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Parshas Vayishlach - Shishi with Rashi

We are finishing what happened starting at the beginning of last week’s parsha. Yaakov ran away from Eisav, and on the way he had a dream where Hashem promised to take care of him, and Yaakov promised to do things for Hashem. On the way back, he had the problem with Dina because he hadn’t done those things yet, and now he reached the place where he first had the dream, and is keeping his promise. In today’s Chumash, Hashem is in the middle of speaking to Yaakov there and giving him more brachos before he comes into Eretz Yisroel.

Hashem finishes talking to Yaakov: Hashem promised Yaakov that he would get Eretz Yisrael, and then finished talking to Yaakov. Yaakov built a matzeivah there out of stone. He poured wine and oil on it as a present to Hashem, to keep his promise. Then Yaakov said again that this place is called Beis Keil, the house of Hashem.

Rachel has a baby: They traveled to Chevron, and didn’t reach Efras yet, when it was time for Rachel to have a baby. It was very hard for her, and the midwife (who helps mothers to have babies) told her not to be afraid because she was going to have another baby boy! She had triplets, a boy and two girls!

Rachel passes away: But Rachel passed away right after the babies were born. She called the baby boy “Ben-Oni” which means the son of my sadness. Yaakov, though, called him Benyamin, meaning “son of the south,” since he was the only one born in Eretz Yisrael, which is south from Padan Aram (where Yaakov was with Lavan before).

Rachel was buried by the road going to Efras, also called Beis Lechem. Yaakov could have buried her in Me’aras Hamachpeila, which isn’t so far away, but Hashem told him to bury Rachel by the road so when the Yidden go into Golus they will pass by her kever. When Rochel sees them going into Golus, she will cry to Hashem to have rachmonus on her children, and Hashem will promise that they will come back to Eretz Yisroel in her zechus.

Now that Rochel passed away, where should Yaakov keep his bed? It used to be in Rochel’s tent. Yaakov decided to move into Bilhah’s tent, since Rochel told Yaakov to marry her, and she was Rochel’s helper.

Reuven moves his father’s bed: Reuven was very upset. He felt that Yaakov should move into Leah’s tent, since she is Rochel’s sister, and Bilhah is only her helper. So he moved Yaakov’s bed without permission. Since it wasn’t Kibbud Av Va’em to move his father’s bed, Yaakov was upset and told Reuven what he did wrong, and he did teshuvah right away.

The Shevatim: Now that Binyamin was born, there were 12 sons:
From Leah: Reuven, Shimon, Levi, Yehudah, Yissachar, Zevulun
From Rochel: Yosef and Binyomin
From Bilhah: Dan and Naftali
From Zilpah: Gad and Asher

Each of the shevatim (except Yehuda and Yosef) married the twin sisters born to the other shevatim. (If you remember, two of the shevatim had 2 triplet sisters — Shimon and Binyamin. So 4 of the shevatim married two wives. Shimon also married Dina.) Before Matan Torah, it was a good thing for brothers and sisters to marry each other. After Matan Torah it became Asur.

We will go back later to talk about Yaakov’s family, but first the Torah will tell us about the end of Yitzchak’s life and about Eisav’s family.

Yitzchak passes away: In the year 2208, Yaakov came to his father Yitzchak in Chevron (Elonei Mamrei / Kiryat Arba). Yitzchak lived for 180 years, longer than his father Avraham who lived 175 years. Twenty years after Yaakov came back to Chevron, Yitzchak passed away, and Eisav and Yaakov buried him in Me’aras Hamachpeila.

Eisav’s family: The Torah tells us about Eisav’s family. (Eisav is also called “Edom.”) First the Torah tells us in short about Eisav’s wives and children.

Once Yaakov came back to Chevron, Eisav moved away to Har Seir. He took his family and all of his things, so he wouldn’t be too close to Yaakov, since there wasn’t enough land to feed all of their animals in the same place. (Really, Eisav could have told Yaakov to go live somewhere else, since Eisav was there first. But Eisav knew that if he gets Eretz Yisrael he will have to get Golus, and he didn’t want that. He was also embarrassed about selling the bechora, so he preferred to leave than to argue about staying.)

At the end of today’s Chumash, the Torah starts to tell us the names and the heads of the families of the children of Eisav.



77 - 78

Today’s shiur Tehillim is kapitelach Ayin-Zayin and Ayin-Ches.

In today’s Tehillim, there is a posuk that says “Nachisa Katzon Amecha BeYad Moshe VeAharon,” “You led Your nation like sheep, in the hands of Moshe and Aharon.”

Why does Dovid Hamelech say that Hashem led the Yidden with Moshe AND Aharon? Wasn’t MOSHE RABBEINU the Rebbe of the Yidden then? Why does Hashem say that Moshe AND Aharon were the leaders?

The Tzemach Tzedek explains this:

Hashem gave Yidden the Torah. He wants Yidden to live exactly like the Torah tells us. But Yidden aren’t born automatically living that way! Just like we need our parents to help us grow to be good Yidden, the Yidden also needed help when they left Mitzrayim. Yidden were just “born” from a hard Golus and became Hashem’s nation. All of the sudden, Hashem gave them a Torah that had so many instructions! How could they be ready to do it all right away?

