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Parshas Vayeitzei - Revi'i with Rashi

In today’s Chumash, more of the Shevatim are born. Yaakov finishes his 14 years of working for Lavan, and wants to go home.

Reuven was taking a walk in the fields, at the time of year when all of the wheat was ready to cut. He found some flowers there that didn’t belong to anyone, and knew they were a special flower that can help someone have a baby. He knew his mother wanted another baby, so he brought them home to her.

Rochel saw that Reuven was giving Leah the flowers, and asked Leah if she could have them, since she wanted a baby very much. Leah said, “Yaakov likes you so much, it’s like you took him away from me! Now you want my flowers too?”

Rochel said, “Let’s make a deal. Even though it’s my turn for Yaakov to spend the night with me, you can take my turn if you give me the flowers.” Leah agreed.

When Hashem saw how hard Leah was trying to have more children for Yaakov, He made her able to have another baby. She had another set of boy and girl twins. Since she felt like it was a reward (sechar) for having Yaakov marry Zilpah, she called him Yissachar.

Then she had another set of twins, and called the boy Zevulun, since she said that Yaakov would for sure now decide that she is the most important wife, and live (zevul) most of the time with her. Because if there are only 12 shevatim, and she already had 6 of them, that means that she had half of the shevatim by herself!

Then Leah realized she was going to have another baby. She davened that the baby be a girl, because she knew that most of the shevatim were already born, and now there were only 2 left to be born. If Leah would have another boy, it would mean that Rochel would only have one baby boy — even less than Bilhah and Zilpah. Hashem made a neis, and the baby changed to be a girl. Leah named the baby Dina (judgment), since she judged herself and decided she didn’t want Rochel to be embarrassed.

Then Hashem remembered that Rochel had given Leah the signs so SHE wouldn’t be embarrassed. Hashem also saw that Rochel was afraid Yaakov wouldn’t want to stay married to her if she doesn’t have any children, and then maybe Esav will want to marry her! Hashem listened to her tefilos and made her able to have children.

Rochel had twins. She felt that now Hashem didn’t want her to feel embarrassed or be afraid she would have to marry Eisav. She named the boy Yosef, which means to add more, asking Hashem to also give her another boy, the last of the shevatim. Yosef was born with a bris milah already.

Now Yaakov was finished working his 14 years for Lavan!

When the fourteen years were over, Rivkah sent her nurse Devorah to Padan Aram, to tell Yaakov that Esav wasn’t so angry anymore, and he could come home. At first Yaakov was afraid! But he felt that since Yosef, such a special baby, had just been born, in his zechus he didn’t need to worry. So he told Lavan that he wanted to go back to Canaan with his family, since he did his job well.

Lavan said, “I wish you would stay! I learned through tamei magic that I finally had baby boys because you lived here.” (Before he only had girls, which was why Rochel had been taking care of the sheep at the beginning of the parsha. During the years that Yaakov was working for him, he had boys too.)



35 - 38

Today’s shiur Tehillim is kapitelach Lamed-Hey to Lamed-Ches.

In Kapitel Lamed-Vov in today’s Tehillim, Dovid Hamelech says “Divrei Fiv Aven Umirmah, Chadal Lehaskil Leheitiv” “the words of his mouth are bad and tricky, he doesn’t find a reason to do better.” This is talking about the Yetzer Hara, who tries to stop us from doing the right thing.

The Maggid of Mezritch explains this posuk. The Yetzer Hara doesn’t tell a person not to learn Torah, it doesn’t mind if we learn complicated parts of Torah to make other people be impressed! The Yetzer Hara will try to stop a person from learning parts of Torah that teach us how to be better (Lehaskil Leheitiv)! The Yetzer Hara doesn’t want us to learn things that will help us act like better Yidden.


Do you know how powerful the words of Tehillim are? They can save lives of Yidden in danger!

Once, the Rebbe Maharash was traveling. He stopped at the house of a chossid, and found the children at home by themselves. The Rebbe Maharash started to say Tehillim with them, and continued saying Tehillim when the mother came home. Then he got up to leave, but then came back and said, “Let’s say some more Tehillim,” and only afterwards left. The mother realized something might be wrong, and said some more Tehillim with her children.

