In this month's newsletter:
When we were in school, it was all about reading, writing, and arithmetic. However, as we grew older, the “writing” part became overlooked. When was the last time you wrote anything more than an e-mail or Facebook post? Writing is slowly becoming an endangered art. While an older generation learned though “Schoolhouse Rock,” a new generation learns Common Core standards. The “fun” of writing has been diminished somewhat, and in the process the dearth of serious writing requirements continues to diminish.
Why is this an issue? Without writing skills, professional growth is stunted. Writing is required to draft reports, grants, manuscripts, evaluations, and on and on. While training for computer-based programs are emphasized (ex: MS Office, programming, database management), writing is not. The problem arises when the writing is needed. Without the ability to draft coherent arguments and logical reports, staff are not being taught the required skills for management. While most can compose a Powerpoint with bullet points, is this more important than a well-thought out three page report? We are slowly moving to quick responses and are beginning to overlook detailed writing abilities.
This month, AMG focuses on resources to improve your writing skills. For those who are managers or aspire to be managers, good leadership requires quality draftsmanship and writing skills. And, for those who have no clue what the earlier-mentioned “Schoolhouse Rock” is, check out Disney+ for a fun educational lesson. Conjunction junction, indeed.
Mark Lucas
Chair, Administrative Management Group
Recommendations to Enhance Your Grant Writing Skills
by Hamida Askaryar, Program Manager, UCLA Pediatric Dentistry
By Carla Gonzalez
They say first impressions are everything, and resumes are one of the most common ways we make a first impression in job/award applications or when building professional connections. There are many ways to write a resume, but what do the experts say? See the graphic above for the most important tips to incorporate into a resume that will stand out.
By Carla Gonzalez
Writing about yourself can be difficult, and even more challenging when it is requirement with a deadline! Although self-performance evaluations are not easy to write, you can start preparing early to help guide you through the process! See the graphic above for tips to prepare for writing your evaluation.
From Grace Fransisca
Grant Writing Simplified with Teresa Huff
Listening to the Grant Writing Simplified podcast to learn how to make a big impact in your community through grant writing and nonprofit consulting. Teresa Huff, former special ed teacher turned grant writer and nonprofit strategist will teach you the strategies she has used to help nonprofits triple their funding.
Grant Writing & Funding
Holly Rustick, world-renowned grant writer, Amazon bestselling author, and nonprofit Guru, reveals all her freelance business tips, grant writing strategies, nonprofit funding action steps, and tips and tools so you can be ahead of the curve with your freelance grant writing business, nonprofit consultancy, or nonprofit organization.
What do you want to see in future issues of the AMG Newsletter?
Please e-mail us and let us know!
The UCLA Administrative Management Group (AMG) is devoted to the professional development of managers on campus, and those who aspire to become managers.
AMG is a campus organization whose mission is to:
- Provide opportunities for professional growth and development
- Create a forum for effective communication between academic, administrative and service managers and professionals at UCLA
- Become a sounding board for implementing new processes
- Provide the University with a pool of talented professionals
- Establish a vehicle for discussion of common concerns, challenges,
and solutions; and to share knowledge and expertise