Returning to the "new normal"...
Dear <<First Name>>,
We have been entreating our colleagues and friends from the greater New York City area to join us in person for this Thursday's event at Cornell Tech featuring Jamila Michener and Anna Haskins, from 6pm to 9pm. It has been exciting to see the RSVPs coming in for this event and I look forward to seeing many of you later this week for appetizers, drinks, and a great conversation. I am delighted that we can host this event in person (*proof of vaccination and ID required; masks required for indoor activities where social distancing is not possible). And we welcome remote viewing of our program that will begin at 7pm; no registration is required, just use this link:
See complete event details and RSVP here:
In another first since COVID, we will be hosting a graduation ceremony at Cayuga Correctional Facility on December 3, 2021. Sadly no guests will be allowed, but we will celebrate our students accomplishments!

Friends, as we build up to return to full capacity, with prison graduation, public events, and reentry, we need your support. Please consider including the Cornell Prison Education Program in your holiday or end-of-year giving. Our website outlines the different ways you can give, or you can just click the button below. Thank you!

Robert Scott, Executive Director
Cornell Prison Education Program