
Sunday Service Follow-Up

November 14, 2021 

Thank you for joining us today! Below are questions for you to consider related to today's message, "God Is Greater Than Our Hearts" from 1 John 3:19-24. We'd love to hear your feedback about how our service is going!

  1. How does this text connect with the previous section and letter as a whole?
  2. What does it mean to reassure our heart before him? What is the heart from the Bible’s perspective? Why might they need to be reassured?
  3. What is condemnation? What is self-condemnation? How is that different than conviction?
  4. What happens in relation to God and others when our heart condemn us? 
  5. What does it mean that God is greater than our heart? How does this help and encourage us when we feel condemnation or spiritual discouragement rising up within our head and heart?
  6. What are we able to do when our heart does not condemn us? 
  7. How can looking to your life, looking to our God, and looking to the Spirit help you to overcome self-condemnation and spiritual discouragement?
  8. Who is someone you can encourage this week with something you learned from the text or sermon?
Quotes from the Sermon:
  • “So if we would set our hearts at rest, when they accuse and condemn us, we must look for evidence of the Spirit’s working, and particularly whether he is enabling us to believe in Christ, to obey God’s commands, and to love our brothers and sisters; for the condition of Christ dwelling in us and of our dwelling in him is this comprehensive obedience and the evidence of the indwelling is the gift of the Spirit.” - John Stott
  • Member Meeting: Join us today at 1:00 p.m. for a Member Meeting! We will be hearing about our new member candidates, building updates, ministry updates, upcoming missions trips, and an update on our deacon process! The meeting will also be available on Zoom for those unable to attend in-person.
  • Orphan Care and Adoption Ministry Update
Coming This Week: Songs from Sunday (Spotify Playlist):
Mediator - Ghostship
In Christ Alone - The Worship Initiative
Death Was Arrested - North Point
How Great Is Our God - Chris Tomlin
My One Comfort - The Modern Post
How Great Thou Art - Paul Baloche

Next Sunday: When Arrogance Silences Love, 1 Corinthians 13:1-7, Vince Hinders
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