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Audio Link to this Notification HERE    (5-min/mp3)
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for those times it is easier to LISTEN than READ

Hello Everyone!
This week features our first of seven Eclipses that will fall on the Taurus/Scorpio Axis and it kicks off with a Taurus Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse, suggesting a release & clearing that needs to happen first and it is bigger than the usual annual reset in this department. We are about to travel 18-months to anchor 10 & 20-year cycles in your Taurus/Scorpio Houses specifically, which will automatically & directly affect your Leo/Aquarius Houses by default.
Your frame of reference should be to reflect on the following years and make the connections to the Life Path & Direction you were traveling then, as well as what worked and what didn't, which will inform your current evolution.
2021-2023 = Taurus North Node

2012-2014 = Scorpio North Node
2002-2005 = Taurus North Node
1993-1995 = Scorpio North Node
1984-1986 = Taurus North Node
1975-1976 = Scorpio North Node
I thought 3-cycles would give you a good frame of reference to consider, not to mention the difference between a Taurus or Scorpio North Node. That indicates the focus for the social/collective so you may notice that, either way, it was a very creative time but the Taurus years we acquired more, while the Scorpio years coincided with some permanent endings. I'd be curious what you can remember - feel free to hit reply with any ah-ha moments ;)
Kelly M Beard ~ Your Mystic Mentor
Shamanic Astrologer  &  Earth Medicine Practitioner   -and-

Read Post HERE  ~  Listen to Podcast HERE  ~  Watch Video HERE
(Audio/Video = 24-min)
It is my pleasure to serve in this way, so thank you again for being
part of my ever-expanding
Power Circle Global Community!

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