Thank you, from my heart
You make it all possible
Dear friends,
     This has been an intense and very beautiful month. Both the morning eurythmy webinars and also the evening Topics in Anthroposophy lecture course focused on the same theme: The Four Elements.
     In Eurythmy, we took a very deep dive into understanding how the four elements are imprinted right into language, in that each of the consonants can be categorized as Earth, Water, Air or Fire, according to how it plays with the air and the shapes it makes. We then went even deeper by learning the poem "Dedication: to the Elements," by the German poet Robert Hamerling. This gave us an artistic experience of working with the different elements in language, while inspiring us with the image of how we live in the elements while we are alive, and then how, at our death, we gift those same elements back to the universe out of which we had borrowed them.
     In the Topics in Anthroposophy course, we took a different approach, and studied how the original, source element is warmth, and how through long and complex chapters of creation out of that first fire there developed first air, then water, then earth. This process is marks the alchemical process known as "Sal," and when then the process is reversed and substance returns to fire through sublimation, it is called "Sulf." We then went on to consider how the four elements work and weave in the plant kingdom (with a guest lecture by my husband Harald), and in the human being, and concluded with a consideration of the elemental beings.
     It has been a rich month, and it demands a lot of work from me. But I am so grateful to be able to be creatively engaged in this project, and I want you to know that you make it all possible.
Thank you, from my heart. 
PS: I hope to see you will join me next month for "A Journey through Advent: the Gift of Grace," a four-part eurythmy course.
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