
November News 2021

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Photo by Yael Karavan of L'Axe Majeure Work by Dani Karavan in Cergy Pontoise, France.

Dear friends / Queridos Amigos

(mais informação em Portuguese em baixo)

What an overwhelming month!
Back to the Karavan Life traveling around the globe 
creating, exchanging, teaching, performing, meeting.
Feel grateful for having met so many new lovely people who have opened my heart with hope. 

The Netherlands, UK, France, Spain, Portugal, Israel...
and soon an online version of Pupik in Brazil,
I miss my dear friends in Brazil...
Will we soon find less polluting ways to cross oceans and borders...?

So in these days where world leaders are trying to find solutions for a safer and saner future
to our excessive waste, plastic, energy sources, pollution, overconsumption, beef/ meat, methane, Co2, etc...

I feel the importance of meeting people around the world and sharing
the poetry of our connection to this planet
the unity and mutual symbiosis we have with Nature, cause we are IT!
We are nature.

So by taking care of our environment we are actually really taking care of ourselves and of each other for a better future.

So here again a few little pearls for the final months of this year,
to keep the light and the warmth, wrapping our skin, bones,
and hearts

with L O V E


Ghost Amber
A great film by Tim Grabham
part of Cinecity, Brighton at the Duke of Yorks
Wednesday 10th of November at 6.30pm! 

Link to trailer HERE

Don't miss this really great film! apparently, i am the main character but you can't really tell!
In the wake of analog film’s great vanishing from the commercial film industry, a celluloid ghost materializes inside the ruins of a mysterious phantom cinema, beginning a journey through death, rebirth, and the bardo-like spaces in between.

Combining animation, documentary, fantasy, and archive, Ghost Amber is the new project from filmmaker Tim Grabham. Following on from his co-directorial documentary features 'KanZeOn' (2011) with Neil Cantwell, 'The Creeping Garden' (2014) with Jasper Sharp, and the experimental short 'Films To Break Projectors' (2017), Ghost Amber is Grabham’s first solo directorial feature.

Shot in Taiwan, Europe, and the UK.

Supported by Screen Archive Southeast.

Trailer soundtrack - Federico Visi, Tim Slade, dissolving path

More info and tickets HERE


The Japan of Dani Karavan

At the Tikoting Japanese Art Museum in Haifa, Israel
from fri 13th November 

 With a solo performance by Yael Karavan on 13th &18th of November

More info - HERE


For many years my dear late father, Dani Karavan, and I were working in Japan at the same time. Him, with his amazing site-specific installations and myself with my Butoh research. We would meet there and share the same passions for Japanese aesthetics, nature, madness, and FOOD! 

In 2003 I had the unexpected opportunity to be invited to create a site-specific performance on one of his greatest sculpture sites entitled 'Way to the Hidden Garden' in Sapporo Art Park with a great group of dancers and musicians, Link to video HERE.

I was later invited again and again to create work on additional pieces he created, and now, for the first time ever 3 of my performances on his sculpture sites in Japan will be presented in his exhibition- The Japan of Dani Karavan which will be inaugurated this coming Saturday 13th of November. In addition, I was also invited to perform as part of the opening and once more performing + talk with the audience a week later on Thursday the 18th at 6.30pm. Funny life, my father wanted me so much to work more here in Israel, and only now that he has passed the invitations keep on coming in....

and its

Wish you were here



PUPIK - Fuga em 2
cênico da Yael Karavan e a Naomi Silman
Dentro da programação online: VEM PRO SESC do Sesc Ceara 

19 de Novembro as 20h (Horario do Brazil)
Transmitido pelo Youtube do Lume Teatro- Link AQUI
e pelo Facebook Chanel da Yael Karavan AQUI

PUPIK - Fuga em 2 é fruto de uma colaboração internacional entre as premiadas companhias LUME Teatro (Brasil) e The Karavan Ensemble (Inglaterra) com Naomi Silman e Yael Karavan.


Juntas, elas contam a história do encontro e da amizade entre duas mulheres com trajetórias similares. Descendentes de refugiados e imigrantes, elas vivem uma vida fragmentada, composta de identidades, culturas e línguas diversas. Partindo das suas “pessoalidades”, as atrizes abordam temas contemporâneos essenciais como identidade, imigração e preconceito. No meio de um cenário global crescente de divisão e intolerância, “Pupik” – que significa “umbigo” em hebraico – busca desenterrar o que nos liga, apesar das diferenças.

Com uma carreira consolidada de mais de 20 anos de pesquisas em teatro físico e visual, dança e palhaço, as atrizes buscaram fundir as suas linguagens para encontrar uma expressão simples e poética num diálogo direto e íntimo com o público. O espetáculo estreou no Brasil em 2015 no XI Feverestival (Festival Internacional de Teatro de Campinas) e depois seguiu se apresentando em várias cidades e festivais do Brasil. Em 2017 e 2018 apresentou em Portugal, Inglaterra (dentro de projeto financiado pelo Arts Council England) e Israel e mais recentemente no espaço da Caixa Cultural no Rio de Janeiro.


Photos by Carlota Lagido & yael karavan / Rita Vilhena


Versão instalação do MA-MA e Pela Nossa Pele/ Our Skin 

De Yael Karavan e Rita Vilhena

No InShadow Lisbon Dance on Screen Festival 

 24 Novembro - 7 Dezembro

no espaço da cisterna da faculdade de Belas-Artes, Lisboa.