None of them understood what happened until their father came home, very late. He was very worn out. He told them that he had been in a lot of danger! When he told them what happened, they realized that he was saved three times — at the times when they had been saying Tehillim. They understood that the Rebbe had come back to save him from the dangerous situation!



Kuntres Acharon Siman Daled

Even though we were talking the whole time about how important it is to do a mitzvah with Gashmius, and not just to have kavana, there is one kind of learning and kavana that is part of the 613 mitzvos. It is just as special as a Gashmius mitzvah! That mitzvah is learning Seder Hishtalshelus which is explained in Chassidus, since it’s a mitzvah to know Hashem.

Seder Hishtalshelus explains the steps that the chayus of Hashem goes through in order to make this Gashmius world.

In fact, learning about this is even more special than all the other mitzvos! Doing mitzvos connects us to Hashem. By understanding Hashem, we will have much more chayus in doing ALL of the mitzvos!



Vov Kislev

Today we will learn how the Rebbe Rashab explains the inyan of Kriyas Shema She’al Hamita.

Every person has a special Shlichus they need to do in the world. Before they finish their shlichus and their neshama goes back up to Hashem, a person should say a special Tefillah called Vidui to finish their shlichus right before they pass away.

In a smaller way, we do the same thing every day when we finish the shlichus of the day. Before we go to sleep, we say Kriyas Shema She’al Hamitah — it’s a special tefila that helps us finish the shlichus of the day. But the difference is, with Kriyas Shema She’al Hamita we know that even though we finished our shlichus for the day, we will have more chances to do shlichus again with Hashem’s help tomorrow!



Shiur #150 - Mitzvas Asei #22, Lo Saasei #67, Asei #35, Lo Saasei #83, 84

Today we learn a few mitzvos!

1) (Mitzvas Asei #22) Leviim need to guard the Beis Hamikdash all night. It isn’t because we are worried about thieves, but having guards shows kavod for the Beis Hamikdash.

We learn this mitzvah from a posuk in Parshas Korach: וְאַתָּה וּבָנֶיךָ אִתָּךְ לִפְנֵי אֹהֶל הָעֵדֻת

The details are explained in Mesechta Tomid perek Alef, and Mesechta Midos.

2) (Mitzvas Lo Saasei #67) It is asur to leave the Beis Hamikdash unguarded.

We learn this mitzvah from a posuk in Parshas Korach: וּשְׁמַרְתֶּם אֵת מִשְׁמֶרֶת הַקֹּדֶשׁ

The details are explained in the beginning of Mesechta Tomid and Mesechta Midos.

3) (Mitzvas Asei #35) We need to have special oil to put on the Kohen Gadol and a King, to make them ready for the job (Shemen Hamishcha).

Even though Shemen Hamishcha was also used for the keilim of the Mishkan when they were first made, that was a one-time thing and not part of this mitzvah which lasts forever.

We learn this mitzvah from a posuk in Parshas Emor: וְהַכֹּהֵן הַגָּדוֹל מֵאֶחָיו אֲשֶׁר יוּצַק עַל רֹאשׁוֹ שֶׁמֶן הַמִּשְׁחָה

The details are explained in the beginning of Mesechta Krisus.

4) (Mitzvas Lo Saasei #83) We are not allowed to make a kind of oil that’s like the Shemen Hamishcha to use for anything else!

We learn this mitzvah from a posuk in Parshas Ki Sisa: וּבְמַתְכֻּנְתּוֹ לֹא תַעֲשׂוּ כָּמֹהוּ

The details are explained in Mesechta Krisus perek Alef.

5) (Mitzvas Lo Saasei #84) We can’t smear the Shemen Hamishcha on any other person —it should only be used for the Kohen Gadol and the king!

We learn this mitzvah from a posuk in Parshas Ki Sisa: עַל בְּשַׂר אָדָם לֹא יִיסָךְ

The details are explained in Beginning of Mesechta Krisus.



Hilchos Beis HaBechirah - Klei HaMikdash

In today’s Rambam, we learn the last Perek of Hilchos Beis Habechirah, and the first perakim of Klei Hamikdash — about the keilim that are IN the Beis Hamikdash!

Perek Ches: The Rambam explains how the Leviim and the Kohanim guarded the Beis Hamikdash, and where they stood.

