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Why can't I pour from an empty kettle?

This month, we are looking at the family members and friends who love and support someone living with a mental health condition in honor of National Family Caregivers Month. AND today is Giving Tuesday!

No one can handle all the stresses of life on their own. As much as you may want to try, you need a support system of your own, even if you feel that you are someone's whole system. If the kettle is out of water, there is nothing you can pour to make tea until someone refills it.

We are proud to be able to add a little bit of water to your kettle through our support groups, classes, and outreach to the community. Just like you, we cannot do this all on our own. Generous contributions of time and money from our amazing community make our work possible.

Give Now
Ways To Fill Your Kettle
  • Practice self-care. Not every once in a while, not just for a minute, but actually take time out of your day to take care of your body. Self-care looks different for every person, so find what works best for you. It may be journaling, meditating, exercising, baking, or something completely different, but what matters is it is time for you to listen to yourself and your needs. 
  • Attend a NAMI Support Group or talk to a professional. It is easy to vent to friends or family, but they might not always be able to help. Talking to people who are there to listen and are trained to provide support can provide great relief. You can find our support group schedule here
  • Protect your physical health. Make sure you are getting enough sleep and filling your body with healthy foods to keep you nourished. Exercise daily to help naturally produce stress-relieving hormones. Improving your physical health is a great way to support your mental health. 
  • Try to change the way you think. Acknowledge that you are learning and give yourself space to make mistakes. Try not to feel bad about having negative thoughts. Allow yourself to feel your emotions. It is easier said than done, but make an active effort to give yourself grace. 
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No, you aren't seeing double, but you can double your impact when you give to NAMI Eastside on #GivingTuesday!

The first $15,000 raised today through the end of the year will be matched! Make your contribution double count at
Our growing team is making a significant impact, and we are so excited for our future ahead. Help us spread positiviTEA this year and beyond as we continue to work to support the increasing number of individuals and families seeking mental health services across the Eastside.
 Upcoming Classes & Events
Click to learn more and to register!

EvergreenHealth Monthly Forum
Finding Joy in Pandemic Holidays
Tuesday, December 21
7 - 8 PM

Family-to-Family Class
Tuesdays starting Jan. 4
6 - 8 PM

Family-to-Family Class
Thursdays starting Feb. 24
6 - 8 PM

Check out our Family and Peer Support Group Schedules

What is Giving Tuesday?

GivingTuesday was created in 2012 as a simple idea: a day that encourages people to do good. Over the past nine years, this idea has grown into a global movement that inspires hundreds of millions of people to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity.

Be a part of the movement today and support NAMI Eastside here

December can be stressful and go by quickly. Make a plan now for how you will take care of yourself next month. 
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