
Dramas Over Flowers has a gift for you!

(It’s totally free but took us an entire day to customize and make pretty for you, so please make excellent use of it!)

How many Korean dramas have you completed watching in 2021?

Our ever-expanding watchlist can get a teeny bit unmanageable.

Which is why we (Saya, Anisa, and Paroma) use a drama tracking table to know exactly how many shows we’ve consumed through out the year.

This is the tracker we rely on when creating our Year End Yak for the podcast.

Kdrama Tracker 2021 by Dramas Over Flowers

And this year, we thought it would be amazing to find out exactly how many dramas our listeners were starting, dropping, and completing in 2021.

Click the button to download your copy of the 2021 Drama Tracker!


This tracker has all the week day dramas from major broadcast networks (including Netflix) that either ended in 2021 or started airing in 2021.

Enter ‘1’ in the “completed”, “watching”, or “dropped” columns and then find your total score at the bottom of the sheet!

Once you have your score, don’t forget to screenshot and share it with us on social media!

Here’s how Paroma’s scorecard looks by 22nd November, 2021!

Come and tell us your tallies on Twitter, Instagram, or by sending us an email!

With lots of love!

Saya, Anisa, Paroma

Hosts of Dramas Over Flowers podcast