
Reformation Day Sermon

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Sermon for Reformation Day 2021

Revelation 14:6–7, Psalm 46, Romans 3:19–28, John 8:31–36

The Introit is Psalm 34:1–2, 11, 22; antiphon: Psalm 119:46

The Collect of the Day
Almighty and gracious Lord, pour out Your Holy Spirit on Your faithful people. Keep us steadfast in Your grace and truth, protect and deliver us in times of temptation, defend us against all enemies, and grant to Your Church Your saving peace; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever

The daily readings for this week are: October 31: Deut. 32:28–52; Matt. 20:17–34; November 1: Deut. 34:1–12; Matt. 21:1–22; 2: Jer. 1:1–19; Matt. 21:23–46; 3: Jer. 3:6–4:2; Matt. 22:1–22; 4: Jer. 5:1–19; Matt. 22:23–46; 5: Jer. 7:1–29; Matt. 23:1– 12; 6: Jer. 8:18–9:12; Matt. 23:13–39.