A 4-point collage of photographs featuring a child and parent on computers at a kitchen table, a woman in a blue hat and mask standing at a vegetable stand boasting greens and radishes, a chef in a black apron and black cap, with a blue mask standing in a kitchen, and of a woman with a large beige purse, blue and spotted dress and a blue mask, shopping in a boutique for wellness products, with a search bar placed overtop reading: How has COVID-19 impacted your life?

Has COVID-19 changed the way you behave or work?

How you socialize or shop? Has it had an impact on your health or daily life?

We want to hear from you. 

Dufferin County, is participating in a University of Guelph research project to determine how the pandemic has impacted rural and small urban communities, particularly residents’:

💸 Employment

🧠 Wellbeing

🥂 Social behavior

🚴🏾 Daily life

We need your help! This information will be used to shape future programming, as we work towards recovery from this unprecedented time.

Complete Survey Here
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