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Making Hemp Choices in the U.S.: 
History, Current Situation,
and Prospects for the Future

Dr. Jane Kolodinsky 
Professor, Department of Community Development and Applied Economics 
Director of the Center for Rural Studies/Food Systems Research Collaborative 
Acting Associate Dean of Research, University of Vermont.

Date:  Friday, October 22, 2021
Time: 3:30 - 5:00pm MST
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 992 1412 0280
Passcode: 017643


This seminar summarizes research conducted in Vermont about the current state of awareness, attitudes, intentions to purchase, and current demand for hemp products and offers a description of on-going research by a growing research cluster in the U.S. that includes the University of Vermont, The University of Kentucky, and Colorado State University. Hemp’s reemergence in the United States’ economy presents an opportunity for a new category of sustainable product choice for consumers. First, I will provide a bit of historical context. Then, I will summarize two studies bridge a gap in knowledge about which consumers are currently aware of or choosing hemp products using the theory of choice alternatives and the diffusion of innovations and a statistically representative survey from a top ten hemp producing US state.  Finally, I will describe two current initiatives: an on-going study of the economic impacts of an emerging hemp economy in the U.S. and our progress to date, and emerging work with University of Alberta colleagues Ellen Goddard and Patricia Dolez. The goal of the seminar is to spark interest and discussion in the possibilities of hemp to help revive rural economies and contribute to the development of more sustainable inputs into products we use every day, including packaging and textiles.

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