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Message from our President

Spring has sprung in our Northern Hemisphere, and it’s a time of growth, renewal and new beginnings.   We’re constantly growing in the IKC, with new TFH instructors starting classes, the Personal Development School adding new courses and the Professional School looking at new Professional Kinesiology Provider Campuses.    
Since January, we’ve been working hard to update our website, with a long list of bug fixes now updated and the databases all working beautifully. Don’t forget to add your classes here so that people can find you and what you’re teaching. Check it out at and let us know what you like and maybe what you’d like to see there in the future.



  • Message from our President
  • IKC Social Media
  • News from our Schools
  • IKC Hour
  • Touch for Health in the Caribbean
  • Vale, Andrew Verity
  • Dates for your diary
  • Our Executive Board

Social Media

We are delighted to announce our new social media platforms. You will be able to find out about the latest IKC news as well as interact with our community. We welcome any feedback, comments or ideas on what you would like to see!

Please like and share our posts on Facebook and Instagram

News from the IKC Schools

Personal Development School

At our recent ‘Meet The Authors’ hour Pablo Lopez Martinez presented TMJ 1. You can see the video Here

Meet The Authors is bi-monthly. Our next MTA hour is 3rd May where Irene Lock will present “Five Elements, Posture & Reflexes” and Hazel Miller will share her course “Mentoring for TFH”. 
This event is open to everyone. Please join us!  Email your interest in attending to and we will email you the Zoom registration link.

It is important that all IKC members be seen and be known. We want to meet you and we want you to have choices. Who will you attend your next continuing education update with?

If your work is in the education and self-responsibility model, we invite you to speak to us about having your course approved. See the benefits, pricing and guidelines on the PDS website,

Until next time, nurture yourself with nature, kindness, and hope…

Sylvia Marina, Dean of the Personal Development School

Touch for Health School

I am delighted to announce that we have another new TFH apprentice trainer from Japan, Satsuki Kato.

TFH School Board and TFH Online Committee finally release a new TFH Online Guideline, please contact your Faculty for further information.

We are heading to IKC conference in Hungary and we cannot wait to see you “in person”. See you soon!


Henry Remanlay, Dean of the Touch for Health School

Professional School

In the coming months we will be working on an online sharing space for Professional Kinesiologists. Being a Kinesiologist may be a lonely journey. We can sometimes feel isolated and we may not know who to talk to. These gatherings will create the  opportunity to be more in touch with our community, share our challenges and ideas and support each other. We want to connect our Professional Kinesiologists from all around the world and to enhance community.

Thomas Holvoet, Dean of the Professional School
IKC Hour

The IKC Hour is held on the Solstices and the Equinoxes. It is an opportunity for our IKC community to come together, to meet each other and share, learn and hopefully be inspired!

Join our Public Relations Officer, and Zsuzsanna Köves, Conference Host, who will be facilitating a discussion about the next IKC Conference in Hungary on 18-21 August at 2pm UK time (3pm Rome, 9pm Singapore, 11pm Sydney, 6am Los Angeles)
Join the IKC Hour
Touch for Health in the Caribbean
On my first visits to the Caribbean Island of Sint Maarten, I noticed the beauty but also the major consequences of the hurricanes 4 years ago.There is still so much stress, partly because of the devastation and partly as the result of the corona virus. The majority of the population depends on tourism and this has been severely affected by covid restrictions.
In April 2021 I gave an introductory workshop there. It was a great success! We followed up with a Touch for Health 1 class in October we had 9 participants!! Fantastic!
The students were so enthusiastic. One said, “Paulien, this is what was missing on the island!”. Instead of having to go to the doctor for pills and ointments, it is great that people learn how to take responsibility for their own health again.

In April this year I have visited Sint Maarten again offering both a TFH Level 1 & Level 2 class. Stephane Ferron is now my regular point of contact for Touch for Health on the island, so maybe you will come across her name more often.

The big goal is of course to further roll out Touch for Health! How nice it would be if a group of Touch for Healthers could help everyone on the island! Maybe other instructors can come to help increase the 'snowball effect' (strange play on words for a Caribbean Island).
I feel blessed!
Paulien de RoosIKC Faculty Member, Touch for Health for the Netherlands
Andrew Douglas Verity
9th February 2022
The Kinesiology Community sadly farewells a pioneer of Kinesiology in Australia. 
A multi-skilled Kinesiology practitioner and international educator with many strings to his bow.

Kinesiologists everywhere acknowledge Andrew with his friend and colleague Don Viney for extending the “More Mode” to “More of the Same or Something Different”.
Andrew commenced his working life as a Goldsmith. His passion for muscle testing began in his late teens when he used some simple applied kinesiology applications to win a national Judo title. It was then that Andrew realised the enormous power of the muscle response, and thus began a 50-year relationship of research and development, morphing into what became known as Neuro-Training. 

Read a full tribute here

SYLVIA MARINA ND. Author & Human Behaviour Specialist

  • RETURN TO LOVE connecting to the sacred within

Pre-req TFH1 or equivalent

Course accreditations: IKC PDS certificates


Diary Dates

Monday 21st June 2022 - (2pm UK Time) - Join Here

18th - 21st August 2022 - At Peace Kinesiology Worldwide Margaret Island, Budapest, Hungary

Saturday 24th September 2022 - IKC 5th Annual IKC Balancathon

14th- 17th October 2023  - IKC Conference, Taipei, Taiwan

Our Executive Board Team

Ger Casey, Ireland,
Helena Argüelles, UK,
Public Relations Officer
Thomas Holvoet, Belgium,
Professional School Dean
Sylvia Marina, Australia,
Personal Development School Dean
Henry Remanlay, Indonesia,
Touch for Health School Dean
Harry Simon, Australia,
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Instagram Instagram
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