Making Riverside a better place to live by making it a better place for nature. 


Outstanding Neighbourhood!

Riverside Naturally is a member of the It's Your Neighbourhood scheme which is run by Royal Horticultural Society/Keep Scotland Beautiful .  Each year scheme members are assessed and as well as recieving useful advice, are also awarded a certificate at one of five levels.  This year Riverside Naturally was awarded the top level - outstanding.   Thanks to everyone who helps both on the ground and behind the scenes.  

Stirling Observer Weds 17th November 

The Bee Bed
Our Bee Bed has come on leaps and bounds since we planted it up earlier this year, providing us with a riot of colour as well as attracting a variety of pollinators in its first season.

Planting the bee bed earlier in the year

Many of the plants are perennials and so will come up each year. We have taken some cuttings so that we will have new plants for 2022 and we’ll be removing the last of the annuals soon before mulching to protect the roots from frost. Lots more plants will appear in spring but meanwhile, do please stop when you are passing and look out for what is still in flower.

Riverside Primary School

During COP26 Riverside Naturally was invited to meet the Primary One children at Riverside Primary. Emily, Mary and Di spend three afternoons with groups of pupils introducing them to the Community Orchard and had lots of fun searching all around for some of the creatures that live there.  Emily said “It was great seeing the children running about and engaging with the space – they had lots of questions and found many, many wee beasties. They gave us some ideas about what more we can do with our spaces and we really look forward to seeing what more we can do!”

We also asked the children if they had any ideas for what we could name the new otter carviing at the woodland garden - there were some fantastic suggestions. It’s a big decision to make!

We’d like to say a big Thank You to Riverside Primary for bringing the children to meet us – it was fantastic and they were all so kind and respectful.

Some changes at Riverside Naturally 

As the plant life settles down for the winter,  within Riverside Naturally we are embracing a period of change and growth. Over the past few months we have said goodbye and given a huge thanks to two of our trustees, who have worked with us with enthusiasm and passion from the founding of Riverside Naturally.  We have welcomed a new trustee, appointed a new chair of trustees and are working on new ways of planning and developing our green spaces. With increasing importance being given to our natural environment, highlighted again by COP26, we will aim to

  • manage green spaces to both support bio-diversity and to look attractive

  • explain our choices through engagement and transparency

  • support the well-being of our volunteers and community.

We will continue to work with you to make Riverside a better place for people by making it a better place for nature.


Our regular maintenance sessions are on last Saturday of the month at 9.30am, meeting at the orchard, everyone is welcome to join our sessions and no experience is necessary. You can even to pop along at 10.30am to join us for a cuppa and a chat and find out what we are up to - there is great scope for working,  and supporting Riverside Naturally – we always welcome new members and are keen to hear peoples thoughts and to be given the chance to answer any questions the community may have.

Registered  with the Scottish Charity Regulator SCIO  SC049269

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