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November 2021
MPP Daisy Wai and OPDI visit Richmond Hill Drop-by Centre 

Thank you to OPDI, and MPP Daisy Wai and her team for visiting our Peer Support Drop-by Centre in Richmond Hill, as part of National Disability Employment Awareness Month! 
Krasman's Got Talent! United Way of Greater Toronto's Annual Fundraising Campaign 

Krasman Centre held a Virtual Talent Show for staff members on October 27th, where staff were invited to submit a photo or video of their special talent and make a monetary contribution to support the United Way of Greater Toronto's annual fundraising campaign. Krasman Centre staff raised $1,240.52! Thank you to everyone who donated, submitted their talent and participated in the FUNdraiser! We had a FUNtastic time!

Special thanks to those who supported our event by donating in-kind gifts and their time! 

Richmond Hill BIA  | Arnold Crescent Animal Hospital  | Singer/Songwriter Lester McLean | Tim Hortons on Leslie & 16th 

People don't always need advice. Sometimes all they really need is a hand to hold, an ear to listen, and a heart to understand them. - Author Unknown

Peer Support is rapidly becoming one of the most valued, accepted and effective approaches to assist people who experience mental health and addiction challenges. Peer support refers to services provided by and for people who have had similar lived experiences. Peer support is unique because it fosters values including:

  • Self-determination  
  • Equality
  • Mutuality 
  • Empathy
  • Recovery
  • Hope 
This approach takes many forms: peer support groups, one-to-one mentoring, crisis services such as the warm lines, support in employment and creative activities. 
(Source: Making the Case for Peer Support: O'Hagen, Cyr, McKee and Priest, Mental Health Commission of Canada, September 2010). 
Virtual Peer Support Groups - Find a Group to support your wellness journey

For November, we have many exciting virtual groups to offer: 
  • Exploring Emotions & Behaviours - This group challenges negative emotions and share coping strategies to promote your wellness.
  • Mindfulness -  Find inner peace and moments of calm in your day through breathing exercises and other coping skills. 
  • NEW! Thankfulness - a weekly opportunity to join together and express our gratitude for the blessings in our lives. 
  • The Meeting Spot - Daily drop-in group to socialize, connect with other peers and share similar experiences. Attend your first session and receive a $5 gift card.  
  • Tough Stuff - An All-Inclusive Addictions Group supporting peers with challenges with substance use, food and behaviours.
  • Wellbeing Support Group -  De-stress by sharing any troubles you may be having, followed by support from other group members.
 Download the November calendar here> or view our upcoming events calendar on our website here>
Learn from yesterday, live for today, and hope for tomorrow. -Albert Einstein

Peer Support Community of Practice 
The purpose of our community of practice is to provide a forum to provide:
  • Mutual support
  • Share ideas and engage in activities that develop the practice and profession of peer support
  • Development of personal growth and wellness 
Welcoming people with lived experience or living expertise of mental health &/or addictions with an interest in the practice of peer support, wellness and personal growth. View the 2021 Calendar>> 

For more information, please call Theresa at 647-926-9552 or email

Substance Use and Addictions Program (SUAP!) 
The goal of this program is to raise awareness about Cannabis' effect on health, social issues, and address the stigma that surrounds Cannabis and its users. The harm reduction program hopes to educate peers on how to reduce harms surrounding Cannabis. 360 Kids is working in partnership with Krasman Centre, Youth Speak, Addiction Services for York Region (ASYR) and CAYR Community Connections.

For more information, please contact Jessica Ward, SUAP Coordinator
Email: Phone: (647) 522-8563

Would you like to access the Covid-19 Vaccine at Krasman Centre's Richmond Hill location?

Individuals who are interested in accessing the vaccine (1st or 2nd dose) are encouraged to book an appointment to receive the vaccine at our Richmond Hill location at 10121 Yonge St.
Please send an email to Anand Kansara at or call 416-509-9681.

These clinics are organized in collaboration with Region of York and York Region EMS.
Join our team - we're hiring! 
  • Equity Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression Coordinator 
  • Peer Supporter, Newmarket Drop-By Centre 
  • Request for Proposals - Policy Review & Development Strategic Planning Services
View the job postings here>>
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For more information on our programs and services, please visit
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10121 Yonge Street
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Krasman Centre · 10121 Yonge Street · Richmond Hill, On L4C 1T7 · Canada