Krasman Centre's Winter Clothing Drive - Now Accepting Donations!
The Krasman Centre would like to invite you to join our Winter Clothing Drive! By donating NEW winter wellness items, you are supporting adults in York Region & South Simcoe living with mental health, addiction, and housing challenges to keep warm during the coldest months of the year.
As the chill of winter begins to set in, we are stocking up on hats, gloves, socks, warm clothing, and other thermal wear to distribute to those in need.
Winter and wellness items donations will be accepted from Monday, November 15 through Wednesday, December 15. Due to Covid-19 restrictions and staffing capacity, we are accepting only NEW items.
Here's how you can help:
1) Donate Winter Clothing and Wellness Items to our centre See details here>>
2) Make a financial contribution through our online payment portal: Donate today >>
Thank you for your continued support of this important initiative of the Krasman Centre. Together, we can make a difference in our communities by providing access to warm clothing and basic living essentials.
For more information or if you require pick up of your donation, please send an email to
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