2021 was one for the books. The Mobility Authority started off on a high note with the opening of two regionally-significant projects, the 183 Toll Road and the 290/130 Flyovers. We then successfully kicked off construction of the 183A Phase III Project in Williamson County and soon after began pre-construction activities for the 183 North Mobility Project. And after several years on hold, efforts have resumed on the MoPac South Environmental Study with a Virtual Open House.
We gained new leadership this year, welcoming Heather Gaddes as a Williamson County representative to the Board of Directors and James Bass as Executive Director.
Thank you to our partners and community for your support as we continue our commitment to bring new and innovative mobility solutions to Central Texas.
Questions or Concerns about your Toll Bill?
Contact us at 833-762-8655 or visit our website. We're here to help!
Every project goes through a series of steps, wherein the tasks of initiating, planning, designing, executing, and monitoring take place. Mobility Authority projects are no different. Though it takes years of study and numerous stakeholders to deliver a project from conception to completion, there are identifiable phases which most of our projects are subject to.
Here is a (simplified*) guide of how Mobility Authority projects come to be.
Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) like the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO), are responsible for developing both short- and long-range transportation plans for our region. These plans identify priority projects, forecasting for traffic growth 20-30 years into the future. They then determine funding plans based on available financing. If CAMPO has determined a project will be tolled, the Mobility Authority then has the opportunity to move the project to the next phase. Only when the Mobility Authority is asked by CAMPO to build a toll project do we take it on. In fact, no entity can build roads that are not a part of the regional MPO plan.
Once a project is identified for the Mobility Authority, our agency performs a study to gauge the proposed project’s feasibility. This includes analyzing traffic data and projections, funding options and availability, and consideration of the effects of other potential projects in the area. In addition, the involvement of local officials and evaluation of different potential alternatives are critical to determining if the project is both financially and practically feasible.
The results are then presented to the Mobility Authority Board of Directors, who votes on whether to initiate an Environmental Study.
Before any dirt is turned, the Mobility Authority conducts robust environmental studies to evaluate the effects of the potential project on the human and natural environment.
For projects that receive federal funding or approval, our study effort is conducted in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969. Although there are different levels of study, for proposed projects where environmental impact is uncertain, an Environmental Assessment (EA) is performed that includes an analysis of a full range of potential alternatives, including a “no build,” or do nothing, alternative.
The project and the process we follow is presented to the public at various stages through the environmental study including a formal public hearing. The Mobility Authority goes above and beyond the requirements of NEPA for public input, engaging the community in various meetings, workshops and open houses to engage the greatest number of participants possible.
The effort culminates in an EA document where a build alternative is recommended. The EA document is then submitted to the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) which is responsible for reviewing and approving documents under NEPA as authorized by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). If the EA is approved, a “Finding of No Significant Impact” (FONSI) is issued and the project may proceed to the next phase.
The Mobility Authority and TxDOT have resumed efforts on the MoPac South Environmental Study. We invite you to engage in the process as we continue working to identify a solution that improves safety and mobility for drivers, transit riders, bicyclists and pedestrians in a manner that promotes environmental stewardship and sustainability.
Visit the MoPac South Open House now through Friday, Jan. 7, 2022.
After years of rigorous study and public input, the project is ready to proceed. The Mobility Authority must now undertake a number of processes to get everything prepared ahead of construction. This includes finalizing the project design, selecting a contractor, securing funding, executing legal agreements – all of which require a variety of public and private, local and national stakeholder involvement to achieve. During this effort, the Mobility Authority’s consultants and contractors may be given the green light to perform final design, surveying, right-of-way acquisitions, utility adjustments, etc.
Currently ranked the 69th most congested roadway in the state of Texas, the 183 North Mobility Project aims to improve mobility, reduce congestion and provide more reliable travel times for transit and emergency responders along US 183 between SH 45 North and MoPac. In early 2021, the Mobility Authority selected Great Hills Constructors as the design-build contractor for the project with construction set to begin early 2022.
Check out the newly updated 183 North Mobility Project website for more information.
Construction begins! And we get it – construction can be tough. That’s why it’s inherent to our mission to remain good neighbors to the communities we serve throughout all phases of our projects, including construction. The Mobility Authority employs a multi-channel approach to keep the public informed of project progress and traffic impacts. Some of these methods include dedicated project websites, hotlines, social media, direct mailings, and more.
Interested in learning more about the 183A Phase III Project now under construction? Our project website has information, maps, and other resources readily available. For any other questions, contact our project team directly.
*Of course, one size doesn’t fit all. Not all projects will go through the same sequential process as roughly outlined above. And while finished construction marks the end of a project, continued operation and maintenance needs remain throughout the entire life of a roadway. Without regular maintenance, our roads would eventually need to be fully reconstructed, rather than repaired.
The Mobility Authority is available to answer your questions about both projects and open roadways. Contact us online or by phone at (512) 996-9778.
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