Back to School
A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels:
Proverbs 1:5
Now, the verse above is talking about the discerning of proverbs but it can also apply to what we experienced here during the first few weeks of language school.  Each week we have “A” days “B” days and then a “C” day.  The “A” and “B” days each have their own schedule, as illustrated below, and a “C” day is test day.  We have a grammar lesson every day.  Even on “C” days.  However, on “C” days we usually get out earlier than 1pm.

We study a lot.  To the point that there are times we just don’t feel like studying anymore.  However, we know that if we remain persistent and faithful that the reward will be revealed when we can converse with the people, and Keith can preach and teach, without having a translator.  As of the midterm, our grades point averages are as follows:

Below are pictures of the calendar of events for November and December.  I hope this helps you pray for us specifically as you will know when we have test days or a day of travel to nearby towns to learn about the culture.

There have been a few encounters with things that we were not used to seeing.   The beach we have seen.  However, here, it is a bit different with waves 6 feet and higher.  Jen has been on a constant killing spree of different types of ants (hormigas), spiders (arañas), and of course cockroaches (cucarachas).  We cleaned our floors and the ants decided they needed to seek refuge in our vitamins that we had stored on the third shelf of our shelving.  We hope that doesn’t make them super ants now having feasted on our vitamins.  Jenny was met by an iguana as she looked out the window of our bathroom one day.  Jenny did not like this.  Another interesting thing that we were not used to is that here, they put a piece of ham (lunch meat) on the burger to make a hamburger.  I thought it to be strange but I understand it.  Otherwise, it is just a burger.

We have also had to get used to the heat.  If you saw the video of when we first arrived, I am not sure if you noticed but we have no windows, just screens.  In the afternoon it gets up into the ’90s.  We have a fan but it just blows hot air.  Since the base serves a meal at 3pm, we will stay at school where there is air conditioning and do our homework then go to the meal at 3pm to try and avoid the heat.  The other day we went shopping and put the groceries in the fridge.  We noticed that it was not cool but thought it was because we had it open and there was a lot of food and it needed time to catch up.  Well, we discovered that our freezer was working overtime but the refrigerator part was not getting cool.  We have a repairman coming to look at it but we have to throw away a lot of the food we just bought as it has spoiled.

We have been extremely encouraged by all the support we have received.  Not just here on the base and in the village as we practice Spanish, but from pastors and fellow workers in the ministry.  From a text to an email and the occasional video chat we have been blessed to receive.  These moments are more precious than gold to us as we get a taste of familiarity and receive encouragement and give praises to God for what He is doing in and through us.

We were blessed with the opportunity to share the ministry and our burden with a missionary group that came to the area to visit for a few days and see the mission base.  As we explained CCI’s mission is to equip Christ-like followers with comprehensive training for effective ministry, the group of 4 young men and 2 young women quickly saw the importance of equipping people and the effectiveness of the training.  I am sure that will not be the last time we speak to them.

We were able to get a picture of our host family. We are thankful for their apartment-style house in which we are staying. We pray that we may be an encouragement and blessing to them as they are to us.
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Praises and Prayer Requests
  • Praise God for His divine sovereignty that he orchestrates with great precision.
  • Praise God for helping us acclimate to our surroundings and providing such great godly relationships in our lives that we can remain encouraged and persistent in the mission with which we have been entrusted.
  • Continue to pray for us in the areas of retention, usage of the language, and assimilation of the culture.
  • Please pray for our children as we see them not always making the right decisions. Pray for them to have wisdom and look to the bible for answers, not the world.
  • Pray that God will continue to help us cultivate lasting and meaningful relationships with people for His glory.
Thank you for your financial investment and your prayers that hold us up before the Lord Jesus.
Our focus is for people to not just be recipients of the Gospel but to also be participants in the Great Commission.
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