ARC logo. Black and white Georgetown University seal is on the left. To the right of the seal are three lines of text. The top reads "Georgetown University" in capital italicized letters. The middle line of text reads "Division of Student Affairs," and the bottom line of text reads "Academic Resource Center" in italicized letters.

ARC Monthly Newsletter

December 2021

A photo taken from Copley Lawn that shows White-Gravenor Hall in the winter. The ground, bushes, and trees are covered in bright white snow. White-Gravenor is visible through bare tree branches, in front of a cloudless blue sky.

Welcome to the December 2021 ARC newsletter, Hoyas! We wish you the best of luck with your approaching final examinations, and hope you have an enjoyable and restful holiday season. Our next issue will be delayed due to the holidays, but be on the lookout for the next ARC newsletter on Monday, January 10th!

Want to make sure that you don’t miss any ARC happenings or news? Check out the ARC News page on our website, where we post announcements, upcoming events, and opportunities.

We welcome your feedback and input regarding the content - please submit ideas or suggestions here. Do you have friends or family that may be interested in receiving this? They can subscribe via this link. All image descriptions are in the alternative text.

Disability Support

Medical Housing Process for 2022-2023

The medical housing process for the 2022-2023 academic year is now open. More information about the process is available on the ARC website. Students who plan to request medical housing may want to use the upcoming winter break to speak to their healthcare providers.

Questions about the process? Contact Please note that responses may be delayed during the final exam period, as ARC staff will be administering final exams.

The first consideration date is February 11, 2022.

Academic Support

Study tip of the month displayed on a tan background showing a picture of a latte, computer, and notebook. The text reads: Before you reach for a late-night coffee, pour yourself a glass of water. Staying hydrated will boost your concentration and help you feel energized.

Student-Athlete Academic Support

December 3 is:
International Day of Persons with Disabilities!

Disability inclusion is an essential condition to upholding human rights, sustainable development, and peace and security. In 1992, the United Nations proclaimed December 3rd as International Day of Persons with Disabilities. It aims to promote the rights and well-being of persons with disabilities in all spheres of society and development, and to increase awareness of the situation of persons with disabilities in every aspect of political, social, economic and cultural life.

Want to learn more? Check out the
UN’s dedicated webpage!

Entertainment Recommendation of the Month

“Crip Camp: A Disability Revolution”

Available to watch on Netflix and YouTube (free).

Down the road from Woodstock, a revolution blossomed at a ramshackle summer camp for teenagers with disabilities, transforming their lives and igniting a landmark movement. In the early 1970s, teenagers with disabilities faced a future shaped by isolation, discrimination and institutionalization. Camp Jened, a ramshackle camp "for the handicapped" (a term no longer used) in the Catskills, exploded those confines. Jened was their freewheeling Utopia, a place with summertime sports…and campers who felt fulfilled as human beings. Their bonds endured as they migrated West to Berkeley, California - a promised land for a growing and diverse disability community - where friends from Camp Jened realized that disruption and unity might secure life-changing accessibility for millions.

*Synopsis courtesy of IMDB.

Cawley Career Center News & Opportunities

Hey Hoyas! Welcome back and good luck with finals. Know that should you have career questions, we are here to help you. The Career Center continues to offer designated offices hours for students with disabilities who are navigating the career search. Want to be notified about great upcoming employer events? Be sure to subscribe to Remind texts and the Diversity Newsletter. Please note that we are still available during drop-in hours Monday to Friday, 1-3pm in-person or virtually Tuesday & Thursday, 10-11am and 7-8pm. For any other questions or to reschedule/cancel an appointment, drop us an email at You’ve got this, Hoyas!

Paid Projects with Spring VIEW Program - Coming December 1st

The VIEW program aims to provide students with opportunities to develop real world resume-building skills through short-term project work completed in a virtual environment. These “micro-internships” are up to 50 hours of work and will take place between January 10 - February 25 . Applicants must submit an application by Thursday, Dec 9, at 11:59pm ET and match decisions will be announced by December 17. All projects will earn a $500 (or more) stipend upon successful completion. When you apply to a project, you are committing to working on this project, if selected. Apply to a maximum of three projects on Handshake under the employer, Georgetown VIEW Program.