But Hashem didn’t expect them to do it all right away! Hashem gave them a leader with one Neshama that was split into two people, and both of them worked together to help the Yidden.

Moshe Rabbeinu had the shlichus to teach Yidden the proper way to live, whether they were ready for it or not. He told them the way things need to really be! Aharon’s shlichus was the other half of the job — to help Yidden be the way Hashem wants. He needed to take each Yid by the hand and help them become closer to the Torah. He showed each one what they were ready to start doing now, and what they should get ready to start later. He helped each individual Yid to become the best he could.

In later times, these two halves of neshama came together in one Yiddishe leader. There is a posuk in Tehillim that says that this started in the times of Shmuel Hanavi, and the Rebbe teaches that with the Chabad Rebbeim it was the same way. They teach — in their maamorim and sichos and by showing us an example — the truth of how Hashem wants us to live, and then — through Yechidus and Igros and by sending Shluchim — helps each person grow to be the best Yid he can be!



Kuntres Acharon Siman Vov

Yesterday we learned how the Torah is so special, that a tiny detail of a mitzvah can bring the chayus of Hashem into the world!

Dovid Hamelech went through a lot of tzaros in his life. He had many enemies who didn’t want him to be king.They chased him and tried to hurt him, and it was very hard for him!

But there was one thing he tried to think about to make himself happy. He shares it with us later in Tehillim! “Zemiros Hayu Li Chukecha Bevais Megurai” — “Your mitzvos were like songs for me!” Dovid Hamelech thought about what we just learned, how important every detail of Torah is, and thinking about it made him so happy!

Later in Dovid’s life, when things became better, and they were bringing the Aron back from the Pelishtim to the city of Dovid, Dovid Hamelech forgot a halacha, and because of that something not good happened.

Hashem told Dovid Hamelech, “Do you know why this happened? Because your praise of the Torah was only that the Torah is what makes the world get its chayus. That’s the chitzonius, just one part, and not the most important part either!

“Instead, you should have praised the Torah for being Hashem’s special treasure and “food” for the neshamos! That’s like pnimius of Torah, the main part. Because you were thinking only about the chitzonius of Torah, you were able to forget a part of Torah! Forgetting comes from the chitzonius of a person — we don’t forget things that are very important to us.”

This siman in Kuntres Acharon shows us how precious the Torah is! This gives us chayus to make sure to never miss an opportunity to learn Torah, and that we should learn Torah in a way that we will LIVE according to the Torah we learn!



Tes-Vov Kislev

The Rebbe shows us a correction in Torah Ohr for this week’s parsha.

The Alter Rebbe (whose Chag Hageulah is in a few days!) told the Mitteler Rebbe (whose Chag Hageulah was a few days ago!) something very important that the Baal Shem Tov taught:

We have to have Mesirus Nefesh, to be ready to do ANYTHING for Ahavas Yisroel for another Yid — even one that we never met or never saw!



Shiur #159 - Mitzvas Asei #63, Lo Saasei #146, Asei #64

Today we are starting a new set of halachos, about how to bring korbanos. We learn three mitzvos about this:

1) (Mitzvas Asei #63) When we bring the Korban Olah, we need to follow the rules the Torah teaches of how to bring this kind of korban properly!

This mitzvah comes from the words of the pesukim in Parshas Vayikra: אָדָם כִּי יַקְרִיב מִכֶּם קָרְבָּן לַה׳ וְגוֹ׳ אִם עֹלָה קָרְבָּנוֹ מִן הַבָּקָר

2) (Mitzvas Lo Saasei #146)We are not allowed to eat any of the Korban Olah — all of it gets burned on the Mizbeiach. This mitzvah also includes me’ilah, not using anything that belongs to the Beis Hamikdash.

We learn this mitzvah from a posuk in Parshas Reeh: לֹא תוּכַל לֶאֱכֹל בִּשְׁעָרֶיךָ וְגוֹ׳ כָל נְדָרֶיךָ אֲשֶׁר תִּדֹּר

3) (Mitzvas Asei #64) When we bring a Korban Chatas (a korban that we bring for an aveira), we need to follow all of the halachos of how to bring it right.

We learn this mitzvah from a posuk in Parshas Tzav: זֹאת תּוֹרַת הַחַטָּאת וְגוֹ׳



Hilchos Maaseh HaKorbanos

In today's Rambam, we start to learn about how to bring korbanos!

Perek Alef: We learn some general rules about Korbanos — which kinds of animals we are allowed to bring, and which Korbanos are brought by individual people and which are brought by all of the Yidden together, as a tzibur.

Perek Beis: The Rambam teaches us about the Nesech (wine) and Mincha (flour and oil) that we bring along with each Korban. We learn how much we bring for each kind of Korban.

