
November 19, 2021

CIS & AISA News:

  • Counselling and Wellness Services

News & Events:

  • November 19 & 25 - Chapman Learning Commons Workshops
  • November 27 - Turtle Island Journal of Indigenous Health Tea Chats
  • December 1 - SOGI Transformative Education Speaker Series
  • Applications for UBC Global Seminars - now open!

Job & Scholarship Opportunities:

  • November 22 - Indigenous Youth Program Facilitator, Environmental Youth Alliance
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Interested in advertising in the Post? Submit your posting to this form by December 1st, 2021 to be included in the next issue!


Counselling and Wellness Services

Your mental health and wellness matters. Find wellness resources on our website. For UBC Counselling Services, please contact them via phone (604-822-3811).

Student Supports

  • The Hope for Wellness Help Line is open to all Indigenous Peoples across Canada, and offers 24-hour mental health counselling, via phone 1-855-242-3310 or chat Line.
  • Call 310-6789 (no area code needed) toll-free anywhere in BC to access emotional support, information and resources specific to mental health and substance use issues. Available 24 hours a day.
  • Indigenous UBC students can access support via the Student Health and Wellbeing portal.

Community Supports:

  • The First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) offers support for Indigenous people (status and non-status) who have had members of their family attend residential school. Please review this information here. Here’s a list of service providers registered with health benefits at their website or call 1-855-550-5454
  • The Hope for Wellness Help Line is open to all Indigenous Peoples across Canada, and offers 24-hour mental health counselling, via phone 1-855-242-3310 or chat Line
  • The KUU-US Crisis Line Society operates a 24-hour provincial Aboriginal Crisis line for: adults, elders and youth. See more here.
    Adult/Elder Crisis Line: 250-723-4050 
    Child/Youth Crisis Line: 250-723-2040
    BC Wide Toll Free: 1-800-588-8717
    Métis Crisis Line BC Toll Free: 1-833-638-4722
  • The Indian Residential School Survivors Society (IRSSS) provides essential services to Residential School Survivors, their families, and to those dealing with intergenerational trauma. Call toll free: 1-800-721-0066.
  • The BC Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres supports Aboriginal Friendship Centres across the province that support urban Aboriginal people. You can learn more about the Friendship Centre model, provincial initiatives and programs, and connect with local Friendship Centres here
  • The Hope for Wellness Help Line is open to all Indigenous Peoples across Canada, and offers 24-hour mental health counselling, via phone 1-855-242-3310 or chat Line.
  • Call 310-6789 (no area code needed) toll-free anywhere in BC to access emotional support, information and resources specific to mental health and substance use issues. Available 24 hours a day.

Find more resources for student health here


Chapman Learning Commons - Upcoming Workshops

Chapman Learning Commons is hosting two upcoming workshops for students. 

  • Sleep and Academics (November 19, 5:30-6:30pm PST, Zoom) - a new workshop that invites attendees to explore the relationship between their sleep and academic and professional success
  • Study with Me (November 25, 4:00-5:30pm PST, in IKBLC) - we will be opening the newly-renovated Pena Room event space on Level 3 of IKBLC for this guided study session!

Read more about the events and register here

Chapman Learning Commons Help Desk is now providing 4-hour loans for laptops! Learn more here

Turtle Island Journal of Indigenous Health Tea Chats

The Turtle Island Journal of Indigenous Health (TIJIH) is hosting a number of events in celebration of its second issue entitled "Strength in Community". They are inviting authors, contributors, community members, students, researchers, and others to join them virtually during the month of November.

Registration is required to receive the Zoom information, which will be sent out to all registrants 2 hours before each event. To register and to see the current schedule, please see their Eventbrite.

SOGI UBC Transformative Education Speaker Series

The next speaker in the SOGI UBC Transformative Education Speaker Series, Marie Laing, who will be joining SOGI UBC on December 1 via Zoom. She will be leading a webinar lecture at 4 pm PDT – please register here!

There is also an invitation to FNIS and FNEL students of all levels to join us for Marie's 1-hour workshop on December 1 at 12:00 pm PDT via Zoom. Students can register here. Please reach out to to access the meeting password.

Applications for UBC Global Seminars - now open!

Applications are now open for Global Seminars! Global Seminars were developed to allow students to have an international experience, while studying a specific topic. Global Seminars are taught by UBC faculty, and allow students to earn UBC credits. 
For a full list of offerings, please visit the Global Seminars page. Apply by January 27, 2022. 


Indigenous Youth Program Coordinator

Environmental Youth Alliance is hiring an Indigenous Youth Program Coordinator to help lead their land-based education and employment training programs. January 2022 is the start date. Click here to read the full job posting. Apply by November 22. 

Interested in advertising in the Post? Submit your posting to this form by December 1st, 2021 to be included in the next issue!

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News items and announcements in The Post are presented as an informational service to listserve members and are not sponsored or endorsed by Institute for Critical Indigenous Studies (CIS) or Arts Indigenous Student Advising (AISA) at UBC. Messages, opinions, and statements are those of the respective authors and do not necessarily express the opinions of CIS or UBC faculty, staff, students, or administration. Reader discretion is advised.

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