The Career Center in partnership with the Red House will be offering a one-credit, pass/fail course for sophomores and juniors in the coming Spring 2022 semester. This course provides students with the essential tools of reflection, strategy, and resources designed to guide them toward paths of meaningful work and life beyond the Hilltop. See course details here. For questions, email Amanda Friday at

UNXD 190 - Personal Narrative and Professional Discernment

Save the Date: January Career Symposium for First and Second Year Students

January 21st from 9am - 4pm.
Are you a first-year student or sophomore? Do you feel a bit lost on how to find opportunities and experiences outside the classroom? Do you feel confused about your interests and what to pursue? Join the Cawley Career Education Center for a series of informal workshops to help you gain: a) an understanding of who you are and what paths may fit best with you, b) a high level perspective on career fields in various industries, and c) new ideas to connect you to experiential opportunities that fit your goals.

Become a NextGen Leader with Disability:IN!

Disability:IN is the leading nonprofit resource for business disability inclusion worldwide. They empower leading companies worldwide to achieve disability inclusion and equality.

Disability:IN’s NextGen Leaders Initiatives is a six-month mentorship program that pairs college students, graduate students, and recent graduates with disabilities with Disability:IN Corporate Partners. Participants meet with their corporate mentor virtually twice a month, network with Fortune 1000 companies, attend professional development webinars, and receive job notifications throughout the year. The 2022 NextGen program will run from March 14 - September 15, 2022.

Disability:IN NextGen Leaders are college students and recent graduate with disability. Students are matched one-on-one with mentors from Disability:IN Corporate Partners across all industries like Google, JPMorgan Chase, Microsoft, Boeing, and Pfizer.

The NextGen Leader Initiatives are committed to increasing opportunities for individuals who represent all segments of diversity. POC, women, veterans, and members of the LGBTQIA+ community with disabilities are especially encouraged to apply.

LimeConnect Opportunities

Join Lime Connect's Community Groups!

These groups are open to Lime Network Members - students and alumni with disabilities can create a profile here.

Lime Connect is hosting community groups for our Network Members, and we are excited to have you join us! These monthly groups will be a space for members to share and connect, and an opportunity to build community with other Lime Network Members who share similar life experiences.

The LGBTQIA2S+ Community Group meets on the second Thursday of each month at 8pm ET. The second meeting is scheduled for December 9th at 8pm ET and new members are encouraged to join!

The Veterans Community Group is for Network Members who are military service veterans, and the first meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 14th at 6pm ET. Group members will have a chance to get to know each other, discuss ground rules, and schedule future meetings.

To join a community group, please register through the announcement on the Lime Network portal
For questions, please email Lime's Outreach Coordinator at

Apply for the Google Lime Scholarship - Due by December 12th!

Lime Connect wants to support you on your academic journey!

  • Applicants must be undergraduate or graduate students, enrolled for the 2022-23 academic year, and studying computer science, computer engineering, or a closely related field.

  • Scholarships will be awarded based on the strength of candidates' academic background and a demonstrated passion for computer science.

  • Three essays and a letter of recommendation are required on the application.

  • $10,000 USD (US) or $5,000 USD (Canada) for the 2022-2023 academic year

  • The opportunity for a “Google Lime Scholars” gathering in Summer 2022

  • Consideration for software engineering internship opportunities with Google

Learn more and apply here:

Apply for the BMO Capital Markets Lime Connect Equity Through Education Scholarship - Due by March 21st!

Lime Connect wants to support you on your academic journey!

  • Applicants must be undergraduate or graduate students, enrolled for the Fall 2023 semester, and studying business/ commerce, computer science, engineering, math, physics, statistics, or a related discipline.

  • Interest in a career in Financial Services with a focus on Capital Markets is preferred.

  • A resume, academic transcript, essay, and letter of recommendation are required on the application.

  • $10,000 USD (US) or $5,000 USD (Canada) for the 2022-2023 academic year

  • Applicants are also encouraged to apply for the BMO Capital Markets Summer 2023 Internship program

Learn more and apply here:


Did you miss our previous newsletter? Click here to read it!

Have a friend that didn't get this email but might want to? They can subscribe with this form!

Are you curious about the points of contact for each sport? Here’s a complete list of head coaches and sports administrators.

Share your suggestions for future newsletters here (like new topics to include, a disability-centered entertainment recommendation, a campus event or celebration to spotlight, etc.).

Interested in becoming more knowledgeable about disability issues in higher education? Check out NCCSD (National Center for College Students with Disabilities) and DREAM (Disability Rights, Education, Activism, and Mentoring), two fantastic resources for college students with disabilities as well as disability advocates and allies.

Want to connect with our office? Click on the buttons below to connect via Facebook, Instagram, our website, and our email, respectively.