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Carpentries Clippings, 21 October 2021

Tweet of The Week

Sara King @sarasrking
This is fantastic news! Thanks so much @ARDC_AU and especially @mpfl for the sustained effort to get this over the line. Bring on more skills, more trainers, and more empathetic, generous and confidence-building digital skills training in Australia. Hurrah! @thecarpentries
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Community News & Updates from Our Committees / Task Forces

Introducing The Carpentries Sponsorship Program
The Carpentries is piloting a sponsorship programme in 2021- 2022.  
Learn more about the context, sponsorship incentives and more in this blog post

The Carpentries Community Development Program
The Community Development Team (CDT) is excited to announce the launch of its Q4 project to develop the Community Development Program, a program that will build capacity in community management to support our subcommunities.  Learn more.

Announcing CarpentryCon @ Home 2022
Planning is underway for the next virtual CarpentryCon next year. Learn more about the event and how you can help support the planning and execution of the event by reading this blog post by Carpentries Director of Community Alycia Crall.

Hacktoberfest 2021 - Glosario Contribution Drive
For the second year, The Carpentries is asking for your help expanding Glosario, the open source, multilingual glossary of data science terms as part of Hacktoberfest.

Learn more about Hacktoberfest and how you can contribute in this blog post.

Community Discussion: New Instructors and What to Expect
If you missed Danielle Sieh's, The Carpentries Workshop Administrator, community discussion on "New Instructors and what to expect when participating in the planning of their first workshop" on Tuesday October 10 at 1300 UTC,  you can find the slides for the presentation

If you have any questions about teaching your first workshop, contact

Updates from the Instructor Development Committee
The Workshops Team will be taking over IDC support next year. As part of this transition, we are examining our current offboarding and onboarding processes for the committee. The following are next steps:

  • We will recruit new members of the IDC in January 2022 and plan to onboard them in February 2022. Current IDC members will support selection of new members from the applicant pool and attend the first meeting of the new cohort.

  • Existing IDC members will be offboarded at the end of October so they do not have to serve beyond the time they initially committed to. This will leave a gap in service between November 2021-January 2022, but members of the Core Team have agreed to support committee activities during this transition period as needed.

Lesson Incubator Spotlight

The Incubator Lesson Spotlight is a regular feature in The Carpentries blog and Carpentries Clippings newsletter, highlighting the great work our community is doing to develop new lessons in The Carpentries Incubator. Developers of any lesson in the Incubator are encouraged to submit details about their material for inclusion in the series.

This edition’s featured lesson is Interactive Data Visualizations in Python
Learn more about this lesson

Highlights from the Community Calendar

Community Discussions and Themed Discussions in The Carpentries are a great way to interact with, learn from and share your knowledge and experiences with other Carpentries community members from around the world. Subscribe to our community calendar for updates on community calls that may pique your interest and are in a befitting hour depending on your timezone and schedule. You can also watch some of our recorded community calls on our YouTube channel.

  • Carpentries Community Discussion with Sarah Stevens - 21 October 18:00 UTC

  • Carpentries Community Discussion with Annika Rockenberger - 27 October 10:30 UTC

Teaching Tips from the Instructor Trainers

From Ariel Deardorff:

One of the things that I have learned teaching Carpentries workshops is the importance of good sticky note check ins throughout a workshop. Rather than asking “did everyone load the data?” try “if you loaded the data, give me a blue sticky, if you are still working on it, give me a yellow one.” This is even more important for online teaching when you might not be able to see your learners and can often find yourself asking questions into the void. Rather than just assuming everyone is ready, pause and use the reaction features or the chat to check in with your learners. This gives you a much better sense of where everyone is and helps you spot issues early on. Formative feedback for the win!

Community Opportunity Postings

Toolshed (Posts from Our Past)

In October of 2020, we published a blog post announcing the Help Wanted page, a page that highlights GitHub issues that need contributions.
The Carpentries is funded in part by grants and donations, and donating even a small amount can make a big difference - we value all contributions!
Donate to The Carpentries
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