Dear Reader,
The Power of Focus
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This past week one of those magic moments happened, that are rare and beautiful. 

I was facilitating a small leadership team in cyberspace. I asked how they were doing. There was a pause that had me worried for a moment. Then the one remarked that he is really, really tired, and tons of things are just coming to them simultaneously, but for some reason he feels on target and on course. Another agreed immediately and mentioned that she felt that because we’ve worked out where they are going, and are staying laser focussed on that, she feels at peace. Tired. Stretched. But strangely exhilarated and looking forward to what is to come.

This is the power of focus. If you know exactly where you need to go, and you are focussed on making that a reality, mountains can be moved. You’ll be tired at times, but strangely invigorated. 

I want to urge you to take the time to plan where you need to go, in business, in family, in life! When you know where you are going, and you are laser focussed on the steps to get there, soon you will find the joy of a journey that is both exhilarating and much more fun.

I hope you found this helpful. More of the same can be found on or by following me on LinkedIn, Facebook or YouTube.
Thank you. Until next week! Remember to practice your laser focus this week!
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