New Orleans Center for the Gulf South
December 2021
The Art of Memory: Honoring the Legacy of Holt Cemetery
Saturday, December 4
Holt Cemetery
527 City Park Avenue
Please join Neighborhood Story Project and the New Orleans Center for the Gulf South in celebrating the legacy of Holt Cemetery with families who have long-term burial plots in the cemetery. Portraits of these families by Bruce "Sunpie" Barnes will be showcased. Barnes will welcome additional families with burial plots to be photographed for the Holt Cemetery oral history project.
The event will have music by the New Birth Brass Band with procession grand marshaled by Sudan Social and Pleasure Club. Special guests Sula Spirit, the Spirit of Fi Yi Yi, and the Mandingo Warriors will also be in attendance. Lastly, there will be tributes by Bruce "Sunpie" Barnes and Juan Valdes Bueno.
Gumbo will be served.
This event is co-sponsored by the New Orleans Center for the Gulf South, the City of New Orleans Cemetery Division, the Louisiana Office of Cultural Development | Division of Historic Preservation, Our Mammy's History and Genealogy, the Department of Anthropology & Sociology at the University of New Orleans.
For more information, please visit
NOCGS Affiliate Publications and Presentations
Tulane University 2021/2022 Sawyer Seminar
Sites of Memory: New Orleans + Rio De Janeiro
Exploring Displacement and Urban Renewal in Tremé and Valongo Wharf
December 7, 10, 12
2016 NOCGS Monroe Fellow Dr. Mia L. Bagneris and 2016 NOCGS Monroe Fellow Dr. Adrian Anagnost received prestigious support from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to produce Tulane University's 2021/2022 Sawyer Seminar, "Sites of Memory: New Orleans and Place-Based Histories of the Americas", organized by the Newcomb Art Department and School of Liberal Arts. “Sites of Memory” takes New Orleans as a key case study for a broader understanding of settler-colonial, formerly slavery-fueled economies in the Americas using the theme of site-based public history and memorialization. This series of events highlights community activism in New Orleans and Rio de Janeiro as ways to challenge disinvestment in Afro-descendent neighborhoods, raising questions about the tendency for these places to be subordinated to outward-facing urban "renewal".
NOCGS James H. Clark Executive Director Rebecca Snedeker is the associate producer of Faubourg Tremé: The Untold Story of Black New Orleans, a 2008 documentary film that will be screened on December 7.
Dr. Freddi Williams Evans and Luther Gray, members of the Project Team for NOCGS’s 2017 and 2019 “New Orleans: Music, History, and Civil Rights” NEH Landmarks of American History and Culture Workshop for School Teachers, will serve as panelists for the panel on December 10.
2020 NOCGS Monroe Fellow Gia Hamilton is executive director and chief curator of the New Orleans African American Museum, the starting location for the “Tour of the Tremé” on December 12.
For more information, please visit
Black New Orleans
History x Art x Narrative
Wednesday, December 8
1:00PM CST
2019 NOCGS Monroe Fellow Kristina Kay Robinson will join Taller Electric Marronage, Keywords for Black Louisiana, The Space for Creative Black Imagination, and the JHU Center for Africana Studies for a conversation on doing history, art, and storytelling.
Kristina Kay Robinson is a writer and visual artist born and raised in New Orleans. Robinson is the coeditor of Mixed Company, a collection of short fiction and visual narratives.
Cierra Chenier is a writer, creator, and historian born and raised in New Orleans.
Mona Lisa Saloy, Ph.D., the new Louisiana Poet Laureate, is an award-winning author, folklorist, educator, and scholar of Creole culture in articles, documentaries, and poems about Black New Orleans before and after Katrina.
This event will be hosted by historian Jessica Marie Johnson and moderated by Kelsey Moore.
For more information about the event and about LifexCode, please visit or
Friends of the Cabildo 8th Annual Symposium
Revolution: The Haitian Revolution and Its Impact on New Orleans
Saturday, December 11
Even in 2021, some still consider New Orleans the northern-most city of the Caribbean, but in 1791, this was a very accurate view of New Orleans. Serving as a colony of Imperial Spain and reporting back to the Vice-Royal in Cuba, no island would have a bigger impact on the economic and social fabric in New Orleans and its white, enslaved, and free person of color populations in Louisiana. With the Haitian revolution ending with the defeat in France in 1804, Haiti would serve as an island that would influence New Orleans from 1,400 miles away that has a lasting impact on the city. Revolution in Haiti would scare all slave owners into worrying about what their own economic future would be as tens of thousands of Haitians moved to Louisiana. Their move (forced or not), to the soon to be American city and state, still a French speaking colony, would lead to the creation of a continental America and an eventual end of Napoleonic control of New Orleans. With the failure of French power over colonies in North America & the Caribbean, millions of acres of what would become the Louisiana Purchase would be on the table for the United States to acquire. The one-day zoom-only symposium will invite speakers discussing what was happening in Saint-Domingue to lead the Haitians to revolt, the impact the revolution had on Louisiana and the impact that it would have on expansion of the United States.
For more information,
Tickets available here:
Job Opportunities and Fellowships
Visiting Assistant Professor, Writing
Department of English
Tulane School of Liberal Arts
The Department of English seeks two Visiting Assistant Professors to teach in the Freshman Writing program with a possibility of other courses depending on needs. Housed in the English Department, the Freshman Writing Program at Tulane University brings together outstanding faculty to teach academic writing in a seminar-style setting.
For more information, please visit
Assistant Professor of Communication, Activist Media
Department of Communication
Tulane School of Liberal Arts
The Department of Communication at Tulane University invites applications for a tenure track position at the Assistant Professor rank for a scholar of activist media. We are especially interested in applicants whose research-based creative practice and/or practice-based scholarship engages the lives, experiences, and cultural traditions of Black, Indigenous, or marginalized communities and explores the relationships between media and social justice. Regional specialization is open, and work may draw on a variety of disciplines and methodologies related to media and communication studies, including gender studies and queer theory, critical race studies, postcolonial/decolonial studies, cultural studies, critical ethnography, and/or their intersections. Tulane’s Communication faculty have strengths in the study of the representations that occur on the Internet, shifts in epistemologies related to digitalization, and social uses of technologies and their political implications. We are engaged in collaborative and participatory initiatives and social innovations that exemplify communicative practices between critical theories, everyday life, and social movements. We seek a faculty colleague to expand our understanding of and teaching about digital activism, resistance and struggles for social justice, as well as the intersections of media, cultural identities, and socio/political formations, an area of the undergraduate curriculum we seek to bolster. See description of our curriculum here: Candidates should be prepared to teach our core course 'Cross Cultural Analysis'.
Located in New Orleans – a city with tremendous diversity of cultures and communities, Tulane University is a tier-one research university in the United States. Our 15th President, Mike Fitts, has strong commitments to anti-racism that the Tulane School of Architecture has taken up in multiple ways. The Tulane School of Architecture is an innovator in the field of the built environment at multiple scales, from buildings to neighborhoods and from urban landscapes to regional planning. The City of New Orleans and the Mississippi Delta are our natural domains of research. The city is home to a diverse community steeped in a long history of action and exchange.
For more information, please visit
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Title Card Photo Credit: Bruce "Sunpie" Barnes