
Sunday Service Follow-Up

December 5, 2021 

Thank you for joining us today! Below are questions for you to consider related to today's message, "Able to Sympathize" from Hebrews 4:15. We'd love to hear your feedback about how our service is going!

  1. Read Hebrews 4:14-16. What are the exhortations/urgings in verses 14 and 16? 
  2. What do we learn about Jesus in verse 15? How is that the anchor for verses 14 and 16?
  3. Why is “able to sympathize” more than simply understanding at an intellectual level?
  4. If someone asked you to describe Jesus, how would you do it? How would you describe your experience of the heart of Christ?
  5. Thomas Goodwin wrote a whole book anchored in Hebrews 4:15. Dane Ortland, in Gentle and Lowly comments, “Goodwin’s burden is to convince disheartened believers that even though Christ is now in heaven, he is just as open and tender in his embrace of sinners and sufferers as ever he was on earth.” Why do disheartened believers need to connect with the open and tender heart of Christ?
  6. Where do you find yourself currently experiencing the weakness of suffering, sin, temptation, sickness, or troubles?
  7. Where do you turn when you are in trouble?
  8. What does it look like for you to “draw near” to the open and tender heart of Christ?
  9. Take some time now to draw near to Jesus. Bring him your sufferings and sins, your troubles and afflictions, your needs and doubts.


  • Military Ministry Lunch: All military families, reservists, retired, officers/enlisted and ROTC members, and those considering joining are invited to the Military Ministry Potluck on December 12 at 12:00 p.m.! Let’s fellowship and enjoy a meal together! Please bring your own lunch and a dessert to share. Contact Dennis Wischmeier for more information. 
  • Suicide Prevention Workshop: Please join us tonight at 5:30 p.m. in the Main Auditorium as we seek to learn how think and speak about suicide and be equipped to protect the vulnerable in our community. There is no cost for the workshop and visitors are welcome. 
  • College & Career Ministry Bonfire: Come join us at the Hinders' fire pit for hot dogs, smore’s, and worship on Friday evening, December 10! Take a break from the stress of finals and spend some time enjoying FREE food and a time to worship in community. We are excited to see you there!
  • Missions Trip Interest Meeting: Please join us next Sunday, December 12 after the service for an interest meeting about two short-term mission trips happening next year. There is an opportunity to go to the Dominican Republic in July to partner with the Oasis Church and lead their Vacation Bible School program. There is also an opportunity to go to Japan in November to run the Vacation Bible School program for the church planting conference that the Sakaguchis are a part of. If you have any questions, please contact Ellim Wegerbauer.
  • Gentle & Lowly Book Giveaway: We're still giving away free copies of the book Gentle & Lowly by Dane Ortlund after the service to go along with our Advent series starting next week! If you are homebound due to COVID, please contact the church office so we can get one to you!
Coming This Week: Songs from Sunday (Spotify Playlist):
Angels We Have Heard On High - Modern Post
Come And Stand Amazed - Citizens & Saints
O Come, All Ye Faithful - Jeremy Riddle
Glorious Day - Passion
Before The Throne Of God Above - The Bridge Band
Joy To The World - Jeremy Riddle 

Next Sunday: His Ways Are Not Our Ways, Isaiah 55:8, Mark Mullery
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