructure.
Stakeholder Forum
Outcome of the Stakeholder Forum - Patients' pillar workshop on Trusted Research Environment
On October 18, 2021, the workshop “Building a Trusted Research Environment”, evolved from discussion between Austrian National Node, Stakeholder Forum Patient Pillar and BBMRI-ERIC’s HQ, took place virtually. Over 50 attendees from the Stakeholder Forum, national nodes, the biobanking community and patients’ organizations all over Europe have gathered to built up a fruitful discussion on creating Trusted Research Environments (TREs) for data-sharing in health research, outlining the current landscape and contexts, and showing examples of good practice.
The invited speakers came from different areas, in order to give rise to an interdisciplinary dialogue, which led to underline the importance of patients’ engagement, transparency, data infrastructure literacy, responsibility, sustainability, confidentiality. The notion of ‘trusted consent instead of ‘informed consent’ was developed too. Science communication and education, as well as the technical aspects as to how to design a TRE were described.
"Meet the Patient Advocates" - Join us at Europe Biobank Week 2021 on 10 November!
During #EBW21, we organise a workshop entitled “Meet the Patient Advocates”, held on November 10th at 8.30-9.30. Even if you are not registered for the conference, you can still watch it as it will be broadcast here. The Workshop is an innovative step for #EBW21 and for the Patient Pillar of the Stakeholder Forum, it will also will give you the opportunity to meet some experienced Patient Advocates and members of BBMRI-ERIC's Stakeholder Forum's Patient Pillar. Do you need some Quality Assurance from Advocates on your work, or perhaps a bit of Patient Problem-Solving on a challenge that you face, or maybe you just want to talk over an idea or an approach in a Trusted Workshop Environment?
News from our National Nodes Long-lasting immune response to a mild course of PCR-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection: A cohort study - Journal of Infection
Sabrina Kral, Chiara Banfi, Tobias Niedrist, Nazanin Sareban, Christian Guelly, Lisa Kriegl, Stefanie Schiffmann, Christoph Zurl, Markus Herrmann, Ivo Steinmetz, Peter Schlenke, Andrea Berghold, Robert Krause
Journal of Infection, Letter to the editor
This article presents findings from a cohort of COVID-19 convalescent individuals established and investigated with clinical partners at partner Med Uni Graz / Biobank Graz.
From 326 non-hospitalized volunteers blood plasma, serum and buffy coat samples were collected to determine pan-IG antibody titre. In addition, data on clinical symptoms of COVID-19, demographic characteristics, lifestyle, and comorbidities were gathered by e-questionnaire.
The results indicate a persistent and strong immune response against SARS-CoV-2 infection in those individuals with a mild course of COVID-19.
The authors found that also individuals without core symptoms developed immunity against COVID-19, but to a lower degree than individuals with core symptoms.
Read the full article.
More details on the "COVID-19 convalescent cohort and other cohorts from partners. Strong interest in the 5th LISAvienna Regulatory Conference for Medical Devices and In-Vitro Diagnostics participated with several speakers and an expert booth in this annual conference, which took place October 12, 2021 in the Pharmacy Wing of Schloss Schönbrunn (Vienna).
Almost 400 people from the DACH region were interested in the exchange via MDR and IVDR and related topics such those addressed by, namely pre-analytics, biobanking, and AI.
Read more... SPIDIA4P project receives the 5th award Standards + Innovation Awards 2021 The EU Horizon 2020 project SPIDIAP received another award: the Standards+Innovation Awards 2021. CEN president Vincent LAFLÈCHE "virtually" handed it over to SPIDIA4P coordinator Dr. Uwe Oelmueller during the life-streamed ceremony on 5 Oct 2021. partner Med Uni Graz was a member of SPIDIA4P and was leading the WP3 on communication and dissemination and the generation of two pre-analytical standards: ISO 20166-4 FFPE tissue - in situ detection techniques and CEN/TS 17626 human specimens for - microbiome DNA pre-examination processes.
Visit regularly our website for more information! Biobank Node (GBN): Publication on IT infrastructure in PLoS ONE
The GBN and GBA have established an IT infrastructure that connects biobanks and enables a cross-biobank search for samples and associated data – with the “Sample Locator“. Representatives of the IT team of GBN and GBA have now published a description of this process in the renowned journal PLoS ONE. In it, they discuss the challenges of the project, lessons learned and particular successes. “We have gained valuable insights that can be of great use for similar projects,“ first author Christina Schüttler and her colleagues explain in their publication.
