Please follow instructions for Covid Vaccination Online Scheduling
We are so encouraged by the parents who are scheduling online for their 5-11 year olds' Covid Vaccination! But please make note of HOW you are making the appointment. If you made the appointment with your PCP, this is incorrect! You must choose Covax Clinic as the "provider" whose schedule you are trying to get into. That will allow you to make an appointment for COVID CLINIC dates and you will get an IMMEDIATE confirmation. If you got the message that says "you will get an email within 24 hours confirming your appt", YOU DO NOT HAVE AN APPOINTMENT! Please call our office if you are unsure - or check your pending appointments on the portal. If you do not see a date and time for your appointment, remake it using the instructions below or call our office. We have many appointments available, so don't worry! If you want a vaccine for your child, we will have one for you on the specific clinic dates. Thank you again for your support and patience!
Portal Scheduling Instructions: 
  1. Log onto your portal account. 
  2. Click the calendar on the left hand side or the tile that says "Schedule an Appointment".  
  3.    ** If you have pending labs or messages, you will need to clear these to see the tile, but you can still navigate to the appointment scheduling module by using the calendar icon on the left. 
  4. Select the child (one at a time) for whom you are scheduling a Covid immunization appointment. 
  5. Read the disclaimer and information and click Continue. This also contains the link to the EUA for this vaccine. 
  6. Enter "Covid shot" in the box as the reason for the appointment, then click Continue. 
  7. Select the appropriate insurance button. If your insurance hasn't changed since your last visit, click the first button and select your insurance, then click Continue. If you have new insurance, please enter it in the second area. 
  8. Under provider, please use dropdown menu to select "COVAX CLINIC". Then click, "Search for available appointment". 
  9. Use the arrows to find your desired date. See below for list of available dates and times.  
  10. Click on your desired date once it is showing and then pick an appointment time. All your children may be scheduled at the same time, but must be done one at a time. 
  11. Click on your desired time and you will get an email confirmation within 24 hours of your appointment. 
You cannot get the vaccination if you are actively in quarantine or isolation. Please wait until that period is over to schedule your child's vaccine. Thank you!

Diaper Drive! 

Please help us pay it forward to our community! 

Food Drive!

If you have any non-perishable food or diapers, please donate when you come in! Thanks, Tucson!

Questions? Information? Please see the links below!
What do I bring with me on Vaccination Day? 
1. Completed Online Consent Form for each child. Please print out a copy for each child and bring them in. 
2. Review the EUA for the vaccine prior to coming in. 
3. Consider bringing diapers or food for donation!
4. A mask is needed FOR EACH ENTRANT. 
5. There is a 15-30 minute waiting period after immunization. You will be with your family in your own exam room for this time. So bring something to do for 15-30 minutes! 
** Please come at your own appt time so we can keep the flow socially distanced.
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