
RÉCIT AGE Newsletter

November 2021
There are some interesting online conferences on the horizon and the RÉCIT AGE team has been hard at work this past month. Read and hear all about it below!

Recent activities

RÉCIT Wrap up

Feedback for Effective Teaching and Learning

There are several ways to incorporate feedback in your teaching. Emilie, Avi, and Marc discuss different ways in which you help students to keep on the right track with their learning. See below for a comprehensive tool to help teachers give feedback in their LMS.

Bilingual Resource for Teachers and Consultants coming soon!

Jean-Simon Gardner (Service régional RÉCIT FGA Capitale-Nationale) and Tobby Bédard (Service régional RÉCIT FGA Chaudière-Appalaches) produced a highly comprehensive tool to help teachers with LMS feedback at the end of the last academic year. In the next few weeks this same tool will be available in English with curated subtitles. The updated link will be sent to our newsletter subscribers inbox as soon as it is completed. Here is the original version for you.

Project RISE

Project RISE update

Emilie is hard at work collaborating with L’Équipe-Choc and the English Pedagogical Consultants to prioritize course codes for digital resource creation projects and taking inventory of available resources. More updates to come next month!

In the meantime, if you or your students are creating digital resources, there are lots of great online sites where you can find Creative Commons images, icons, slide templates, and more!

Check out our guides for teachers and students here.


Equatio, UDL, and SVI Resource Kits

Once again, Avi has been busy this month. It was Equatio’s turn to be in the spotlight with the resource team at Place Cartier this month with a hands-on workshop. Equatio is an application that aims to help make math more accessible. Among some of the more interesting features, Equatio can read math out loud, visualize a written equation as a graph, or allow one to speak, draw, or type equations into a digital format.

Nicole Lalonde-Barley, Sonya Fiocco, James Burn, and Avi are teaming up for a series of three workshops around Universal Design for Learning (UDL) for ACCESS teachers. The aim of the workshops is to introduce the three principles of UDL (engagement, representation, action and expression) and provide real-world applications of this framework in teaching and evaluation contexts.

There are several Accessibility Resource Toolkits in the works. Templates are being developed for special ed techs and teachers in order to support SVI learners in work or volunteer work settings. The templates will focus on topics such as social interactions, social skills, hygiene, and work related tasks. These kits will also incorporate best practices around accessibility (legibility, pictograms, etc) to help make instructions the most accessible for the target clientele.

If you are interested in setting up a similar in-person or online exploration of Assistive Tech applications in your centre, please contact

Centre Support

What tool do you Intend to use?

Here is another RÉCIT Wrap up episode featuring Giovanna Salvagio and hosted by Marc Gariépy. The notion of defining one’s pedagogical intention before choosing a digital is discussed.

Conferences Past and Future

ACE Online

ACE has a new face! Stemming from the success of the first edition, ACE Online is back. The acronym now stands for: Anglophone Community Expo. We, at RÉCIT AGE, invite all stakeholders of the AGE community to save March 16, 2022 for a day of exchanging ideas together. We are also looking for presenters. Please fill in this form if you would like to give a workshop or a short presentation at ACE.


Registration for the second edition of the Journée pédagogique montérégienne virtuelle will start on November 12, 2021. The conference will be held on November 19, 2021. Most workshops are in French and will be recorded.


November 5, 2021 marked the third edition of the Digital Education Day hosted by the MEQ.

Check it out!


Burnout & Stress Management

The next EPC Après-cours workshop will take place on November 24, 2021 at 4:15 PM on the Après-cours website. View all the upcoming APCs on the EPC website.
Stress & Burnout - APC Invite


The next SI Après-cours will be on December 2nd and the topic will be managing challenging behaviours. The sign up sheet is here.
Sign up

Adult Education 101

The recording and accompanying documentation of the Adult Education 101 workshop are now available on the Après-cours website.

EC in QC

Provincial/Regional service, Centre Consultant, PotAYto, PotAHto

This month, I would like to discuss the relationship that we here at RÉCIT AGE have with our local counterparts. It is one that is rich, fruitful, and essential. Without the centre consultants, RÉCIT would pretty much be paddling against the current and most likely struggling to keep afloat.

While recording our episode of the RÉCIT Wrap up Podcast, Giovanna and Marc got to talking about how she, as Centre Support, could not only help teachers, but also lighten the load for our consultant collaborators. We can certainly help in creating instructional videos for you that respond to a teacher’s request or a centre needs. Please reach out to us via the Live Chat on the RÉCIT AGE website or email Giovanna directly at:

Survey Says!

How are we doing so far?

We would like to read some of your comments and opinions about this newsletter and on what you would like us to focus on in the future. We appreciate you taking the time to fill out this survey.


Visit the RÉCIT VT website for updates and information. Vocational teachers, consultants, and administrators can also book an appointment with James or Daniel for any PD needs or training requests.

James Burn on Twitter
Daniel Jordan

Social media and websites

How to reach us: Facebook and Twitter:
@SalvagioJoanne   @ebowles_RECIT   @a_spector   @MrGwrites

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Alexandrie FGAAprès-cours FGACampus RÉCIT  • Carrefour FGA
Moodle FGAPédago Mosaïque / PDMosaicRÉCIT
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