
Missionary Emma Geswein

Updates from Ethiopia

These are three of the boys that we took off of the streets. They now have shelter, food, and are hearing the Gospel. The other two boys are in public school now, while these three will be learning in a home-schooling program to prepare them to enter public school later. The change I see in them is incredible! They are eager to learn and so fun to teach. 

I wanted to share how Abenezer and I are involved with our church here in Ethiopia! He has been playing lead guitar in the worship band for the past few months, but recently I joined on vocals. Leading worship during service is such a fulfilling experience and I'm incredibly blessed to be able to praise God with my husband!

When I visit the families in our program at their homes, I gain a lot of valuable insight about how they're living their lives. In recent home visits, two of the women in our Hand in Hand program started their own businesses! 

Pictured on the left, Alemitu sells coffee and tea, along with vegetables. Pictured on the right, her neighbor Shewaye sells injera (Ethiopian traditional, staple bread) from her home. She's using Alemitu's business to advertise where she's selling injera. These women were empowered through sponsorship and are now working to sustain themselves! 

Other times, it's difficult to hear the struggles of families in home visits. Sponsorship helps families with food, rent, or their children's' education. But recently, the economy in Ethiopia is not doing well and this is impacting the families. The two women pictured here were working, which was allowing them to have the money they need for the rest of their expenses, but under unfortunate circumstances, both lost their jobs. 

Between losing jobs and the cost of everything rising in Ethiopia, it's very difficult for them. The staple food items such as berbere, shiro (spices used for cooking in every meal) and oil are now too expensive for them to afford. 

Because of hearing these kind of situations many times recently, I decided to start raising funds for extra food. We have an amazing opportunity to bless these families! Even a small gift of $25 can give them extra food for a month. This is a huge blessing for people in need under an economic crisis. We can show them the love of Christ by giving!
Will you join me in caring for these sweet people by giving to my Food Drive campaign? Click the button below to donate! 
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I can't thank each of my monthly partners enough for joining me on this mission! You make all of this possible. I'm so grateful for these opportunities and I don't take it lightly that God is calling me to do this work. Please pray as I continue to work with many needy families and continue to adjust to life in Ethiopia. 
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