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Dear Friend:

We are so grateful for the donors who stepped up to be a part of ReFED's first-ever Giving Tuesday campaign, but we want you all to know there is still time to give and be a part of the 2021 matching gift effort!

ReFED is the national nonprofit leading the fight against food loss and waste across the food system, and your support really makes a difference. We know that there are many deserving nonprofit organizations that are asking, but our work is central to solving so many issues. Fighting food waste addresses climate change by reducing the methane in landfills and making the best use of resources for production. It makes sure food feeds people, especially assuring healthy, nutritious meals for people in need. And reducing food loss and waste helps more businesses across the food system thrive. Think of it as a triple bottom line benefit (and then some!).

Stopping food waste just makes sense.

ReFED's work is a vital part of the food waste landscape, and you can learn more about our impact here. Every contribution you make will go directly to our mission work. Join the movement by giving today and your gift will still be doubled by a generous donor match.

Again, thanks to all who have already donated and to those of you who will join the movement today!
Donate Now
Shawn Shepherd
Director of Development


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