Read more... Biobank Node (GBN): Strategy meeting of the German Biobank Node & Alliance
At the beginning of October 2021, representatives of the GBN, the German Biobank Alliance (GBA) and BBMRI-ERIC met to outline the strategic direction of GBN/GBA for the coming years. Under the motto “Paradigm shift in biobanking: are you still collecting or already networking?”, it took place as the first face-to-face event since 2019. “GBN and GBA have achieved a lot in recent years – this is noticed in Europe and Germany is seen as a role model,“ commented BBMRI-ERIC Director General Prof. Dr. Jens Habermann, who attended the event. “GBN and GBA can look into the future with confidence and move forward in solidarity with BBMRI-ERIC.
Read more... Making health data available for research: the next steps
On October 7, 2021, Health-RI and organised the third and final session of this year’s expert meeting series discussing how to enable the findability and accessibility of data. Session-reports and slides in English are available for this and the two previous expert sessions which focused on collecting FAIR data and on making health data findable and linkable.
Read more… Members of the Consortium, led by Medical University of Warsaw, have published a paper in the Journal of Translational Medicine titled:
The landscape of biobanks in Poland - characteristics of Polish biobanking units at the beginning of organization; Chróścicka A., Paluch A., Kozera Ł., Lewandowska-Szumieł M., Journal of Translational Medicine, 2021.
The article presents the characteristics of Polish biobanks at the beginning of the formation of the Polish Biobanking Network.
We encourage you to join the lecture! News from QM expert working group
The activities of QM Expert Working Group include a wide range of initiatives arising from BBMRI-ERIC membership. Biobanks associated in Polish Biobanking Network (PBN) receive an expert support in implementation and development of quality systems. Each biobank cooperates with dedicated consultant preparing templates of procedures, forms and instructions. Within the Knowledge Hub trainings, workshops and QM Caffee are organized, where not only new quality topics are presented but also current issues regarding routine work are discussed. Thus, each biobank is prepared to three rounds of audit programme, where the final compliance with the requirements of Quality Standards for Polish Biobank is confirmed and the medal of recognition is awarded. From 2017 over 80 audits have been performed in Polish Biobanking Network. Simultaneously, biobanks from PBN with the help of QM Expert Group, can be audited for compliance with the BBMRI-ERIC Checklist and apply for Q-mark in the BBMRI-ERIC Directory.
Read more... Conference - Biosamples & Biodata in Medical Research – ELSI challenges
The Medical University of Lublin in collaboration with Consortium and BBMRI-ERIC ELSI Services & Research are pleased to invite you to the International Conference Biosamples & Biodata in Medical Research – ELSI challenges, 24-26 November 2021 (on-line). Participation in the conference is free. Deadline for abstract submission: November 8th, 2021. The aim of the conference is an interdisciplinary reflection on regulatory, normative and axiological problems as well as shaping best practices in management of biosamples and biodata in research. More information, registration and abstract submission are available here. - biobank Sverige: Sweden's new national biobank registry launched
The Swedish Research Council-funded research infrastructure Biobank Sweden supports healthcare providers and universities with medical faculties working towards national harmonisation in biobanking.
As reported earlier this year, one of Biobank Sweden’s main priorities for 2021 has been developing the new National Biobank Registry (NBR), necessary for giving Sweden the best prerequisites for healthcare and research within the biobank area. A national sample registry is essential to ensure new diagnostics and treatments will be made available to patients, such as in the context of precision medicine. On September 13, the first version of the new registry was put into operation. In a recent interview for Biobank Sweden’s newsletter, product owner Hanna Fransson said that the team behind the NBR have been getting feedback from many satisfied users, who are happy to finally have a system that both works and is easy to operate. The long-term management infrastructure has the support of all Swedish healthcare regions, and further development of the NBR is ongoing. - Clinical trial regulation Q&A at Europe Biobank Week
The Swedish Research Council-funded research infrastructure Biobank Sweden supports healthcare providers and universities with medical faculties working towards national harmonisation in biobanking.
When the new EU Clinical Trial Regulation (Regulation (EU) No 536/2014) comes into effect on January 31 2022, Sweden is set to face additional challenges, as national legislation will need to be taken into account. During Europe Biobank Week, Biobank Sweden will offer a Q&A on how this issue has been tackled, focusing on challenges and solutions. Visit Biobank Sweden’s digital conference booth for more information. If you are not attending EBW this year, you will still be able to participate.
