
Wondering about Sunday's worship service?

Keep reading ...

You might have seen the email specifically sharing how HCPC is positioning our approach to ministry under the Covid-19 Protection Framework. If not, please head over to our website and read the section on Covid-19 (- it can be found here).

This email is intended to share with everyone how the next couple of Sundays will play out at HCPC as we journey through Advent 2021.  

  1. We are making the most of the lovely weather and will be gathering outside.
  2. Whilst we attempt to provide some shade with Gazebo's and Umbrella's it might be wise to bring a hat or other sun protection.
  3. Our services are slightly altered in format as we embrace being outside. Everything is a little more informal. However, you can expect music, prayers, readings, teaching/sermon from our minister and the great fellowship that HCPC is known for.
  4. Under the RED phase of the Covid-19 Protection Framework, morning tea will be BYO (bring your own), this also applies to seating etc.
  5. Please ensure you read the signs that will be visible at the entrance to the gathering (examples of these are included in this email). This will have information on the protocol that is applicable to the gathering, such as My Vaccine Pass requirements, etc.
  6. If you prefer to attend the gathering where Vaccine Passes are not required, please send a text to 021956581 to confirm your attendance. This will allow us to adapt to the demand should it become necessary.
Protocols that apply to each of the gatherings

The signage to look for at the gathering where we will require everyone to present their My Vaccine Pass will look like this.

The signage to look for at the gathering where we will not require a My Vaccine Pass will look like this.
What we have attempted with the signage is to create a quick and clear way to indicate the protocols that everyone at the gathering are expected to adhere to.
Information about the various services over the weekend of Christmas will follow next week.
I would like to end this email by thanking you for your continued support. Covid-19 has had a tremendous impact on our parish and our community, but we will rebuild, and restart, and adapt to whatever the future might bring. 

The Covid-19 Protection framework brings some relief and enables us to return to doing the things we love. It is also a time of experimentation for HCPC, where services will take on a different form to what we were used to and the Op Shop might operate during altered hours. This time brings opportunity for growth in itself as we are forced to think and do ministry in new ways.

May we pray and work together. May we embrace the new ways by which God might be connecting us to the Hibiscus Coast Community. May we receive the grace to become bearers of Christ's Hope, Peace, Joy and Love this Christmas.

See you Sunday!!

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