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A woman in a cotton thread factory in Brazil. (AP)

The bad news. Latin America and the Caribbean lags globally when it comes to women’s workforce participation. Covid made that worse: women were 44 percent more likely than men to suffer job losses when the pandemic hit and they’re expected to close out 2021 with labor market levels akin to those of 2008.

The good news. The region outpaces the rest of the world in terms of women’s congressional representation, and female legislators are more likely to pass bills knocking down the barriers that prevent women from gaining secure employment.

Read more about setbacks and steps forward for Latin American women amid the pandemic.

We’re looking at ways out of what’s been dubbed a “shecession,” just as AS/COA marks ten years of its Women’s Hemispheric Network. Watch videos from our October 21 conference to learn lessons from the past decade and anticipate what’s in store for the next one.


—Steve Liston, head of the Council of the Americas Trade Advisory Group, in a podcast on the future of U.S. trade integration beyond the USMCA

October 18 marked the two-year anniversary of the start of protests that rocked Chile. With a constitutional rewrite underway, a president caught in scandal, and an election on the horizon, the country faces its fair share of uncertainty. El País covers how these issues are affecting Chile’s economy.
The United States has donated 200 million vaccine doses to countries across the world, and 43 million of those went to Latin America, including a shipment of 3.4 million AstraZeneca doses that landed in Mexico on October 19.

Portion of Puerto Ricans who are vaccinated, the highest rate of any U.S. state or territory. Dr. Ashish Jha covers why the island outperformed U.S. states we think of as highly vaccinated. 

ICYMI from Americas Quarterly: The magazine’s new issue is out, covering Latin America’s battle with fake news. Read up on the threat in Brazil and what Latin American governments are doing to fight misinformation. Also, learn about the region's evolving relationship with China, read a profile of Duolingo’s Luis von Ahn, and see life in Oaxaca for the ones who stayed behind.
Some on social media thought this photo was real. In its latest issue, Americas Quarterly digs into how fake news is created and promulgated.
Our email is named after the mountain-running messengers of the Inca Empire.
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