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Here’s a brief idea from me, this week's articles and a few content recommendations that have the potential to shift your thinking in a significant way.


I didn’t realise how important career variety was until later in my career. It’s only been in the last couple of years that I can see how each company I worked for (or created) was an inflection point for me to grow.

As you settle into a new company, you are able to bring the knowledge from the previous, and also learn from new people, in a new environment with fresh challenges. This is true, even if the industry is the same. It’s rare that you can match that growth by working for one company for a very long time. 

That's not to mean you should jump to a new company every X time period. Every company is different. It’s for you to decide if you’re being challenged, are growing and enjoying things. 

What’s important is that you DO ask yourself that question regularly. I suspect many people don’t.

Defining optimal metabolic health (Part II) (with my own measurements and immediate focuses for improving)

Recently, I laid out what I felt should be the key markers of metabolic health for myself. Since then, I’ve been doing further research and talking to a few people about it. Here is my final list of markers for optimal metabolic health – along with my own measurements and focuses for improving them.


#2: James Clear [Revision] by Creative Elements (Podcast – 58 mins)

James Clear is the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller, Atomic Habits (a really good book). This podcast did not disappoint. I loved it. I even had to pause it a handful of times to take notes because of the insights – which I rarely do. There’s a very good chance listening to this podcast will influence how I approach some things in the next few months. Thanks to Roberta for sending me the recommendation!


Entrepreneur and computer scientist Arthur van Hoff on revision (Quote)

“Over the years, I've learned that the first idea you have is irrelevant. It's just a catalyst for you to get started. Then you figure out what's wrong with it and you go through phases of denial, panic, regret. And then you finally have a better idea and the second idea is always the important one.”

What a fantastic reminder that sometimes you just need to get started and not be too attached to your first idea.

P.S I stumbled across this quote from the Founders at Work book by Jessica Livingston.


Have a GREAT weekend!

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