Contact our project coordinator Hanna Schierbeck at for more information. - The 2022 Nordic Biobank Conference
Don’t forget to register for the 2022 Nordic Biobank Conference in Gothenburg (March 8-10)! The event is jointly organised by Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Norway. Early Bird has been extended until December 31, and abstracts can be submitted until November 10. The theme of the conference is, “Current trends and challenges in the Nordic countries”, and the program is made up of several themed symposia, covering such topics as next-generation biobanking, biobanking sustainability, and patient engagement and return of genomic data.
Take a look at the preliminary program and register here.
Project News and Partners
EUCANImage: Webinar on "Obstacles and avenues for data sharing and AI in cancer imaging"
EuCanImage will build a highly secure, federated and large-scale European cancer imaging platform, with capabilities that will greatly improve capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) in oncology. Firstly, the EuCanImage platform will be populated with a completely new data resource totaling over 25,000 single subjects, which will allow to investigate unmet clinical needs e.g., the detection of small liver lesions and metastases of colorectal cancer, or estimating molecular subtypes of breast tumours and pathological complete response. Secondly, the cancer imaging platform will be cross-linked to biological and health repositories through the European Genome-phenome Archive, allowing to develop multi-scale AI solutions that integrate organ-level, molecular and other clinical predictors into dense patient specific cancer fingerprints.
Read more and register.
EOSC Future launches the first of its RDA Open Calls
As part of the EOSC Future project, the Research Data Alliance (RDA) is launching a call for proposals to improve the technical data frameworks for the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). These proposals should focus on maintaining, optimising and documenting existing frameworks in keeping with RDA’s outputs and recommendations. Applicants can submit their proposal until 29 October 2021, 16:00 CEST via the EOSC Future Grants Platform.
BY-COVID: A new EU project for pandemic preparedness
A new project has been launched to tackle the data challenges that can hinder effective pandemic response. The project aims to help mobilise, connect, standardise and expose SARS-CoV-2 data by providing tools, protocols and promoting FAIR data standards, and ensuring these methods can be applied to other infectious diseases. It is coordinated by ELIXIR, the coordinator of EOSC-Life, and we look forward to collaborating where possible. Find out more here.
Fair Genomes project The FAIR genomes project is a Dutch ZonMw funded national coordination action to unite currently fragmented guidelines & tools to increase ‘FAIR’-ness of DNA data. The project recently shared important deliverables on its website a semantic metadata scheme, an online demo of the semantic metadata scheme, and an ELSI report, including an explanation of the ELSI elements of the scheme and an explication the main data governance aspects. All deliverables can be found on the website.
Hybrid event / 27-29 October
7th African Conference on One Health & Biosecurity
The annual conference is one of the biggest biosecurity conferences in Africa, which attracts over 400 global experts from all the world's continents. The conference is organised by the Global Emerging Pathogens Treatment Consortium (GET), which was established in 2014 as a direct response to the 2014-16 Ebola virus disease outbreak in West Africa and ongoing outbreaks of Lassa Fever, Meningitis, Multidrug resistance (MDR) enteric fevers and Yellow Fever across the sub region.
Online / 8-10 November 2021
Europe Biobank Week Congress: Biobanking for our Future - Opportunities Unlocked
Register now! #EBW21 is going fully digital to give you the chance to engage and share knowledge with the global biobanking community. EBW is jointly organised by BBMRI-ERIC and ESBB.
International Conference / 24-26 November 2021
Biosamples & Biodata in Medical Research – ELSI challenges
The Medical University of Lublin in collaboration with Consortium, BBMRI-ERIC and BBMR-ERIC ELSI are pleased to invite you.

Online / 29-30 November 2021 (provided by
Webinar "Multi-omics methods for studying metabolic disorders: research excellence, wet lab techniques and bioinformatics approaches”
This seminar is aimed at biomedical, molecular biology and bioinformatics students and scientists who are currently doing or planning to do multi-omics studies. Participants don’t need any prior experience, the registration is mandatory and the webinar is free of charge.
Online / 8-10 February 2022
UK Biobank Showcase
Organised by the UKCRC Tissue Directory and Coordination Centre, the UK Biobanking Showcase is the UK's leading event for those who work in biobanking and human tissue research.
Save the date for this year's Showcase - full details to follow soon!
Gothenburg, Sweden / 8-10 March 2022
The Nordic Biobank Conference
The Nordic Biobank Conference in Gothenburg is jointly organized by Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Norway. Here’s a first reminder that registration will open after the summer, on September 1.
Job Vacancies
ECRIN, European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network, is looking for a:
Find current job openings from BBMRI-ERIC partners here.
We'd love to spread your news! If you would like to share any of your news, meetings, vacancies etc. in this newsletter, please send it by email.
The Central Executive Management Office