The latest time to check out your student early from school is 2:00 PM on regular days and 11:00 AM on early release days. You must have your driver's license with you to check out a student during school hours.
PTA Central Bolts of Blue Silent Auction - Check Out The Auction Preview
Register for ClickBid in advance to be ready when the silent auction goes live. Auction Preview Open Now - More Items Added Daily Keep Checking Back!
Lots of wonderful items for you to bid on! Everyone can bid electronically via Clickbid. Register today at
Leader in Me: Lightning Leaders October Congratulations to our Lightning Leaders for October Habit #2 Begin With the End In Mind: I plan ahead and set goals. I do things that have meaning and make a difference. I am an important part of my classroom and contribute to my school's mission and vision. I look for ways to be a good citizen. Leadership theme of the month: Wellness
Kindergarten: Jett J., Rex L., Evan L., Darren P., & Valerie W.
First Grade: Ryker C., Zoey K., Ledger M., & Zora S.
Second Grade: Jaxson G., Riley L., Lauren L., Maddox M., & William S.
Third Grade: Anish B., Addison C., Taleh E., Dylan P., & Cayden Y.
Fourth Grade: Emma B., Paige D., Madison M., & Jash V.
Fifth Grade: Isabella B., Lacey D., Daley D., & Aisley H.
Sixth Grade: Celia G., Cole H., Nivriti S., & Sanaa T.
Seventh Grade: Milind D., Skylar M., Serenity O., & Alejandra R.
Eighth Grade: Ezra A., John H., Anthony P., & Michael T.
Leader in Me - November Focus Habit #3 Put First Things First: I spend my time on things that are most important. This means I say no to things I know I should not do. I set priorities, Make a schedule, and follow my plan. I am disciplines and organized. Leadership Theme of the Month: Appreciation
Tickets on Sale at the School Store
Click HERE to purchase
1st Quarter Report Cards Report Cards – Elementary and Middle School
Report cards are accessed through the district Report Card and Testing Portal at
Middle School Report Cards will be available for online viewing beginning Thursday 10/28/21
Elementary Report Cards will be available for online viewing beginning Monday, 11/1/2021
Families can access the report cards website two ways:
1. Students can access their own report cards by logging in with their user ID and password:
User ID is 7 digit student number (ex 1234567) and password is birthmonthdayyear (ex 01152011 for Jan 15, 2011)
2. If a student cannot access the report card for a parent/guardian, a PIN can be requested by selecting "Request a PIN" on the report cards website. A PIN can be sent to the email address or mobile phone number of a parent/guardian in the Student Information System (listed on the student’s emergency card).
New Volunteer Guidelines Teachers will be sending out additional information regarding specific needs for their classrooms. All volunteers must be APPROVED through the new background screening system, SafeVisitor Solutions, prior to being able to volunteer on campus. Takes 3-5 days to process.
Visit the Volunteer Section of our website for the SafeVisitor Application.
Lost and Found - Please Claim
Click HERE to view items - updated pictures today! Please send an email to with the photo name and your student's name and the item will be placed in your homeroom teacher's mailbox. Please make sure all items are labeled with your student's first and last name.
LAST CHANCE All unclaimed items will be donated on 11/5/2021
Lots and lots of waterbottles, jackets, glasses, etc.
COVID Hub and Other Important Information
Please visit our school website,, for key information related to the health and safetly of our students and staff to include emergency and executive orders by the FLDOE and the State of Florida. Lutz Preparatory School's COVID Hub is located in a pop up box on our homepage.How to Report Your Child Absent
Due to the pandemic, we are required to track every absence. Our policy is to have all absenses (related to health or other reasons) reporting to our school via the online attendance tool located on our website or click on the image to the right. Any supporting documentation related to the absence (doctor's notes, etc.) should be emailed to Reporting a COVID Diagnosis
If your child tests positive for COVID-19 we are requesting that parents immediately report this to the school via the COVID-19 Reporting Form on our website (even overnight and/or weekends).This will allow our step-by-step mitigation process to begin with contact tracing and notification to all students/staff that may have been potentially exposed. Thank you for your partnership in helping us keep all of our students and staff healthy.
Follow Us on Facebook and YouTube
Click HERE to subscribe to our YouTube page.
Lutz Preparatory School Facebook Page
Please click on the image to the right or These social media platforms will be additional ways to keep up to date on the school wide events at Lutz Preparatory School.
The NEWSFLASH, along with direct emails from administration and your teachers is still the primary way you will receive information from us.