Please forgive our error; we posted incorrect links in our last email. The links have been updated and will take you to our 2021 Annual Report--we apologize for the resend!

For W.O.M.A.N., Inc., 2021 has been a year characterized by perseverance and hope. Amidst the unpredictable, we collectively cope with the enduring nature of the global pandemic and the layered impacts it continues to have on survivors, the community and ourselves.

This past year, W.O.M.A.N., Inc. continued to see increased levels of demand for services and support, as the challenges of the pandemic continued to be felt. In fact, we increased service provision this year by over 25%. Many families continued to experience turmoil related to health, employment, finances, childcare, and isolation, increasing the sort of stress that can catalyze and exacerbate abuse. 

In addition to navigating the challenges of 2021, our team and survivor community experienced profound grounding, growth, and successes that we are proud to raise up in this report. Some of these include expansion of our services to better meet survivor needs, building of new partnerships to deepen collaboration on our collective work, and establishing an exciting new agency leadership structure. 

As we continue our work alongside survivors on their healing journeys, we hope that you will consider becoming our partner in this effort by making a monetary donation to W.O.M.A.N., Inc. Financial contributions from our community members are crucial to the success of the work we do, especially during times like these where we need to be able to act nimbly to meet survivor needs as they emerge. 

We look forward to moving into 2022 together, with passion for our mission, mutual support amongst our survivor community, and dedication to the collective work ahead. 

In solidarity,
Mary Martinez, Co-Director
Jill Zawisza, Co-Director

Click here to read the Executive Summary of our 2021 Annual Report 
Copyright © 2021 W.O.M.A.N., Inc., All rights reserved.

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