November 17, 2021
God Still ACTS in Washington and Beyond!
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Happy Thanksgiving, <<First Name>>!
Growing Leaders Blog by Doug Bing

He Had a Stool

Recently I saw a homeless individual walking along the road.

He had his backpack and his other few belongings hanging from his pack. However, that was not the what caught my eye. It was that one item on his pack that I had never seen a homeless person carry.

It was a bar stool.

It was a typical bar stool with a padded seat, wooden legs and braces between each of the legs for stability. Strapped to his back the man was ready to take a rest wherever he decided to pause and rest.

As I reflected on the man with his stool...

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Need Encouragement in Ministry?

Our ministry team loves talking with you, praying with you, and brainstorming about ministry opportunities. Drop us an email. Give us a call. Arrange for a virtual or in-person appointment.
This Sabbath afternoon promises to be extra special for the New Life Samoan Church in Edgewood, Wash., as they grow from a church group to a church company. Thanks for praying for the continued growth and vitality of churches in western Washington and beyond!
Connect with a Leader
From Derek Lane

NW Washington Initial Flood Report

Our Adventist families alongside community families in Sumas, Nooksack, Everson and Ferndale areas are experiencing firsthand the NW Washington flooding.

ACS regional leaders Larry and Cheryl Brown live in the hardest hit area in Sumas. Some roads are still closed. When the water recedes, clean-up help will be needed. The Browns shared that A Watered Garden community center offered temporary shelter before a local school opened as an emergency shelter. The most immediate need at shelters is hot plates of food (this needs to be coordinated with the emergency shelters). Donated goods are already in excess.

A site assessment visit is scheduled soon and we'll have more information to share on @washconf social media as it is available.
Read First Flood Report
Greet Derek Lane on Facebook
Greet Bob Moore on Facebook

Tickets Now Available!

Reserve Your FREE Ticket!
Please donate toward the commissioned piece of artwork that will be unveiled at this performance! It will be a spectacular showcase of Jesus' love for involving children with special needs into His story!
Donate Now!
Connect with Maranatha Church
Organize Your Robotics Team Now!

Join the Conference Team!

Washington Conference has three openings for administrative assistants:
president's office, youth ministries, and outreach ministries. Administrative assistants are the glue that holds the details of our office together between event planning, ministry resource development, and general ministry support. Multiple language skills are a plus - we minister to a diverse audience in western Washington!

Plus - Lynnwood Adventist Church is hiring a church treasurer (remote work friendly).
Apply Today!
Craig Mattson announced that he wishes to be a full time principal again at Northwest Christian School. During the pandemic Craig served in dual roles both as principal and as Vice President of Education. We have certainly appreciated his here in the conference office both before and during the pandemic. His vision for teacher excellence and support of teachers is greatly appreciated. - Doug Bing, president
Send Craig Mattson a Digital Thank You Note
From Craig Mattson

Giving Tuesday, Giving for Eternity

Giving Tuesday is this upcoming Tuesday, November 30. This is a day, where together we focus on making a difference with our giving. We ask that you remember 7 Advantages of Adventist Education and its 20 campuses in western Washington, and how your simple gift can make a difference in a changed life. Your gift, today, is tax deductible for the 2021 calendar year. If you are so willing, mark an envelope with your local school name and Giving Tuesday and place in the offering plate at church.

7 Advantages is not only about academic preparation for a life of worthy work, but one of a spiritual preparation for a life-long walk with Jesus Christ and our destination of heaven.

If you are ready to invest in a child’s future, please contact one of our 7 Advantages campuses here in western Washington.
Connect with an Adventist School
We have a high level of vaccination in the State of Washington, and we are still in a pandemic where good health and safety habits are still important.
  • Whatever your vaccination status and over the age of 5, please wear a mask at church.
  • If you are gathered for a small group and everyone in attendance is vaccinated, you do not need to wear a mask (especially if outdoors).
  • If you visit a school campus or community service center, please wear a mask and cooperate with the local health screening process.
As always, kindness and grace to each other in our interactions goes a long way.
Connect with a Local Church


This week's offering focus:
Local Church Ministries

Thanks for supporting ministry locally and globally!
Ways to Give
Ways to Connect
Washington ACTS highlights each week the activities of Adventist Education, Coaching Leaders, Totally Involved Members, and Spiritual Growth.

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