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Core Values take the stage at ASU Gammage!
Live theater is back! After 549 days without a performance, ASU Gammage reopened on September 9th. Adding to the excitement, Hamilton resumed it's North American Tour in Tempe. The PEAK Fleet had another reason to be excited: Core Values were on display!
The PEAK Fleet has been working with ASU Cultural Affairs (parent organization of ASU Gammage) since 2018. All full-time staff have attended our "Value of Values" workshop and many proudly display their core values on their office doors or cube walls. Our PEAK Values® exercise has since become a part of their employee onboarding process.  
In early 2019, ASU Cultural Affairs made the decision to embark on a journey to define and operationalize core values for the organization. While assembling a cross-functional project team was relatively easy, finding enough time between events and performances to do the work was not. That opportunity presented itself last Spring when the entire world came to a screeching halt.
Unsure when live theater would return, a project team was quickly assembled. Starting in May, and continuing through September, Brian facilitated monthly working sessions via Zoom. After final approval by the executive team in November, plans for rolling the values out to the entire organization began. This stage of the project culminated in the delivery of a desktop values keepsake delivered to every employee (most of whom were still working remotely at this point). 
By the summer of 2021, ASU Cultural Affairs had 'operationalized' their newly minted values into various aspects of the organization. In addition to being prominently displayed on their external website, core values were visible on job descriptions, integrated into interviews, and embedded into the recognition process. Patrons can now spot the core values on posters, video displays, and even a full page dedicated to them in the 'Gammbill' handed out to every guest. If you're interested in embarking on a similar core values journey, please email us for a free consultation. 
We want to hear from you:
Have you operationalized your core values? 
"Culture eats strategy for lunch!"  While it is unclear who first coined this famous phrase (many attribute it to Peter Drucker), we believe there is NO question about the importance of culture to the success of your organization. Over the past five years, we've helped countless companies, schools, non-profits, and startups codify their culture in the form of Purpose and Values. 
According to a 2004 Booz Allen/Aspen Institute survey, 89% of companies have defined organizational core values. More recent research indicates that only 10-15% of organizations have operationalized their values (i.e. establish behavioral norms, employee hiring and onboarding, recognition/rewards, and performance evaluations). 

We'd love to know more about core values at your organization! Everybody who completes this five-minute survey will receive a coupon code to complete our online PEAK Values
® exercise for free. You will also have the opportunity to sign up for a free, 30-minute consultation. Click here to complete the five minute survey now!
Guess who turns five this month?
Does 11/18 mean anything to you?  It does to us! That is also a question Jen asked Brian back in 2010 when they both worked at Intel Corporation together. If you're not familiar with our origin story, check out this blog from our archives. Meanwhile, stay tuned for information about our upcoming anniversary. 
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Jen LinkedIn
Brian LinkedIn
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