Dear friends,

This Sunday is the 32nd in Ordinary Time.  In the Gospel reading Jesus notices that it is a poor widow who gives everything she has for the work of the Temple whilst the rich always hold back. This story should cause us to reflect on how much we can give to help the life of the church. Click here for the Scripture Readings and then Click Here to see how you can give regularly.

Sundays at 11 Defibrillator Training
If you would like to know how to use this life-saving piece of equipment, please attend this Sunday's training session at 11am.

All Saints-tide Lunch
A bring-and-share lunch with cocktails this Sunday from midday at S. Paul’s Camden Square. All welcome.

Welcome Evening
On Tuesday 9th November at 6.30pm, Mass and Benediction followed by drinks and light supper. For students, newcomers to church and to London, and friends you might like to invite to church for the first time. All welcome. Donations to our wine cellar gratefully received!

Christmas Festival
Saturday 18th December. If you can help on the day or contribute homemade cakes, tombola prizes or bottles of wine, or be the photographer on the day, please speak to Eileen who is our coordinator.

Baptisms and Confirmations
Bishop Jonathan will be with us on Tuesday, 1st February 2022 at 6.30pm for a special service of Baptism and Confirmation. If you wish to be baptised or confirmed, please speak to Fr. James or email him

The 800th Lord Mayor’s Show
Visitors will be attending from across the world and Old S. Pancras will be playing its part as a venue for a thanksgiving service for the Order of S. Lazarus at 11.30am next Sunday 14th November. We hope that their Grand Master, Don Francisco de Borbón y Hardenberg and his father the 5th Duke of Seville will be among the guests joining us for our post-Mass coffee before their own service.

Please welcome our guests from across the world as they will no doubt be interested in our ancient church and present-day community.

The Month of All Souls
November is the month of Souls when we pray for the faithful departed. If you would like a Mass said for a loved one during the month, please let Fr. James know.

See you on Sunday
Fr James


The week ahead

Sunday 7th November 
32nd per Annum
Solemn Mass 9.30am

Parish Mass and lunch for All Saints-tide 11.30am at S.Paul's Camden Square

Monday 8th November 
Mass 9.30am

Tuesday 9th November 
S.John Lateran
Mass & Benediction 6.30pm followed by drinks

Wednesday 10th November 
S.Leo the Great
Mass at St Paul's 11am
followed by coffee

Thursday 11th November 
S.Martin of Tours
Mass 10am

followed by coffee

Friday 12th November 
Fr James day-off
Mass at S.Mary's 1.05pm

Saturday 13th November 
Our Lady
Mass 10am

Sunday 14th November 
Remembrance Sunday
Solemn Requiem Mass 9.30am


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