24 e 25 as 19h intervencao performativa de MA-MA

Mais info em breve - HERE


MA-MA é uma instalação-performance que reflete sobre o lugar onde vivemos, sobre a nossa fragilidade e o perigo iminente a que a vida na terra está sujeita. O planeta Terra como corpo fértil de mulher, é uma metáfora que une muitas tradições. Nesta versão site-specific para o In-Shadow, há 2 dos principais elementos da performance original (60 min), à medida que criamos uma intervenção ao vivo que deixa um rasto no espaço que os espectadores poderão percorrer. O público é convidado a fazer a sua própria viagem através da instalação e a experimentar os efeitos das suas/nossas ações.

MA-MA is a performance-installation that reflects on the place where we live, on our fragility and the imminent danger to which life on earth is subjected. Planet Earth as a woman's fertile body, is a metaphor that unites a lot of traditions. In this site-specific
version for In-Shadow, there will be 2 of the main elements of the original 60 min live performance, as we create a live intervention that leaves a trace in the space for the spectators to travel through. Audiences are invited to take their own journey through the installation and experience the effects of their/our actions.

Pela Nossa Pele é um vídeo arte-dança filmado em Coentral, Castanheira de Pêra. O filme observa como nos influenciamos mutuamente, corpo-natureza-corpo, e como somos a continuação um do outro, destacando a simbiose entre o corpo da mulher e a paisagem. Nesta versão de instalação específica do site, escolhemos 2 elementos do filme original (36 min) e criámos 2 novos vídeos (10 min. cada), que dialogam um com o outro no espaço da cisterna da Faculdade de Belas-Artes, separados por plantas que criam uma fronteira natural entre ambos, assim como entre os espectadores e a obra.

Our Skin is a video art-dance filmed in Coentral, Castanheira de Pêra. The film observes how we influence each other, body-Nature-body, and how we are the continuation of one another, highlighting the symbiosis between women's bodies and the landscape. In this site-specific installation version, we have chosen 2 elements of the original film (36 minutes) and created 2 new videos (10 minutes each), dialoguing with each other in the space of the cisterna of Faculdade de Belas-Artes, separated by plants and creating a natural border between them both as well as between the spectators and the work.

Oficina/ workshop
Butoh e Metamorfoses em Lisboa

(taught in Portugues and English)

Ultima oficina em 2021- VAGAS LIMITADA!

4 e 5 de Dezembro 11-17h
No Palácio Pancas Palha, Rua do Forte de Santa Apolónia

Butoh é uma dança de vanguarda, uma filosofia e um método que foi criado no Japão, no final dos anos 50, por Tatsumi Hijikata e Kazuo Ohno. Não se trata de uma técnica, mas de um método e uma abordagem da dança que nasce dentro de nós e nos conecta a nossa essência, natureza, universo e aos ciclos da vida e da morte. 
Yael Karavan tem mais de 20 anos de experiência, durante os quais teve a oportunidade de trabalhar com os fundadores do Butoh no Japão: Kazuo Ohno e Motofuji San - esposa de Tatsumi Hijikata - bem como com Tadashi Endo, Yumiko Yoshioka, Sankai Juku, Atsushi Takenuchi, Minako Seki, Akira Kasai, Natsu Nakajuma entre outros. 
Os principais elementos que serão trabalhados na oficina são: metamorfose, presença, contraste, expansão da dança através de imagens (Buoth- Fu) e tensão entre opostos. 
O objetivo é libertar o corpo “domesticado” do conjunto de gestos e movimentos preconcebidos permitindo o acesso à profunda e autêntica essência do movimento. 

A inscrição é mais info através do email

Até 20 de Novembro: 65,00 €
Após 20 de Novembro: 75,00 €

Main info AQUI
  From our friends 

A great team of teachers for performing arts/ physical theatre Master's degree! 

Have a look at this great lineup of guest teachers very very very recommended! 



Empathic Action / Art for the planet

We have recently launched our new website and are still open for your contributions/ work submissions.

Created in collaboration with Vincent Ordonenz


Dear friends of the world, in the face of the current state of our world we feel the need to break the silence and take action for our planet. Waiting for authorities to take act upon these urgent matters is a waste of time and we need to unite in the face of this crises in order to imagine a better future. Protecting our environment and ourselves is of most importance and must be done now before it’s too late. As part of this wondrous nature we must have more empathy and collaborate. We invite you to join our Empathic Action towards our one and only Home- Planet Earth, by adding in your Art and Heart. Please email us to if you'd like to be part of our project and add your work to it.



Photo by Josefa Searle taken from the show MA-MA

I have already announced the relaunch of the Total Theatre Magazine website
And I would like to deeply recommend it to you all! especially people with interest in the performing arts. When I moved to the UK in 1996 I studied at Ecole Phillipe Gaulier and used to wait with anticipation every 3 months for the Magazine to come out in a book shop around the corner from the school in Camden. Last Autumn I participated in the Total Theatre Artists as Writers 2020 programme, It was such a rewarding experience and I am so proud to share my 1st published article here entitled - Can Art Save our Planet? 

Please like and share and all that sort of stuff, to help us spread the word @TotalTheatreMag

You can also find other article from the Artists as Writers course they are all extremely worth wile on the site....


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