Perek Gimmel: This perek teaches us about people bringing a Korban together, and about doing the mitzvah of Smicha. Smicha is when the person bringing the korban puts his hands on it and says before Hashem the things he did wrong, called Vidui. If someone brings a Korban Shelamim, he doesn’t say Vidui, he only speaks about the greatness of Hashem!



Hilchos Temidin U'Musafin - Perek Hey

In this perek, the Rambam teaches us all about the Lechem Hapanim.

icon of clock


Ahavas Yisroel

In today’s Hayom Yom, we learned about having Mesirus Nefesh for Ahavas Yisroel, for a Yid we never even saw!

In the letter of the Frierdiker Rebbe where this Hayom Yom is taken from, we can see more about this:

R’ Levi Yitzchak of Berdichev was well known for always being Melamed Zechus on another Yid. Whenever he saw a Yid doing something wrong, he would find a reason to show how the Yid is really so special, or that he didn’t know, or that he didn’t do something wrong at all!

For example, the Berdichever once saw the wagon drivers of Berdichev working on their wagons while they davened, since they were in such a big rush. He said, “Look, Hashem! The Yidden are so special! Even when they are working, they are davening to You!”

The Alter Rebbe also told the Mitteler Rebbe, before telling him what we learned in today’s Hayom Yom:

From this tremendous way of being Melamed Zechus, Hashem built a special palace (Heichal) in Shomayim! Every time a Yid is Melamed Zechus on another, and says a kapitel Tehillim because he feels bad for him, Hashem brings him into this Heichal of Zechus. Both the one who was Melamed Zechus and the Yid he was Melamed Zechus on are helped with everything they need!

See Igros Kodesh of the Frierdiker Rebbe, chelek Hey, p. 88–89

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Lecha Dodi

In davening on Friday night, we sing the special niggun of Lecha Dodi.

Lecha Dodi was written by a mekubal, R’ Shlomo Halevi Alkabetz. He was also the brother-in-law and talmid of the great mekubal R’ Moshe Kordovero, the Ramak. (R’ Shlomo Halevi hinted to his name in this famous tefillah — can you find it?)

The chorus of Lecha Dodi says that we are going out to welcome Shabbos, the kallah.

Why do we call Shabbos a kallah?

The Medrash says that when Hashem was creating the world, Shabbos had a complaint! All of the days have partners, like a Chosson and KallahYom Rishon has Yom Sheini, Yom Shlishi has Yom Revi’i, and Yom Chamishi has Yom Shishi. But Shabbos is all alone!

Hashem told Shabbos that the Yidden will be its partner, its chosson!

At Har Sinai, Hashem reminded us about this: “Zachor Es Yom HaShabbos Lekadsho” — remember that Shabbos is your partner, you need to be mekadesh it, like a man is mekadesh his wife.

That is also the reason why some Yidden have the minhag to say Shir Hashirim before Shabbos, since Shir Hashirim speaks about Hashem and the Yidden with a mashal of a chosson and kallah.

See My Prayer by Rabbi Nissan Mindel




When we daven Shemoneh Esrei, we are not supposed to even hold something except for a siddur, because it will distract us from having kavana.

There are also halachos like this with bentching!

When we bentch, we shouldn’t do any kind of work, even something easy that we don’t need to concentrate for, like clearing off our plates or sweeping off crumbs. Doing that makes it look like we don’t care so much about the bracha. Of course, we shouldn’t do something that we DO need to think about, even something holy, like listening to a shiur or a Dvar Torah! We need to be able to have proper kavana when we are bentching.

See the Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch, siman 96, and siman 183 se’if yud-daled

לעילוי נשמת הרה״ח ר׳ דניאל יצחק ע״ה בן ר׳ אפרים שי׳ מאסקאוויץ
שליח כ"ק אדמו"ר נשיא דורנו למדינת אילינוי



Why We Need Chassidus Today

Chassidus is so special! It helps us understand the deepest secrets of Torah, and gives us a special chayus to serve Hashem in a much better way!

But if Chassidus is so special and important, how come the great Chachomim and Tzadikim from all times didn’t have it? Why didn’t Hashem give Chassidus to the Yidden a long time ago?

We learned that there are two reasons why Hashem gave Chassidus just in OUR time:

1) Because the Golus is so dark and so hard now, we need the extra koach of Chassidus to be able to handle it!

2) Because we are so close to the Geulah now, we are getting a little taste of it now, through the things we learn in Chassidus!

The Rebbe teaches us that both of these reasons are actually connected. It is our taste of Geulah that helps us handle the darkness of Golus.

What will happen in the time of Geulah?

In Golus, there are many things that cause pain and darkness. But deep inside, in their etzem, they are really the chayus of Hashem, just very very hidden.

In the time of the Geulah, the etzem of everything will be clear to see! We will see how the etzem of EVERYTHING is the chayus of Hashem, and all of the darkness and pain that make Golus so hard will turn into happiness and light!

And our Chassidus now is a taste of Geulah! That’s why Chassidus can give us the koach to handle the darkness of Golus, until the time of Geulah when we will be able to see how the darkness of Golus will be turned into light!

See Likutei Sichos chelek Tes-Vov, p. 288

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