Perek Alef: We learn how the Shemen Hamishcha was made, and how it is used. The keilim in the Beis Hamikdash were different than in the Mishkan — they became holy just by being used and didn’t need the Shemen Hamishcha to be smeared on them. The Rambam also tells us some halachos about these keilim and their kedusha, like what happens if they are broken.

Perek Beis: Now we learn about making the Ketores, and about the mitzvah that the Aron needs to be carried and not transported in a wagon.



Hilchos Maaseh HaKorbanos - Perek Tes-Vov

This perek continues with more detailed halachos about a nedava, when someone promises to bring a specific animal to Hashem.

icon of clock


Ahavas Yisroel

On Vov Kislev, the Rebbe and Rebbetzin’s tenoim were signed, saying that the chasuna will take place!

Nowadays we do the tenoim together with the chuppah, but then they did it like we do a lechaim now.


We will learn a vort from the Baal Shem Tov about Ahavas Yisroel:

It says in the posuk that when Hashem created Adam Harishon, Hashem said, “It is not good for a person to be alone. I will make him an Eizer Kenegdo, a helper.”

The Baal Shem Tov explains, if a person was alone, he could make a mistake and think that he is perfect. So Hashem helps him by giving him another person. By seeing the chisaron in the other person, he will know that he also has a similar chisaron in himself.

See Keser Shem Tov siman 302, Chasidim Ein Mishpacha gilyon vov

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Kabolas Ol

Saying Shema in the morning and at night is called being Mekabel Ol Malchus Shomayim, accepting Hashem as our king. That means that we realize that we aren’t free to do what we want, we have an achrayus, a shlichus to do.

What is the connection between that and Shema?

In Shema, we cover our eyes and say that Hashem is One, and there is nothing else. Since there is nothing except for Hashem, we understand that we should accept that Hashem is our King, and be ready to do WHATEVER Hashem wants us to.

We know that Hashem has a shlichus for us, and we are ready to do it with all of our kochos.



Women and Shema

The Torah tells us that women don’t need to do some mitzvos that need to be done at a certain time — “Mitzvos Asei Shehazman Grama.”

The mitzvah of saying Kriyas Shema is one of these mitzvos. It has a certain time, in the morning and at night. Women do not need to keep the mitzvah of saying Kriyas Shema.

But women DO need to have Kabolas Ol Malchus Shomayim!

The first posuk of Shema helps us to have this Kabolas Ol. So women DO need to say at least the first posuk of Shema, “Shema Yisrael Hashem Elokeinu Hashem Echod.”

Women also need to say Emes Veyatziv, which helps us do a different mitzvah — remembering Yetziyas Mitzrayim. They should say this whole section, until Go’al Yisroel, so that their Shemoneh Esrei will be connected to a bracha for the Geulah, called being “Somech Geulah L’Tefillah.”

See the Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch, siman Ayin se’if Alef; article on Women & Tefillah

לעילוי נשמת הרה״ח ר׳ דניאל יצחק ע״ה בן ר׳ אפרים שי׳ מאסקאוויץ
שליח כ"ק אדמו"ר נשיא דורנו למדינת אילינוי



Lebn Mit Der Tzeit

In this week’s parsha, Parshas Vayeitzei, we learn about Yaakov’s important shlichus. His parents sent him to Charan to get married. Yaakov asks Hashem to be with him and protect him in Charan, and that Hashem should bring him back to the home of his father! Hashem gives him this bracha, promising him that He will bring him back to his father’s home.

The shlichus of Yaakov Avinu is a hora’ah for OUR shlichus in the world — to make Hashem a Dira Betachtonim.

We get sent out to “Charan,” to different parts of the world that don’t look like they are full of kedusha, to make them a comfortable place for Hashem. Before we go out on our shlichus, we ask Hashem to be with us and protect us.

But why do we also ask Hashem to bring us back? Isn’t the main thing to be doing the shlichus well? Why does it matter whether or not we go back?

This is the lesson we learn from Yaakov: It is very important to do our shlichus well, but that’s not the only thing that Hashem wants. Hashem wants us to finish our job, so we can come back to Eretz Yisroel where we belong! Even if we are doing well in our shlichus in the world, we need to remember that the GOAL is to finish the job and come back to our home — to the world the way it is supposed to be, when Moshiach comes. Knowing this gives us chayus in our shlichus, to finish up the job and bring Moshiach now!

See Sefer Hasichos Parshas Vayeitzei 5748

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