
SATURDAY 13th November

9.30 am - Our Lady of Lourdes (St Paul's School) - 
Reconciliation (Confessions)

SATURDAY 13th November - VIGIL MASS 
SAT - 5pm Reconciliation (Confessions) Church of Christ the Cornerstone
5.30pm - Church of Christ the Cornerstone - Joan Thompson RIP (First Anniversary)
7pm - St Augustine's (Heelands) - Mass in Polish

SUNDAY 14th November
8.30 am - St Augustine's (Heelands) -  Morgan Battye RIP
8.30am - St Bede's (Newport Pagnell) - Evelyn Ballesty RIP, Martin and Irmgard Reidel RIP
9.30am Our Lady of Lourdes, (St Paul's School, Leadenhall) 
10 am - St Edward's (Shenley Church End) - Those who are unwell
11 am - St Mary's (Woburn Sands) - For those who died in war (Remembrance Sunday)
11.30 am - St Augustine's (Heelands) - Michael Donoghue RIP
11.30 am Christ the King (Kents Hill) - Edozie and Ima Ogbonna Int (In Thanksgiving)
2 pm - St Augustine's (Heelands - Mass in Polish
6.30pm - St Augustine's (Heelands) - People of the Parish

MONDAY 15th November
9.30am - St Augustine's (Heelands) - Jozef and Anna RIP
12.30pm - Church of Christ the Cornerstone -

TUESDAY 16th November - St Margaret of Scotland 
9.30am - St Augustine's (Heelands) - Fr Michael Doyle RIP
6 pm - St Augustine's (Heelands) - Mass in Polish

WEDNESDAY 17th November 
9.30am - St Augustine's (Heelands) - Helena Abramowska Int (2nd Birthday)

THURSDAY 18th November 
9.30am - St Augustine's (Heelands) - In Thanksgiving and Julieth Okafar Family Int
10 am - St Mary's (Woburn Sands) - Ian Ward RIP
7 pm - St Augustine's (Heelands) - Mass in Polish 

FRIDAY 19th November 
9.30am - St Augustine's (Heelands) - Anton, Angeline and Maria Goretti Machado
6.00pm - Reconciliation (Confessions) and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 
7.00pm - St Augustine's (Heelands) - Tom Int (For God’s Healing)
Remembrance Sunday  
There will be a Service of Remembrance, this weekend, Sunday, 14th November at 10.50am at the Church of Christ the King, Kents Hill, Frithwood Crescent, Kents Hill, MK7 6HQ. This will be a Ecumenical Service and will precede the regular 11.30am Mass. Please come along, as both congregations join in prayer and remembrance of those who died in war.
November Mass for those who have died this year
In two weeks time, on Friday 26th November at 7pm, we will hold a special Mass at St Augustine’s Church in Heelands, when we will pray particularly, by name, for those who have died in our parishes over the last year. Please keep the date free and perhaps invite people who have lost someone this year to come along.

St Barnabas Cluster of Parishes - Synod 
Pope Francis has asked the church throughout the world to spend time listening and speaking graciously to one another in order to discern the way that the Holy Spirit is leading us now and toward the future. We had a very positive gathering during the week of people from each of our parishes who might help to coordinate things locally. Each of our parishes is very different, so the listening will take different forms and go at different speeds in each of our parishes. Over the next few weeks there will be details of how to become practically involved. Please continue too to keep the Church and this process in your prayer.

News from St Edward's
  • Saturday Evening Mass 6.30pm
At a recent parish meeting, we decided to trial celebrating Mass again on a Saturday evening. It would seem inappropriate to simply increase the number of Masses if there is no need or demand for them. So beginning next weekend, Saturday 20th November, we will begin to celebrate Mass at 6.30pm and review the numbers in the new year.
  • Social dates for your diary
19th  November : Sheila's Soups 12noon
27th November:  Celebrating Advent afternoon 2pm to 4pm (cakes, jewellery, craft group, tombola, drinks and mince pies).
8th December:  Guild Singers Concert
17th December: Orchestra Concert
Save the dates - more details to be published nearer the time.
  • Craft Group
Would you like to join with a group of Crafters?  Then you are invited to go along to the group who meet at St Edward's Church, Burchard Crescent, MK5 6DX. The next meeting is Monday 15th November at 10am.  All  are very welcome.
First Communion 2022
As you know, because of last year’s disruption, there are two year groups (Year 3 and Year 4) to prepare this year. At the back of church or in the sacristy on Sunday you will find a registration form. If your child is in Year 3 or over and would like to make their First Communion this year, please complete one of the forms and we will get back to you with details of the appropriate programme.
** Registration closes this weekend **
Milton Keynes Foodbank
At St Augustine’s in Heelands, we will begin to collect items for the Foodbank again. You will find a place to leave your donations in the foyer as you enter church. Click left to find a list of which items are most in demand currently. Our weekly collection at Christ the King will continue as usual.
It’s Shoebox Time again!
Every year at St Mary’s Church in Woburn Sands we join the Samaritans Purse Christmas Shoebox appeal to help provide Christmas gifts to those in need. 
Click above and watch the fun video to get an idea of how it works. Return your filled box, along with a £5 donation to cover transport, to 11am Mass this weekend.
Love Christmas
Advent and Christmas should be a season of kindness. But, for too many people across our diocese, with the spectre of COVID and the many issues this has caused still looming, this Christmas may be one of isolation, deprivation and challenges. 
The diocese is putting on an online workshop on Thursday 18th November at 7.30pm to explore a number of practical ways that we can reach out into our community, from outdoor cribs to bags of kindness, including the ecumenical Love Christmas Campaign. We will explore Ideas for every parish and school community to get involved. To find out more or register click below.
Register Here
An international brotherhood of Catholic men, the Catenian Association provides practicing Catholic laymen and their families with friendship, social activities, and support through an international network of local branches or 'Circles'.

To find find out more information visit our website: 
or email: 
or contact Richard Golden: (01908) 503331
Mystery Church of the Week
Do you recognise which of the churches in our cluster of parishes that this is?
Answer next week!

Hope you recognised the chapel at Cranfield University last week.
A number of people have once again enquired about ways in which they can support the work of our parishes financially.
You can set up a standing order for donations to your parish using either your on line bank account or in branch. The information required to make the donation is as follows:

Bank: NatWest
Sort Code: 60-06-11
Account Name: 46898093
Account Name: Northampton Roman Catholic Diocesan Trust
Payment Ref: **Please enter the Parish Name and Area**

Every Tuesday between 10am - 4pm, a member of the Diocesan Finance Team will be available for you to donate to one of our Parishes over the telephone. To donate simply call 01604 712065 with your debit or credit card details. The money will go directly to the parish that you designate.
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