Agricultural Literacy Curriculum Matrix- MyBinder Users

You recently created a MyBinder account on the National Agricultural Literacy Curriculum Matrix. You may have been introduced to this education resource in a teacher workshop or inservice, by a referral, or through an internet search. However you found us, we'd like to welcome you to the Matrix where you will find free, searchable, and standards-based lesson plans and supporting resources for K-12 teachers. The Matrix contextualizes national education standards in science, social studies, and nutrition education with relevant instructional resources linked to Common Core Standards. 

Your "MyBinder" account allows you to save lessons of interest in your own digital binder. This feature ensures you can find your favorite lessons and that you will always have the most current version at your fingertips.

Each month we send out a newsletter summarizing the new resources that can be found on the Matrix. The newsletter for November can be found below. If you wish to opt out of these newsletters, you can do so by clicking unsubscribe in the footer of this email. You can also receive updates by following us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

If you ever have questions regarding the resources on the Matrix you can email us directly at or simply click the "How can we help?" pop up on the website. We are always happy to hear feedback and answer questions! 

Thank you for being part of our community!
See our tips for finding relevant resources for your classroom!
What's New on the Matrix?
9th-12th Grade
Explore protein, discover the role of amino acids, identify sources of complete and incomplete proteins, and make fresh mozzarella cheese.
9th-12th Grade
Explore dietary guidelines, compare and contrast historical food guides, and discover how to apply principles of MyPlate.
*Revised to reflect the new
2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines.
See the New Companion Resources!
November's Featured Resources
Grades K-2
Discover how fresh fruits can be preserved by drying grapes to make raisins.
Grades 3-5
Explore different types of weather and discover how weather conditions can impact farms.
Grades 3-5 and 6-8

Make fresh mozzarella cheese and discover a career as an artisan cheesemaker.
Grades 6-8 and 9-12

Explore the process of fermentation in the creation of ethanol and observe the role enzymes play in the creation of biofuels.
Elementary Book
A fascinating slice of American history to discover the customs, manners, and eating habits of the Pilgrims.
A collection of maps and graphs to discover where your Thanksgiving dinner foods were produced.
Evaluate Our Lesson Plans!
Have you used any lesson plans on the Curriculum Matrix? We value your input! We have a new, easy-to-use evaluation tool. Scroll to the bottom of any lesson and look for the orange icon to find the link.

Our mailing address is:
2300 Old Main Hill
Logan, Utah 84322

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