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Dear <<First Name>>,
Tuesday, November 9, 2021
A Fantastic Friday discussing Police Reform!
Last Friday's Youth Summit on Police at Webster University was a great success! After an amazing panel of experts in law, professional practice, and personal experiences, students met in small groups for follow-up discussions and brainstorming. Ideas were shared back in the large group following lunch on the Webster University campus. Over 100 students participated from seven different area public and private high schools, creating a diverse group of enthusiastic thinkers and problem-solvers who plan to continue the discussion and advocacy through social media and other outlets. Stay tuned for blog posts on the Civitas website written by students in attendance.

Another summit on police reform is in the works for a Saturday in February or early March, again on the Webster University campus. Civitas will keep everyone posted once plans are in place. It will be open to
all students, including those who attended the first one on Friday who want to continue the work.

A huge thank you to Dr. Warren Rosenblum for planning last Friday's memorable event and his remarkable college students who helped facilitate the small groups!

Sign Up NOW for an interesting and casual morning discussing racial and discrimination issues this Saturday in the Civitas Office!

As a Civitas intern this past summer, Santi Lugo (a current senior at Parkway West High School) opted to explore a global perspective of Latinx and Latin-American racial discrimination, widening the U.S. lens to include centuries of historical influences. We will meet this Saturday, November 13 from 10:00 am until noon in the Civitas office for Santi to share his final research conclusions. After his presentation and Q & A related to it, we will look at other racial discrimination stories happening in your schools today. We will also chat about a number of other topics, including the stresses and positives of the school year so far.  Light breakfast snacks and beverages will be available. Masks will be required when not eating or drinking and social distancing will be encouraged.

Click here to sign up now for a fun morning of casual talk and sharing!

High School Model UN--Session A is a week from Saturday!
Sign up NOW!

Session A resolutions are due one week from tomorrow, November 17, by midnight. Please send them to Stephanie ( in or attached to an email OR share a Google doc with her. Resolutions must go to FedEx for printing early Thursday morning so we have copies for all delegates in time for the November 20th session. Resolutions will be posted on our website as we receive them for delegates to read in advance.

What should schools and students be doing for Model UN preparation?
  • SESSION A (Nov. 20) DELEGATES SHOULD SIGNUP NOW!!  Once students know their countries, they need to sign up for the draft on the Civitas Google Form. Click here to sign up.
  • All delegates should begin country research. There are two helpful worksheets of basic research questions on our website under Resources to help get started. Begin paying attention to current events in your country.
  • Schedule a visit from Stephanie to your group or club to answer questions and review the delegate handbook. This is optional, but very helpful.
  • Write a resolution on an issue that concerns you, using the helpful resources and samples on our website. Writing a resolution is also optional, but we do like to have at least one per school submitted.
  • A Civitas staff member would be happy to meet with your MUN group and review resolution-writing procedures. You can also get feedback on resolution drafts via email.
  • Submit final resolutions (via email) NO LATER THAN the Wednesday evening before your MUN session. We must have time to put all resolutions together for final printing to provide at the MUN session.
  • Attend your Session! Dress code is business casual. Arrive at least 15 minutes early to check -in and get settled.
Resolutions due by Wed., Nov. 17 for Model UN Session A (9:00 am-12:00 pm) on Saturday, November 20 at Webster University (same location as country draft).
Resolutions due by Wed., Dec. 1 for Model UN Session C (9:00 am-12:00 pm) on Saturday, December 4, via ZOOM.
Resolutions due by Wed., Dec. 8 for Model UN Session D (9:00 am-12:00 pm) on Saturday, December 11 at Webster University.

Deadline coming up Nov. 13 for Pulitzer Center Contest for Students grades K-12: Writing Letters to Government Officials


Students are invited to make their voices heard this election season by writing a letter to an elected representative that summarizes a global issue, explains how it connects to their local community, and proposes a solution. Through this contest, students can practice persuasive writing, civic action, and global citizenship, all while exploring the underreported issues that matter to them. 

  • Eligibility: Any current K-12 student in the United States or globally may enter. Letters may be written in English and/or Spanish. High school, middle school, and elementary entries will be judged separately.
  • Prizes: First place winners will receive $100 to support global community engagement in the classroom (prize distributed to the class teacher). Winners and finalists will have their letters, photos, and bios featured on the Pulitzer Center website.
  • Deadline: Saturday, November 13, 2021 at 11:59pm EST

Please visit for complete contest guidelines, and resources including a step-by-step graphic organizer, evaluation rubric, and introductory slide presentation.

Want a member of the Pulitzer Center education team to introduce the contest in your classroom? Reach out to schedule a free, virtual workshop between the dates of September 15 and November 13, 2021!


Saturday, November 13, 2021 at 10:00 am-12:00 pm at the Civitas Office
Parkway West senior, Santi Lugo, will share his presentation on Latinx and Latin-American racial discrimination followed by Q & A. Other topics will also be discussed.
Register here.
Saturday, November 20, 2021, 9:00 am-12:00 pm
Session A of Model UN at Webster University.
Register here.
Saturday, December 4, 2021, 9:00 am-12:00 pm
Session C of Model UN via Zoom.
Register here.
Saturday, December 11, 2021, 9:00 am-12:00 pm
Session D of Model UN at Webster University.
Register here.
Picture of the Week

Jockeys ride their horses as they compete at a racecourse in Layton, Ireland, on Monday, November 1. Niall Carson/PA/AP
This past week at the United Nations
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